Carne Seca
Well-Known Member
Nodrama and desert dude are contributing to zims defense as we speak.
Nodrama and desert dude are contributing to zims defense as we speak. Come on guys the ball is in your court.
Murder 2, that's a bit of a surprise. We'll see what happens in court. Maybe there is evidence that has not been released that will convict Zimmer. What has been released certainly won't do it.
I am contributing by defending him on this thread from an irrational mob.
could be plead down to aggravated manslaughter and put zimmerman away for 15 years.
lol @ irrational coming from the guy who still believes zimmerman's story given what we already know.
True. Or maybe the jury has to the option of convicting on the lesser offense of manslaughter? Or maybe they offer him a plea deal for "mayhem" or some such lesser charge with one year in the slammer?
You listed what you "know" in post 4140 above. It amounts to nothing. What I know at the moment is based on the police report, and two eye witnesses. Maybe the prosecutor has more that has not been divulged?
As I have said repeatedly, I am perfectly willing to change my mind if real evidence emerges that contradicts those known facts. So far, there has been nothing.
You don't think Z was in mortal danger and you speculate about his fear and anger. Others see it differently. I certainly see it differently.
If I were cold-cocked and then mounted by my adversary who then proceeded to slam my head into the ground I "would reasonably fear great bodily harm or death" and would use lethal force to protect myself if I was able. That is what Zimmer claims and what the eye witnesses and police report corroborate. That is why Zimmer was not charged.
i don't think he's getting less than 5 now. corey has looked at the totality of the evidence and decided that zimmerman acted without regard for life (part of murder 2).
whether he actually gets out alive is yet another thing to ponder.
Corey is putting on a show to quell the outrage and prevent riots; she is buying time. Unless she comes up with evidence that contradicts Zimmer's account there is no way that a fair minded jury will convict. A hung jury, yeah maybe, a conviction seems impossible to me if they follow the law..
lol @ police report.
zimmerman says he was inching towards the grass as he is getting his head slammed on the side walk.
every witness who saw any part of the scuffle said it happened in the grass.
yet just a few pages back you were STILL buying the phony zimmerman account.
dumbass. lol.
lol @ you still believing zimmerman's story.
i guess you know better than serino, who talked to zimmerman directly and sniffs out bullshit for a living.
you are a living, breathing testament to the arrogance and idiocy of conservitards everywhere.
I still buy his account at the moment. It jibes perfectly with two independent eye witnesses and the police report. I cannot imagine a scenario where three people, unknown to each other, all present statements that are congruent with one another and also match Zimmer's account of what happened, and it not being a pretty accurate account of what happened. I have not even mentioned the EMT's statement, which I fully expect to completely parallel the police officer's statement. That is what the prosecutor will have to overcome to convict Zimmer.