Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

Hey guys, sorry to cut in. I'm still waiting on my magnifier and getting antsy. I know you're supposed to tell by the trich's but I was wondering if anyone's expertise could maybe give me an idea of whether or not I'll be flowering much longer...

If you don't have the scope go by the amount of red vs white pistils. The top of the plant may finish later then the lower buds too. I'd say at 75% red cut them. Looks great. :clap:
Need some help identifying the issue with this plant. Never had this problem yet, the leafs look rusted in some spots.20130922_182219.jpg
I don't use a magnifier. Trichomes change throughout the day. Best to check them when lights first turn on. Anyway. I do trial and error with my strains. Til I find what I like. My rule of thumb. When it very first looks done to the naked eye. Almost no white hairs (indica doms) give it another week. Sativa doms will almost always have some white hairs when done.
Thank you guys. I better crank up the ca then. I was stumped and aggregated , I have oastershell meal for ca, I grow with coco so I guess that there might be truth to it needing more ca, I feed lightly so I was just confused because I hear organic nutes dont burn and I use .5 tsp per gallon or 1 cup for 40 gallons.
While on the "use what's available" and calcium subject, has anyone used roasted egg shells and cider vinegar for soluble calcium? Again sorry if this has been mentioned. Really have to read this entire thread one day.
Ca is a lot more available than people think in soil. If the soil is natural this isn't common. If bottle feeding, then I suppose some lockout could occur.
Whats a slurry? I will go get some straight worm castings, I been using fox farm soil conditioner for my supersoil, it has quano and worm castings in it.
They're always such calcium gluttons in coco. I have coco chips galore in my compost pile, but will never again buy coco.

May11th... I'd buy a bottle of some cal-mag product. Nip that shit in the bud with some synth bottled crap and move on. They shouldn't need the cal-mag for long, but that shit'll spread like wild fire if it is indeed a simple calcium deficiency and it doesn't get addressed.

TeaLAB... The Earth Compound gets saved for my 15 gallon vortex brewer, and I go light on it. By the way, all of my brewers are home-made. They work just as well, no wait, better than the over priced one's commercially available.

Gandolf... I can't see Earth Compound not being being a fantastic product to apply, in any fashion, in conjunction with any regiment out there. I do believe that to really get your money's worth, you should inoculate your soil with it while it's cooking, or slightly prior to a new round of clones/seeds. There's your BTI/nematodes/protozoa, and a little bit of everything else wonderful and organic... yeah yeah... Now you will make sure to save at least half of your bag of Earth Compound for a great foliar to use in conjunction with your aloe, coconut, alfalfa, kelp, aact, seed enzyme, or whatever other foliar regiment you may have adopted.
I dont bottle feed anything in bottles besides fish immulsion, I like dry nutes but use to use general organics, I been doing better things without that stuff. I hate seeing sick plants but its by my doing, still learning and adapting to my strains.
Thank you guys. I better crank up the ca then. I was stumped and aggregated , I have oastershell meal for ca, I grow with coco so I guess that there might be truth to it needing more ca, I feed lightly so I was just confused because I hear organic nutes dont burn and I use .5 tsp per gallon or 1 cup for 40 gallons.

I like to precharge my coco with calmag before even using. Also add 1 tbsp of dolomite lime/gallon of coco. I've never had Ca deficiency, but heard it's annoying as hell. Good luck and keep us posted.
Throw all used coco in the compost pile, and never buy it again!

I've only recently realized this, but am confident that all would benefit from forgetting about coco.

Less is more!

We've got to all forget about fucking calcium deficiencies and nutrient burn and god damn caterpillars, and focus on the things we cannot see. The microbes. The energy.

Work as hard as you can to achieving complete self sustainability as quickly as possible, in every single aspect of life, and your garden will thank you, and you will be happy. The end.

Oh yeah... If you haven't started reading all the ROLS threads you can find on here and ICM, or wherever else you may find info regarding ROLS, then stop what you are doing, and do that. Do work!
I throw egg shells in my worm bin. The only coco I ever get is what I pull off of coconuts. Calcium is in almost everything. Its in kelp I just use that. There's a little cal in neem and rock dust too. More so in crab meal also.
Rock phosphate is a good one for calcium, and makes cumfy little homes for fungi. Good molasses has calcium too. Surprised about the deficiency with oyster shell meal even with coco. Coco is a great medium. I love the spongy texture. My next little experiment will be coco with all organic teas...not really a DTW. All while I'm building up my compost/IMOs. BOKASHI!!!