Too Small (Stunted?)


shawarma king
and the roots? how do they look? stunted or growing fine? This is baffling cause everything seems to be right on the money for good growth. Maybe it is a short strain and is waiting for 12/12 (grasping at straws)?
I can only see the top roots if I move some of the hydroton away and they are white and fuzzy.

Here are some pictures of them as they near five weeks-



shawarma king
I think I will send some of these pictures to the seed company and ask their opinion. I will let you know what they say.


Active Member
I have some babies going at 4 weeks, and they are right about where your are. I am using the same bulb and everything.

I cant keep any humidity, it always below 30%, which I think slows them down a little.

My guess is you are fine, they are just going a little slow.


shawarma king
I have some babies going at 4 weeks, and they are right about where your are. I am using the same bulb and everything.

I cant keep any humidity, it always below 30%, which I think slows them down a little.

My guess is you are fine, they are just going a little slow.
I guess that is possible. But, I imagine slow growth like this is a sign that something is not right. These are hybrids and should act like it. If they continue like this, I don't doubt that they will veg and flower, but the yield will be very disappointing for the amount of effort expended in keeping them alive.

Further, I was planning to find a mother in this group. I don't think I will choose any of these for that purpose.


shawarma king
They are still small for their age -- will be forever runts.

But, they smell sweet and I have to force myself not to play with their leaves and smell my fingers. :hump:

The first picture is of a plant that is showing pre-flowers and they are male. But, I'll wait a few days just to double check.

Still need advice and opinions as to why they never really took off in veg.



Well-Known Member
thats my guess is just a slow growing strain. you sound like you have everything in check. how did u set up ur diy hydro setup? i diyed my veg box flood and drain tray for like 50 bucks and it works great.


Well-Known Member
thats very true i just planted some seeds that are outgrowing seeds planted two weeks before. It may just be that strain