trayvan martin

You failed miserably.

"this guys hand in the waistband..oh and a he's black male" 1:02

"something's wrong with him" 1:15

"yup, and he's coming to check me out" 1:18

"he's got something in his hand" 1:23

"i don't know what his deal is" 1:26

"these assholes always get away" 1:35

"shit, he's running" 2:05

sound of GZ opening truck door

unintelligible foul language.."fucking xxxxxx"

sound of wind passing GZ's cell..

dispatch: are you following him? 2:24

"yes" 2:25

dispatch: we don't need you to do that 2:26
Sorry, Rolli doesn't answer my Messages, ever.

BTW Does Rolli know everyone's Sock Puppets by heart?

What about folks that use TOR? How does Rolli get through that?

Rolli has no idea.

he has no problem stepping in though to call you out when you calim your rep is 500 points higher than it is though!

personally, i liked vlad the inhaler better for calling you out as the plagiarizing wannabe bitch that you are!

Just curious, does anyone from rollitup call out the liberals on here, fair question, amiright?
Just curious, does anyone from rollitup call out the liberals on here, fair question, amiright?

you keep trying, but a perfunctory glance at your sources reveal white supremacists, rush limbaugh proteges, debunked racialized phtos, and other such moronic douchebaggery.
"this guys hand in the waistband..oh and a he's black male" 1:02

"something's wrong with him" 1:15

"yup, and he's coming to check me out" 1:18

"he's got something in his hand" 1:23

"i don't know what his deal is" 1:26

"these assholes always get away" 1:35

"shit, he's running" 2:05

sound of GZ opening truck door

unintelligible foul language.."fucking xxxxxx"

sound of wind passing GZ's cell..

dispatch: are you following him? 2:24

"yes" 2:25

dispatch: we don't need you to do that 2:26

Is Zimmerman calling from the 7-11?

it's not even worth my time
you keep trying, but a perfunctory glance at your sources reveal white supremacists, rush limbaugh proteges, debunked racialized phtos, and other such moronic douchebaggery.
Please learn how to spell basic words before attempting to wrap your head around complex social issues.

thankyou and kind regards,

hello HWT :)