Well-Known Member
hahah yeah, sock puppets. I forgot about those. Buck has at least 2 that I know of, most likely has many more.
why don't you go ahead and run your theory by rolli and see what you get?
hahah yeah, sock puppets. I forgot about those. Buck has at least 2 that I know of, most likely has many more.
why don't you go ahead and run your theory by rolli and see what you get?
So now your claim is that he chased him through the complex in his truck eh?
I didn't know your bulging erect penis got long enough for you to step on, but you did and you fell flat on your face.
Did you get at least 3 hours of sleep today? I mean between the 21 hours a day of trimming and the 19 hours a day of posting, where do you find the time?
Sorry, Rolli doesn't answer my Messages, ever.
awwww, poor little asshurt modrama.
he had to tell an obvious lie, got called out, and now his little derriere is devastated.
go collect your farmer welfare and cry about how your rep is only 110, maybe lie and say it is 610 and have rolli call you out on it in front of all of us!
now that's a LULZ
he has no problem stepping in though to call you out when you calim your rep is 500 points higher than it is though!
personally, i liked vlad the inhaler better for calling you out as the plagiarizing wannabe bitch that you are!
Aww poor bucky lied, got caught in the lie, and now he's all hurt about it and has to accuse me of lying..
LOl no one cares, except you.
i never told any lies.
i said zimmerman tailed martin, and he did.
if someone followed you in their truck as you walked home from the grocery store, then got out without identifying themselves and chased you down in the dark, would you be afraid for your life? If you had a gun, would you fire on them in self defense?
i never told any lies.
I said zimmerman tailed martin, and he did. He even said so in the reenactment.
You tried to say that i claimed he followed him home from 7-11, which is patently ridiculous
She is not the brightest bulb, but her skin glows and both men and women are sexually attracted to her. Just ask her if you don't believe me.
oh shit!! Caught in another lie!!
zimmerman did indeed follow martin in his truck while martin walked home from the store,
awwww, still not there. all you can do is point to a hypothetical that i asked desert dude the racist and try to pretend like it says what you claimed.
Sorry, Rolli doesn't answer my Messages, ever.
BTW Does Rolli know everyone's Sock Puppets by heart?
What about folks that use TOR? How does Rolli get through that?
Rolli has no idea.
How many times can one person deny ever claiming something when all the proof is right here for everyone to see?
You should try a red herring or a strawman, all your usual denials in the face of proof are working against you. Ad Homs aren't holding up either.
What will Bucky try next?
so martin was no longer walking home from the store when he entered the retreat at twin lakes?
wooooooops. you're an idiot.
and welcome back, schuylaar. where the hell did you go these last few days, and why you riling up the mental committee in their cherished "we get to kill black teens now!" thread?
wanted to set them straight.
i never told any lies.
i said zimmerman tailed martin, and he did. he even said so in the reenactment.
you tried to say that i claimed he followed him home from 7-11, which is patently ridiculous as georgy was getting his ass handed to him by shellie while martin was getting high on his way home from the store.
the gate closed at 7pm, so martin had to cut through the unfenced section to get back in, which brought him between two houses at the exact moment that zimmy was driving to target to get some apples and carrots for his horse wife to munch on.
what's 610-500?