Total Noob using teas and I am a believer


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I am really sorry I have been away. I will return in regular fashion after the new year. I have been eating a ton of shit sandwiches since before Thanksgiving. I wanted to wish you all Happy Holidays and a very Happy New Year. You guys are the greatest crew and I am beyond lucky to call you all my friends. Take care boys.
Wish you a good safe time. We all know your busy with the new movie release.


Well-Known Member

I was just tipping my hat to Bohdi for adding one bean for spirit.


Sort of a bakers dozen...well. It is eleven, and were baked!


Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I meant genetics
Well spotted, the Appalachia daddy adds a chemmy funk and structure to all the crosses and ramps the resin production up to 300 percent lol... But bro HUGE yields and I mean it. Ridiculous buds. I had a few phenos on the DB that looked like chems in flower, weird-ass knobbly yet solid buds. So if you are looking for a 'chem gone mental' then search no more.

Check this nug out. Looks like a Chem to me.

Out of all the newer releases at the Tude Appalachian Thunderfuck is the one to go for, SHOE has grow almost all the Bodhi gear you can imagine and he reckoned ATF is one of the most vigorous plants he has ever seen and DANK. So, IF I survive Christmas with any money left *sigh* I want to invest in a pack. I'll take SHOE's word any day.


Well-Known Member
My blood oranges looked so good and fast from 2 week bloom start, that I had to pull em and re veg. I don't care if it takes a month. Transplanted them into a 10% biochar mix, and want some clones first. Maybe it's this strain or bare bulb CMH....or BOTH ;)

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
My blood oranges looked so good and fast from 2 week bloom start, that I had to pull em and re veg. I don't care if it takes a month. Transplanted them into a 10% biochar mix, and want some clones first. Maybe it's this strain or bare bulb CMH....or BOTH ;)
LOL LOL LOL... I DID tell you Bodhi's gear kicks ass from day one Red... There is a reason this is the ONLY guy who's gear I will recommend for somebody else's lab. Don't worry those B.O's should veg for a few weeks even going straight 12/12, getting them vegged out will be easy and really fast. You have pre-flowers yet? If not, then they have not made the hormonal change to flower.

Hope you all are having a great holiday! Getting ready for the new year's projects, gonna be an EPIC one!


Well-Known Member
LOL LOL LOL... I DID tell you Bodhi's gear kicks ass from day one Red... There is a reason this is the ONLY guy who's gear I will recommend for somebody else's lab. Don't worry those B.O's should veg for a few weeks even going straight 12/12, getting them vegged out will be easy and really fast. You have pre-flowers yet? If not, then they have not made the hormonal change to flower.

Hope you all are having a great holiday! Getting ready for the new year's projects, gonna be an EPIC one!
I left 2 talls and 2 shorties in bloom. No pre yet...think they do a 3 week veg before showing. Got some tiny 1/16 holes in a few leaves. Upon thorough inspection, I don't notice anything on me babies. They only had 1 week foliar at lights out, and soils not hot. Weird. Are there any pests that just munch at just @ night?

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I left 2 talls and 2 shorties in bloom. No pre yet...think they do a 3 week veg before showing. Got some tiny 1/16 holes in a few leaves. Upon thorough inspection, I don't notice anything on me babies. They only had 1 week foliar at lights out, and soils not hot. Weird. Are there any pests that just munch at just @ night?
Badass, they will veg like crazy mate. I also have these very odd little pin-prick holes in some leaves on my outdoor. Can't find a bug any where. I have looked and looked. Ramped up IPM a tiny bit too, not serious damage. Looks like the holes were microscopic and are getting bigger along with the leaf. PERFECT little holes so for sure some kind of critter. I am baffled as of now. I will figure it out, though.


Well-Known Member
I left 2 talls and 2 shorties in bloom. No pre yet...think they do a 3 week veg before showing. Got some tiny 1/16 holes in a few leaves. Upon thorough inspection, I don't notice anything on me babies. They only had 1 week foliar at lights out, and soils not hot. Weird. Are there any pests that just munch at just @ night?
green caterpillars or white flies or leaf miners. they don't like peppermint. try some dr. bronners peppermint soap in a foliar. leaf miners will leave trails on the leaf that looks like as if a snail cruised across the leaf.


Well-Known Member
green caterpillars or white flies or leaf miners. they don't like peppermint. try some dr. bronners peppermint soap in a foliar. leaf miners will leave trails on the leaf that looks like as if a snail cruised across the leaf.
I hate peppermint more than anything. It might repel me lol. So much for my organic defense huh. Lobster and VC, crab shell, CTs, 'immune boosting' amendments, foliars, etc. Really chaps my ass.


Well-Known Member
I hate peppermint more than anything. It might repel me lol. So much for my organic defense huh. Lobster and VC, crab shell, CTs, 'immune boosting' amendments, foliars, etc. Really chaps my ass.
lavender might work. I know it repels mites. I never tried it on those other buggers.


Well-Known Member
You know I was thinking bout some sautéed pepper for fajitas and pesticide JIC. I don't know the lavender recipes exactly, but I'm down for the flower power. Unless you mean the herb lol. Pisses me off seeing a nice forrest shaded fat leaf with f'n drill pressed holes. Today I caught my self not watering again, and smacking bags and pots, hoping something would fly out so I could fuck it up. I even found some dead ladybugs...RIP Guy, Mr. L, and Lacy. I mean really guys, how much pest prev. is in LOS (which is full of all forms of life)? I have these little beneficial mites doing laps and lady bugs lurking and still have effin holes. I'll try some CT foliar soon. Fuck em all up.