Topping ?'s


Well-Known Member
I'm a complete newb but I've been using a combination of topping, trimming, and training and this is what I end up with (6 weeks into flower, 2 or 3 to go):

There are 5 colas, the 1 on the right is covering its sister. Also this is right before a pruning of leaves (see the bright yellow one) and right before watering, hence the droopy leaves.

As was mentioned I do this to control height and to give me all big main colas. Each cola on this plant is as big as the single cola on my first plant at the same stage.


Well-Known Member
I don't mean to hijack the thread but while we're here...Should topping and FIM-ing be done before the plant is put into the light or before it's put into the dark (on an 18/6 schedule)? Also, is there anything I can do to minimize the overall shock on the plant?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you want to top/FIM early in veg. I have topped in flower but that was on an experimental plant. It slows growth of course but if you're having an issue it will work. I ended up with two weak main colas instead of one nice one.


Well-Known Member
I now it sounds crazy but i just go ape on my plants start topping at a young age like 3 week if that and jsut keep topping untill I feel happy with the way my plants turns out most of the time a hugh f-ing bush with like 50 colas weeds great to smoke now lack of thc at all and crystaly as hell