Too much cow manure

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
A fellow forum member told me to watch out using cow manure, since there is so much nitrogen that it could keep the plant in veg too long. Now I'm having second thoughts on my soil mix; I'm second guessing whether I used too much. I don't want to dig the plant up, so is there anything on the market that will break down the nitrogen levels before they become an issue? The hole I dug was about 4 feet deep, and I have the cow manure in it at every level, not just the topsoil. Any help is appreciated.

G Dubya Bush

Active Member
If it was the bagged cow manure you find at garden centers then you should be fine. Most of this BS has been taken from large commercial lots and left out to compost in the sun and rain and fairly low nitrogen levels.

If this BS was some you hauled from a barn, and contains bedding such as straw that sopped up a lot of urine, then the nitrogen level may be too high.

G Dubya Bush

Active Member
a 4' deep hole is pretty big. I bet you'll be fine. That stuff is no where near as strong as chemical fertilizers. Its probably less than a 1-1-1 npk level


Active Member

I love your handle and avatar! It's disturbing yet the same time. As for your BS issue, I think the plants will do really well in it. I've had tomatoes grow in 100% BS and the leaves are green and lush. Also...I doubt the nitrogen content dictates how long they veg.

Keep us updated, please.



Well-Known Member
in o4ausername's 08/09 monster attempt thread, he planted one of (what turned out to be) his monster's in "straight cow shit". it's on like the 3rd page or so. anyway, it turns out to be a bush the likes of which i've never seen.the one beside his house, in the ground, yielded over 10 lbs! and the one in the container w/ cow poo looked (almost) as big. check it out and maybe it'll ease your mind.