trayvan martin

murder 2 would be a stretch, although i think it is proper and provable. give him manslaughter and send him away for 15 years, the max under florida law.

he'll likely go to ad seg or protective custody, maybe there are some bad seeds and incompetent guards there, if you catch my drift.
lol! "proper AND provable" you say? The state couldn't get Casey Anthony and they had mountains of "evidence" against her! They may be charging him, which I'm sure they are doing under enormous pressure from civil rights groups, but they have an uphill battle getting a conviction. There's very little evidence and ZERO eyewitnesses. He will end up with an "all star" legal team which will represent him pro bono and in all likelihood they will get him off. I'm sure it will make a lot of people happy to see him have his day in court (which probably needs to happen) but what about when/if he walks???? What then? Rodney King style riots? This is probably a waste of taxpayer dollars and will probably cause more problems in the end. It's just a really awful situation for everyone involved. :sad:
lol! "proper AND provable" you say? The state couldn't get Casey Anthony and they had mountains of "evidence" against her! They may be charging him, which I'm sure they are doing under enormous pressure from civil rights groups, but they have an uphill battle getting a conviction. There's very little evidence and ZERO eyewitnesses. He will end up with an "all star" legal team which will represent him pro bono and in all likelihood they will get him off. I'm sure it will make a lot of people happy to see him have his day in court (which probably needs to happen) but what about when/if he walks???? What then? Rodney King style riots? This is probably a waste of taxpayer dollars and will probably cause more problems in the end. It's just a really awful situation for everyone involved. :sad:

Amen to that my friend......:clap:
Carne Seca:7282104 said:
Zimmerman should never be able to carry a firearm again

Well, if he goes to jail, he won't.

Correct, however , according to the constitution your right to bare arms shall not be infringed... Period.

He looks guilty as hell but if/ when he gets convicted I would not keep him from owning a firearm when he got out. Don't like it?! Amend the constitution.

I am not a fan of violent criminals owning weapons but i believe we are supposed to follow the constitution first, laws only if constitutional.
Correct, however , according to the constitution your right to bare arms shall not be infringed... Period.

He looks guilty as hell but if/ when he gets convicted I would not keep him from owning a firearm when he got out. Don't like it?! Amend the constitution.

I am not a fan of violent criminals owning weapons but i believe we are supposed to follow the constitution first, laws only if constitutional.

dude. I was answering a fucking question. I have no problem with guns. I spent my older teen and young adult years hunting deer. I taught hunter's safety for years. Once again, I AM NOT A FUCKING LIBERAL!!! :cuss:

Not there is anything wrong with being a liberal but I definitely am NOT one.
back in the day they called people like that yellow bellied cowards . . . .cant take a punch and needs a weapon to defend themselves because they are pathetic

LOL yep, in Roy Rogers movies or Lone Ranger shows they did, fact is the movies do not portray real life, even if you think they do.
Im not against guns but they have to be used correctly and in the right place.
At home in the safe while your ass is being car-jacked is the right place for a gun? Perhaps locked up under your bed in a case while your wife gets raped by someone and you are stabbed and bleeding to death in the alley? These things really happen to people, but almost never to the people who have a firearm on them.
Your not supposed to know the news is slanted.
A reporter for the Orlando Sentinel confirmed that the race of the victim was omitted on purpose. The Orlando Sentinel also appears to have removed the suspects’ mug shots shortly after wrote about the attack.
Seminole County Sheriff's Office: Two arrested after beating leaves man on life-support - Orlando Sentinel

we are in the trayvon martin thread.

if you have a race bait tangent, please feel free to start a thread about it.
At home in the safe while your ass is being car-jacked is the right place for a gun? Perhaps locked up under your bed in a case while your wife gets raped by someone and you are stabbed and bleeding to death in the alley? These things really happen to people, but almost never to the people who have a firearm on them.

you know what else really happens?

that gun is far and away more likely to end up killing your own family than any intruder.
lol! "proper AND provable" you say? The state couldn't get Casey Anthony and they had mountains of "evidence" against her! They may be charging him, which I'm sure they are doing under enormous pressure from civil rights groups, but they have an uphill battle getting a conviction. There's very little evidence and ZERO eyewitnesses. He will end up with an "all star" legal team which will represent him pro bono and in all likelihood they will get him off. I'm sure it will make a lot of people happy to see him have his day in court (which probably needs to happen) but what about when/if he walks???? What then? Rodney King style riots? This is probably a waste of taxpayer dollars and will probably cause more problems in the end. It's just a really awful situation for everyone involved. :sad:

And they won't be able to even have the trial any where near the place it happened. The news has biased everyone who watches TV already. This would be better dealt with by taking a couple years before it gets to court, by then the majority of the population will be "Trayvon who?"
you know what else really happens?

that gun is far and away more likely to end up killing your own family than any intruder.
Sorry, guns don't kill people. So FACT is that the gun wouldn't kill anyone, but with about 200 Million guns privately owned in America and a total of about 700 ACCIDENTAL FATAL SHOOTINGS PER YEAR. Comes to about 1 death in 286,000 firearms.

Did you know that 56% of all Gun shooting deaths are suicide!!!!! OMG that makes your statistic look pretty stooopid.

Did you know that approximately 35 times as many children die each year by drinking undersink chemicals in the home as compared to total deaths from all age categories from accidental shootings? 35 times as many. Chew on that one for a while.
I live on a farm 27 miles from the nearest town. I don't carry a gun with me unless I am hunting or target practice. I served 8 years in the Marine corpse, 4 years in the Army National Guard. I have an infinite amount of training and experience with firearms compared to you. Want me to relate the many situations in which I needed a gun? Mogadishu? Kuwait? Iraq? How about that time I was sound asleep in my bed when a home invasion happened (23 years ago) but kept a fully loaded 1911 under my mattress? Guess who came out on top of that one?

Of course you fought , but a couple of children kicked your ass and stole your stuff. If you would have had a gun you could have simply flashed it and went on your way unaccosted.

  • At home in the safe while your ass is being car-jacked is the right place for a gun? Perhaps locked up under your bed in a case while your wife gets raped by someone and you are stabbed and bleeding to death in the alley? These things really happen to people, but almost never to the people who have a firearm on them.​

You said yourself you live by farmland. What are the cows carjacking you? Come on! Again I wish I could say this nicely but you look like an ass.
I didnt need a gun against 2 17 year olds I tried to fistfight them but lost. No one died and I lost a $180 walkman. Lesson learned, dont keep both earbuds in while walking down a dark street. I had just gotten back from boarding school so I was used to being in the safety of the Boston suburbs not my old hood. The kind of safe suburbs where you live WHERE THAT SHIT DOESNT HAPPEN.
You said yourself you live by farmland. What are the cows carjacking you? Come on! Again I wish I could say this nicely but you look like an ass.
I didnt need a gun against 2 17 year olds I tried to fistfight them but lost. No one died and I lost a $180 walkman. Lesson learned, dont keep both earbuds in while walking down a dark street. I had just gotten back from boarding school so I was used to being in the safety of the Boston suburbs not my old hood. The kind of safe suburbs where you live WHERE THAT SHIT DOESNT HAPPEN.

My home got invaded in the middle of town, I didn't always live on a farm yoohoo. I already said (but you failed to notice) that I don't carry, no need to. I certainly support anyone who wants to do so though.