trayvan martin


Well-Known Member
What do you guys think zim will get convicted of? I say manslaughter at the very least.
He has a doctor willing to state he had defensive injuries, Zimm will walk, it's not right but it's legal thanks to why is this still being discussed? Lol.


Well-Known Member
He has a doctor willing to state he had defensive injuries, Zimm will walk, it's not right but it's legal thanks to why is this still being discussed? Lol.
SYG only applies to martin. he was chased 3 times by a man who never identified himself.

if you fire a round into the air and get 20 years, think about what you'll get for chasing someone down 3 times and firing a round into their chest.

"ultimately avoidable by zimmerman"


Well-Known Member
So 3 pussies besides you then ??
I bet you house smells fishy. You smoke those filthy fucking cigs too ? You better give those things up while you can still get around boy.


Well-Known Member
SYG only applies to martin. he was chased 3 times by a man who never identified himself.

if you fire a round into the air and get 20 years, think about what you'll get for chasing someone down 3 times and firing a round into their chest.

"ultimately avoidable by zimmerman"
With that logic ANY case could be "ultimately avoidable".

Wait and see, murder 2?

Bitch please...


Well-Known Member
At least tools have a use unlike useless internet blow hards like yourself :lol:
i don't think bricktop's sock puppet account/gay lover has any room to speak about being an internet blow hard.

are you bricktop's power bottom, or does it go the other way around?


Well-Known Member
You should have been banned long before BT ever was. BLOW HARD
yes, let the butt hurt out. let it all out.

meanwhile, somebody call the waaaaaaaahhhhhhhmbulance for this guy. he misses bricktop the blow hard, his gay lover and confidante.



Well-Known Member
What has Bucky done wrong? Besides thinking global warming is real and other stupid ideas liberals have. But I don't blame him, it's all that fluoride contaminated weed he smokes.
no fluoride in my water supply. otherwise i'd be a communist, not just a liberal.

you have evidence to disprove the theory of anthropogenic climate change? write a peer-reviewed paper and collect your nobel prize.
