Trail maintenance

Dealing with some tropical weather, but able to drag a couple three logs out of the creek this morning. (most of the pile is from the riverhouse land. I've been cutting there for months, but just started on the creek land)

Maybe I should have been taking the time to move my other log pile at the river house instead of dragging posts out of the creek.. I tied everything off, but boy will I be pissed if my saw logs float down the river.

There was lots of short logs and brush piles the guys were not able to get out of the slough when I hired them to clean up. Since they are all floating, I took the opportunity to get as many of them as I could pushed across the clearing to the piles on the other side. Little brush and weeds will hang it up, so it was a job of work.

Yesterday I walked down to the river field. The water was just barely in the back corner of the longleaf pines. Maybe 60-75 yards.

It also got in the corner of my camp. Nothing floated off though.


While I was in the area, I scoped out high ground for the hard sided camp I plan on building. (when I catch up with everything else) This wooded area is only a couple three acres, so it's going to be close to the pines on one side or the three trail road on the other. And you have to factor in hurricane damage. Lots of standing dead pines around this area that would have to be cut, but it's near my new camp, my old camp and X marks the spot.

I've been steady working, just not taking many pictures. My neighbor helped me get a couple of my tractors going, so you can actually see progress.

I found this slab down at the field. Looks to be about 12X10. Plans at the moment are for a garden shed on the slab with an attacked greenhouse over dirt. But that is a ways off. We got signed up for a timber recovery block grant, and we are holding off on doing much of anything until the forester comes out and looks at the woods.

I was able to float a lot of cut brush from the slough during the flood. But 4-5 weeks ago I got started moving some of what was left to my burn pile up at the field using the 'bota.

The barn roof is still slowly getting lower, and the boats in there were in jeopardy, so I got started cutting trees a couple three weeks ago to get access.

I had to take out the rafters over the boats to get them out. There was also a trailer in the back that had a large section of the wall on it, plus another one outside that had pine logs on three sides of it. Was able to get everything out without damage. Been using the trailers a lot.
Hired a guy from work to help out at the river house. We got the decking up on the south end of the house.


I had hoped to save the frame with some serious scabbing, but I'm thinking we should just start fresh. Lots of rot.

A shot of the little boat. I need to stretch a tarp at the sandhill house to put the boats and other stuff from the barn.

We had our first freeze Monday night, so I gathered the oranges Tuesday morning. Both trees had serious damage from Micheal. I cut out some deadwood and trimmed limbs and cut nearby brush (after I took the pictures).

I ran out of time before I got all the oranges, or did much trimming. But this was what was left after I gave Sister a couple dozen. (I gathered a shopping bag full a couple three nights ago as well)013.JPG
I noticed several little orange trees coming up. Didn't have time today, but will dig them up soon.

This, along with grading fire trails will be included in the next Olympics.
Funny thing is, the Forestry guys are on the farm this morning plowing fire breaks. I've got most of mine done myself, but Sister hired them to do around her land, and down one side of the river field. They charge $110 an hour with a two hour minimum. Not too bad.
I finally got out and walked the newly plowed fire breaks yesterday. All in all, they did pretty good. The two trees are about on the line between Sister's and cousin's land. This was as close as I could get to the river before. (by using a public road and my neighbor's pasture) Now I can walk the last 1/4 mile to the river.
