Too heavy? only 2 weeks old..WTF


Well-Known Member
the method i use for my plants that are falling over to sides because they get too tall or "top heavy" is i very gently squeeze the main stems from bottom to all the way to the top . doing this will crush the inner fibers allowing nutrients to go throughout the whole entire plants which will make its main stalk stronger. First day or 2 they will slump over but once the fibers rebuild up they will be golden.... Thats how i solved my top heavy problem..
this thread is like 3 years old! lol...


they died :( kaput.
ill retry next month
Sorry bout yer bad (luck?) results?
seriously, I was sorry to see that, but I'm curious; what type of lighting were you using on 'em? and how did they die? did they fall over, or did they die standing up? I'm curious for several reasons that I won't go into unless you want to know.



Well-Known Member
next time try starting them lower in cup fill cup like 3/4 full let them grow a couple days add diff in dirt on wobbaly stem for support especially if growing sativas

and also it looks like yoy had your lights to far away which will make plants stretch and get lanky

maybe you will get better advise from the more advanced growers me im growing a year now still learnin but enjoying the jurney

there is a lot to learn about this hobby

good luck to you my brother


New Member
next time try starting them lower in cup fill cup like 3/4 full let them grow a couple days add diff in dirt on wobbaly stem for support especially if growing sativas

and also it looks like yoy had your lights to far away which will make plants stretch and get lanky

maybe you will get better advise from the more advanced growers me im growing a year now still learnin but enjoying the jurney

there is a lot to learn about this hobby

good luck to you my brother

before replying, did any of you hapen to take the time to LOOK and see how OLD this thread is?

it was started in like december of 2006

i really dont think the guy gives a shit at this point


New Member
oh, and one more thing. for future reference for whomever looks at this thread for answers.

try potting your seeds deep enough and use proper lighting. tis way you wont get the elongated stems.

throw those flourescent lights away and buy a metal halide. if you cant afford a metal halide, grow you shit outside where it can get some real light.


Active Member
Ditto what widow maker just said. I had the same problem with some new sprouts that were too far away from CFLs. Here they are all 'strawed' up.

I put straws around these guys then built up soil a little bit...

They were looking fine in this picture! What happened?!

Increase air circulation to build stronger stems or move the light closer to combat stretching.

best of luck with your next grows!


Active Member
Idiots who can't read dates or OPS.

The tard of the thread starter had FOUR plants in ONE pot. And three in another. That's why they fell over.
