

Well-Known Member
Seriously though, you gotta let her grow a bit more first.

You might wanna get the light closer too to keep it from getting lanky.
Nodes are actually pretty tight. My money says hes using a cfl or a 7 watt led and it stretched a bit at first but now its in the "sweet spot". I honestly think if i wanted to mainline one this is when i would do it..... but i like to have 6-10 branches..... Gotta be able to get around the base of the girl to water and what not.


Well-Known Member
Nodes are actually pretty tight. My money says hes using a cfl or a 7 watt led and it stretched a bit at first but now its in the "sweet spot". I honestly think if i wanted to mainline one this is when i would do it..... but i like to have 6-10 branches..... Gotta be able to get around the base of the girl to water and what not.
I've topped at this stage, but mine looked really happy when I did it that early. It might just be the pic, but I'd want at least a couple really nice looking nodes first.

And I'm constantly still not leaving enough room to water. I try to keep them from stretching out, and then in the middle, I wished I had let them stretch a bit. My Green Crack I have flowering now is one of them. Top dressing is even more of a bitch. I just gave it a little mixture last night.