Toopping autoflowers

OK,....I posted this question in another forum with no replies yet. Need some experienced growers to figure this one out. I'm growing Nirvana's short rider in a small growbow (2ftx4ftx4ft tall) i WOUD'NT HESITATE TOPPING THE GIRLS, AT 3 OR 4 WEEKS using uncle bens method for getting 4 colas. ,but because the veg for such a short time..(.sometimes they start to flower at 3 weeks) I plan on 4 or 5 plants in that box (got 3 sprouts now and more coming) and want to fill the space and of course maximize yield....should they be topped or just let them go and maybe a little LST if height becomes an issue. Some have reported these plants between 2 and 4 ft at finish. Thanks


Active Member
Ok, I used to top my autoflowers all the time. Infact I gave a friend some autoseeds and told him about topping. He heard me, but he didn't really listen. He ended up spending a few weeks just topping away, till I gave him a visit and told him to cease and desist. He had been doing to much... sorta.

I came to realize that even though we both had the same strain, same setup and same nutes, his was bushier and had obviously been vegging for a long time. While mine was already in flowering, his was still recovering from all the topping(and still in vegstate). He harvested later than I did, but I would say he yielded a lot more. So without knowing it, he managed to veg out his Auto longer than me. (Me who topped, rested, topped again, and stopped topping)

So from my experiences, Autos do respond to topping. In fact, they will veg longer if you top them. Which is great!


Well-Known Member
that kinda defeats the whole purpose of an auto flower if you want a bigger yeild get a different strain....


Well-Known Member
what i think would be cool with a auto and i have not tryed rollll..................LST'ing it thats worth a shot and it whont shock your plants. it might work it might not if it dosent youll have a slanted plant same yeild it would have given you if it dose you may have a couple of colas and a higher yeild....


Well-Known Member
I agree that topping an autoflower kinda defeats the purpose....if one wishes to veg longer, just grow a non-auto....hell it ain't rocket science....

Silent Running

Active Member
Have done both. LST and topped low ryders. The topped one almost seemed to stunt whereas the lst'ed one responded great. You just have to make sure to do it fairly early. My low ryders started showing sex between 20-27 days in.