trayvan martin


Well-Known Member
i'm triling him in my car right now. the 911 dispatch said i don't need to follow him, but i'm staying in pursuit.

these assholes always get away. fucking coons!
Ask him what he is doing, then if he turns around and starts assaulting you then shoot him, the 911 operator didnt just give you a lawful demand, you can ask him what he is doing, if he starts assaulting shoot and kill, you're protected by law.


Well-Known Member
Ask him what he is doing, then if he turns around and starts assaulting you then shoot him, the 911 operator didnt just give you a lawful demand, you can ask him what he is doing, if he starts assaulting shoot and kill, you're protected by law.
he looks like he's on drugs or something!

i'm going to keep trailing him in my car. if i have to get out on foot, shit is gonna hit the fan!

fucking coons!


Well-Known Member
you do realize inheritance rights apply AFTER someone passes leaving you you think about it SLOWLY
By mentioning inheritance rights I was mentioning that a child has legal rights relating to their parents house, the same as the parents. By your logic a 15 year old child has no right to engage a burgler in their parents home.


Well-Known Member
he stepped down to appease liberal racists like you.

what happened that night was a necessary right, i mean, do you really want this kid getting high and eating skittles?

the police did everything right, including making sure to take take photos of trayvon's blood stained hands after he administered the guy who was bigger than him the beating of his lifetime!

i mean, broken nose and bashed skull! the guy is probably still in a hospital bed recovering!
The guy was only on the job for 8 months, because the last Chief was let go do to another cover-up with his son


Well-Known Member
Maybe he stepped down cause all the crazy racist blacks. He is simply doing his job by not having charges on zimm, then an angry black whitey hating mob established by media propaganda comes storming, yea i think id step sown too.
That couldnt at all be related though could it?
and it comes out.

Black people and all who have had a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong history of being enslaved, raped, lynched, hosed, spit on, disenfranchised, experimented on, lied to, and continue to encounter hostility and at the very least false assumptions of their character have a fucking duty to be angry.

You keep arguing that this is all in the past yet we see something like this every month. People better be angry or assholes like you will make it go back to the way it used to be from sheer apathy.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I have to admit it is entertaining to watch RIU's uber-liberals, (with their big, sensitive hearts) get their asses handed to them in this thread :-)


Well-Known Member
and it comes out.

Black people and all who have had a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong history of being enslaved, raped, lynched, hosed, spit on, disenfranchised, experimented on, lied to, and continue to encounter hostility and at the very least false assumptions of their character have a fucking duty to be angry.

You keep arguing that this is all in the past yet we see something like this every month. People better be angry or assholes like you will make it go back to the way it used to be from sheer apathy.
And what comes out?


Active Member
and it comes out.

Black people and all who have had a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong history of being enslaved, raped, lynched, hosed, spit on, disenfranchised, experimented on, lied to, and continue to encounter hostility and at the very least false assumptions of their character have a fucking duty to be angry.

You keep arguing that this is all in the past yet we see something like this every month. People better be angry or assholes like you will make it go back to the way it used to be from sheer apathy.

Cause this only happened to blacks.No other rave in this world has every been oppressed boo fucking hoo


Well-Known Member
The guy was only on the job for 8 months, because the last Chief was let go do to another cover-up with his son
that chief probably had to step down because racists like you get in the way of realists like tryingtogrow, who hs taught me that the tragedy of that night was a "necessary right".

i mean, if zimmerman had done nothing in the face of evil, THE KID WOULD HAVE CONSUMED SKITTLES. SKITTLES. do you really want that on you?

by tracking him down for no reason whatsoever, zimmerman caused a "necessary right" to occur.

now racists like you are questioning the police?

get out of town! :cuss:


Well-Known Member
after he was told not to approach and not to follow
That never happened in reality, I know you are trying to say that the dispatcher said that in so many words but the dispatcher isn'ty the maker of the rules. If the dispatcher told you to stick a knife in your eye, would you do it?


Well-Known Member
By mentioning inheritance rights I was mentioning that a child has legal rights relating to their parents house, the same as the parents. By your logic a 15 year old child has no right to engage a burgler in their parents home.
no you foolishly mention inheritance rights to defend Zimmerman, whos father is very much alive. Meaning he don't own shit... and now you are stupidly try to compare a burgler actually breaking into a home with this case.. Martin was doing nothing of the sort...


Well-Known Member
I have to admit it is entertaining to watch RIU's uber-liberals, (with their big, sensitive hearts) get their asses handed to them in this thread :-)
Whats fucking liberal about this position? I would definitely shoot someone if they were trying to knock my door down. Not because they were walking and looked different. New York would be fucking empty if we lived like Zimmerman.


Well-Known Member
and it comes out.

Black people and all who have had a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong history of being enslaved, raped, lynched, hosed, spit on, disenfranchised, experimented on, lied to, and continue to encounter hostility and at the very least false assumptions of their character have a fucking duty to be angry.

You keep arguing that this is all in the past yet we see something like this every month. People better be angry or assholes like you will make it go back to the way it used to be from sheer apathy.
You're severely miss educated if you think blacks were the only enslaved.


Well-Known Member
I have to admit it is entertaining to watch RIU's uber-liberals, (with their big, sensitive hearts) get their asses handed to them in this thread :-)
yeah, you guys are really handing it to us.

i mean, the myriad of evidence we have is astonishing. according to you guys, trayvon curb stomped this guy who had nearly 100 pounds on him and bashed his skull and broke his nose, and we know it's true because zimmerman's blood is all over trayvon's hands, and we have the photos to prove it!

those photos were taken by the police force, who did such a great job that no one had to step down. and they have absolutely no history of previous embarrassing racial incidents like this one.

man, did anyone see those photos of zimmerman all bashed o hell by this kid? damning.


Active Member
Whats fucking liberal about this position? I would definitely shoot someone if they were trying to knock my door down. Not because they were walking and looked different. New York would be fucking empty if we lived like Zimmerman.
But you would beat someones ass if they approached you and tried to speak with you.