Well-Known Member
So you're the civilian dispatcher's little bitch now? You HAVE to do what they say?Don't blame Zimmerman..??? Dude STFU and go suck your own cock. When he was told " we don't need you to follow" and then he ignored the advice of the very people he called for help, thats when he received the blame from me. ABC has nothing to do with the 911 tapes I heard. Bitch running around with a gun trying to be Captain Jerk Off. As a gun-owner/CCW myself Zimmerman fucked up. With these rights come a greater responsibility that most are not ready for... again go suck your own cock if you feel Zimmerman is without blame.
No you fucking don't, stop following this angle, it's retarded.
And you've heard the tape, it wasn't even an instruction, so get some new material retard.
EDIT: Try using your brain, it's murder 2 and he's out on bail, possibly out of State...it's a bullshit case put on to stop rioting, he'll never be convicted on what's come out.
Cant wait to say I told you so