Too soon to flower?

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Hey skeeter, just looked at your plants, and you definitely have a hermie on your hands there. And I would say it is definitely from trimming the leaves. It's stress. You already know.

Regarding the pollen, it will look the stuff outside, yes. Maybe not quite so yellow. Check the branches beneath the pod to see if there's anything there. You'd know pretty quick. Don't be fooled though, it is not a flower.

How many of these have you seen? I dropped a light on 2 of my girls about a month ago, and a couple little balls started to shoot out from the nodes where the damage occurred, possibly because I snipped off the leaves and didn't let them die off, but they were pretty messed up. I just plucked them off and haven't seen anything since. There were only 2 on one plant and one on the other. You can see pics in my journal, but they are healthy girls at day 39 of flower.

So just be vigilant and catch them before they open. Watch out for ones growing within the buds, but that shouldn't be a problem.

Good luck:leaf:


New Member
Thanks bro. It is making a little sense to me. Basically I need to monitor the ph and ppm and adjust it every day to maximize results. Nute cost can add up. Next grow I am going to a one res system. Separate water farms are a pain when the plants are this big and use this half the water in the res in one day.
What do you grow in? I have to go check your thread. You can lie to me anytime T420A! lol


New Member
Sup JG!
One toke over the line sweet Jesus! Thanks for stopping by. We are on the same page my friend. Yea, too much aggressive trimming caused my hermie I do believe. This has been a good experiment for me and maybe for other newbs following.
Good advice JG. I appreciate your help and comments. I think your dead on. I have found maybe ten total. The plant I did not trim as much has had none. I pullem as soon as I see them now. Only one place had two/three sack cluster. The rest have been just one sack beside a flower near where I cut the leaf off.
I checked for pollen this morning. I saw a few tiny yellow flakes on the tops of a couple of leaves. Very small. I just wiped them off. I don’t see any under the leaves or around the open sac. There could be another one or two sacs I didn’t see somewhere. I am going to do a flush and nute change today so I will checkem good.
That’s good to hear yours did not grow back. Mine hasn’t either so far.
Going to check out your show!

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
hay skeet whats up. glad u could make some sense of my taking on ph and ppm. thats a freaky little plant you got there never seen it before but fucking cool looking. my first grow started in some cheap ass soil that cost like 2.00 a bag. now ive switched to miracle crow peatmoss that is broken up and ready to spread out. it seems to hold more water and is easier for me to ph that the cheap shit that was way to barky.


New Member
Hey T420A
I starting to get a grip on PH. I can control it I just want to understand the corrilation between it all.

Trim is a cool plant. That stem is SICK!!! Thats why i did not want to kill it. Its my hermie. I been all over them sacs. No pollen i can tell as of yet.

I use mirical grow and peat moss in my flower beds. Worked great on legal shit! lol Iread a lot about coco or something some soil growers use. Suppose to be the shit!

Holly Shiaaaaat T420A!!! Thats your hermie? FcknA Man..Ill take them buds anyday!!! Man I am glad I didnt kill mine now! When they are ready just ring the dinner bell and Ill bring the BONG!!!!

I checked out your thred. Nice GROW man!!!


New Member
Man these waterfarms require water and adjustment everyday when the plants get big. :wall: Gonna have a new system on the next grow.
Here are the readings before I started the change:
Trim plant: 6.4 PH 3300 PPM
Bush: 6.4 PH 2800PPM
They started the same. Hum??? :confused:
Drained the res. Added 2 gallons on ph adjusted pure water and let run while I got the nutes ready.
I have been messing with this ph stuff for a few days. The water goes down and the ph and ppm goes up. In one wf I am going to lower the ph back to 5.8 and read the ppm without adding water. Then on the other wf fill the res back to full with water and adjust ph and then read ppm. Maybe this will tell me if the plants are using the nutes. I think the by adding the water back to full and adjusting the PH, if the PPM goes down the plants are using the nute but if the PPM goes up or stays the same they are not using the nutes. Not sure yet. I am going to try it tomorrow and see what happens. I just want to know if the plants are using the nutes. There has to be a correlation and I am going to figure it out!!! :hump:
My drip rings had plugged up. :cuss:I am glad it was not the pickup. I think it was from the extra koolbloom I was adding. It appears it was also jacking up my ppm. I cut back to the recommended amount. You should have seen the crap that came out. After the clean they work better than ever.
Drained the water from the res while flushing with a gallon on pure water. After the run and flush with clean water: 6.9 PH and 390 PPM. My water was 7 PH and 150 PPM. I think this mean I have some buildup but not bad, I think!!! lol
Cleaned everything, tied some limbs and trimmed some leaves. New nutes added: 5.8 PH and 2300 PPM.
One thing I have noticed besides the hermie thing is that the trimmed plant has grown taller and thicker than the bush and has more flowers lower. More light penetration. I have trimmed some on the Bush but not nearly as much. The Bush was taller when I started. Hummm…Some trim good; too much bad…
I extended my lease for a month so I can finish these bitches. Hopefully chop in six weeks. Dunno? Now the next few weeks are going to be FUN watching the buds grow. Now listen up my girls Trim and Bush, get your ass to budding!!! lol :blsmoke:


the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
i think a rule of thumb is ad nutes first then ph and ppm adjust and check after that. and supposively growth spurts are around week 4 and 8 so dont cutt to early. im waiting on that second growth spurt.


New Member
Thats what I do. I add nutes then adjust the PH. Growth spurt KOOL! I am coming up on 4 weeks! They just have to be chopped and dried by the mid June. About 7.5 weeks from today. Thanks for the advice bro!

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
went and checked on my girls tonite i think i might be hitting the final growth spurt myself. theres new hairs growing again after a good portion has already turned brown. i wonder if this is something universal that u can see everytime it starts. i would like to see my tall sativa fatten up just a little more. so out of the last nine i took over to the flower room i got 5 new girls. 9 more went in on sunday and waiting sex. then 8 more will go in this weekend. and i got 15 more seedlings on the rise, i figure two weeks on those and they can go in. trying to get the magic number twenty and yield atleast 2lbs or more. im guessing 2 ozs a plant maybe that should put me at the mark.i will have a big pigpiken to celebrate sucess.

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
its gonna be hot soon down here in the south and im going to have to rethink my air plumbing because i have none. i know i will go cheap and simple nothing beats cheap and simple.


New Member
Haven’t seen anymore hermie sacs. That’s a good thing. I think some pollen has been released but I am ok with that now. Just grow and learn baby. :hump:
Each plant uses almost a gallon of water in 24 hours now and the ph goes from 5.8 to 6.4 consistently. From my daily monitoring / analysis of PH and PPM I think the plants are using the nutes. From my constant analysis this last week I have determined that keeping the PH in a good range is the key to the plant using the nutes. In 24 hours it uses a gal of water and the PPM is staying about this same or maybe a little higher. If I fill the res with water the PPM drops about ½. And when I add a gal of nutes the PPM is where it should be. This is why I believe the plants are using the nutes. One thing is I think these water farms hold a lot of residue that makes your PPM go up. I am going to flush more the next time.
Anyway, today I added a gal of nutes and adjusted the PH, 5.8 and 2300 PPM on each.
Here are some pics to show the trimmed and untrimmed plants for comparison. I trimmed until the 2nd week of flower. Now I am only removing leaves that shade bud sites of the trimmed plant (Trim). The untrimmed (Bush) I just push them down to let more light to the bud. I only trim Bush when it is too bushy. Some of the bottom limbs on Trim are almost as tall as the main ones. The funny thing is they were the farther away from the light. I kept the shorter limb directly under the bulb. I think they did not stretch because they did not have to where the others farther away did. When the trimming started Bush was taller than trim by 2” and now Trim is 2” taller than Bush.
I am also using two different air stones. A 4” straight and 4” round. It appears the 4” straight has developed the biggest root ball. The straight also seems to make finer bubbles. I assume more roots the better for sucking up the nutes.
Thinking about adding molasses. Has anyone used it? Waterfarm? Worth it?
Take a lOOk! :weed:


the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
plants look good main nice little bushes. cant wait to see what there gonna look like finished. i use molasses with my grow but i use soil, i dont know how it will effect your res. the air stone may keep the mix turning not allowing it to settle and clog anything. ive read the square air stones work the best nice to see its true. im gonna try some dwc next time with a couple plants.


New Member
Thanks bro. They are short and fat. I keept my t5 1" from them and my 600hps about 4 or 5" away. I think it kept them from streching. I cant wait too see how they mature. I fuck them all up in the beginning. I caint wait to do it right with some good seeds. I have some white widdow, big bud and mazar affcan. I have read some bad reports from people about the website I got them from. I hope there are not shit seeds.

I have to do some research on molasses. I see where it adds to bud growth and also so does co2. I saw pics with and without co2. Have to try that after I move.

I bought like 5 stomes and those two seem to make the best bubbles. I think the 4" round would do better with a stronger pump. but with my pumps the 4" straight has produced the bigest root ball.

You can make a dwc very cheap and easy!!!


Well-Known Member
If it self pollenated and its a female you should have feminized seeds.Nice little grow.Good job!


New Member

Thanks man. I appreciate that.

No shit? Feminized seeds? That would be kool. Not sure what it is but it was some good smoke. They are both female but one hermied a little. Not sure if it dropped pollen or not. Only seen a few little yellow specs here and there that might have been.

Thanks for the info!!!
man they look mad bushy for such small plant, pretty cool havent seen that b4 although i have grown a couple 3 inch plants and they budded lol got about a gram off each one that was my first grow but i dont why they were so small they were in a massive pot ohwell they were sik minitures and budded haha


New Member
Thanks weedforafeed

They do seem to be unique from what i have seen posted. I am very pleased for my fist grow.

I would like to see those 3" budders. Have any pics? Postem up bro!