Trichomes, THC and UVB light.....

some fella on ukc( was it greenman ?) told of his experience with a 300watt osram uvb bulb, 3 sessions of 25mins a day and he had billions of more trichs than without uvbquote]

Oooooooooooh yeah... I just bought that light yesterday, my instincts told me to go with it, and I did. This just helps confirm things...
Skunk, just becareful with that light. From close it gives off ALOT of UVB.

But surely no more than the sun would in a hot country? Isn't this stuff also good for us in mediocre doses? Vitamin D, all that shit?

I don't know, these are genuine questions. I'm yet to look into them properly.
Just been to my local dump and there found a Philips 300 Watt single bulb UV SunLamp , and also a Philips Cleo Mini Home Solaria, with 4x15 Watt UV tanning tubes (this one is dimmable, indeed has a dimmer fitted) these cost £1.50 altogether, and both work. What to do, what to do......maybe a couple of short, "hot" periods in late flowering around "Noon"? any thoughts?
harkin, skunk...I found a table with data of uvb irradiation from this whole list of lights and it does not have high penetrebility. by 24" it has declined in power considerably...however, the precautionary principle is obviously still be important to make sure we don't fry our plants. the one fella comments about "billions of more trichs" is pretty exciting. Like a said last night, the 160W bulb has exactly similar output to the natural sunshine in Morocco at 18-24"......Now I have to figure out how to hook this up in my cab? yipppeeee!!! :mrgreen::blsmoke:
But surely no more than the sun would in a hot country? Isn't this stuff also good for us in mediocre doses? Vitamin D, all that shit?

I don't know, these are genuine questions. I'm yet to look into them properly.
found this in the US patent office "Method and apparatus for encouraging maximal plant growth which method and apparatus comprise a light filter which prevents the natural decay of plant growth stimulating materials by absorption of UV radiation while permitting photosynthesis to occur with blue light in the absence of attendant heat generating and dehydrating radiations caused by green, yellow and infra-red light. The objective is made possible according to the preferred embodiment of the invention by interposing separately, continuously, or discontinuously, a combination of filters made of solid material between the sun and the growing plants which block out radiation in those wave lengths which are either physiologically harmful or which retard growth, but do not inhibit those wavelengths which are necessary for photosynthesis, metabolism, differentiation and development"
I think we want cool, blue light, lads is what he is saying-strikes me that sunbulbs may give off too much IR along with the UV (for prolonged use, any way. Could scorch things. Another little nugget I found seems to indicate that 6 hours exposure to Black Light UV resulted in a five fold increase in a gene that controls the production of flavinoid/alkaloids This, I believe is a good thing. I do not know however, if they killed the plant in question, which was a petunia. The gene is found in all mature plants apparently
Yes, red and blue... this goes back to my earlier theory on light intensity, not radiation being the key.

Yet, there is evidence to suggest now that UV does play a role in the development of the plant. The article is saying that UV radiation is a hinderance to plant growth. How old is that article? Have you got the link for it?
'ere's another..........

UV and flower colour
Ultraviolet light (UV) is not a significant factor for photosynthesis, but many flower growers will have noticed that under glass or plastic covered greenhouses, some varieties of flower do not develop the same colour intensity as when grown in the open. Similarly, it has been reported that colour, flavour and fragrance of some other crops are not as intense when grown under protected conditions. It is also known that plants grown in the open can be more robust than those grown inside – for example, salad growers realise that outdoor grown lettuce is better at surviving modern washing and handling processes.
Re the stunting power of uv-this has "cropped up" -forgive the pun- a couple of times, let me find a link.....
............and on the way found this
Responses in surface structure and chemistry
Outdoor UV-B supplementation studies of higher plants involving modulated lamp banks have revealed some significant responses, but plant responses to UV-B generally seem to be more subtle than those based on exclusion studies. The most consistent response in higher plants was an increase in the concentrations of soluble leaf UV-B-absorbing compounds. Phenylpropanoids, e.g. hydroxycinnamic acid, cinnamoyl esters, and flavonoids, including flavones and flavonols, and anthocyanins provide a UV-A and UV-B screen in higher plants. The flavonoids responsible for UV screening vary from species to species, and most plants synthesize a range of compounds to provide more effective screening. So far, most of the studies have been made with summer-green species.
The studies with evergreens have shown that, in warm years, the production of soluble phenolics is higher compared to cold years. UV-B radiation and altitude alter the foliar flavonoid composition in forest tree species, such as Scots and ponderosa pine. The responses may be transient or long-lasting. Phenolics increase with needle age in Scots pine, black pine and ponderosa pine Enhanced UV-B radiation increased Scots pine needle cutinization and wall-bound phenolics as well as flavonoids, , which are important during the late winter and early spring.
The natural UV-screening mechanisms in evergreens have been shown to include UV light screening via reflectance of UV/violet light by the epidermis, UV light screening via reduction of transmission by special anatomical arrangement of epidermal cells as well as light-reflecting hyaline hypodermal cells, conversion of UV light via fluorescence and UV light screening by UV-screening substances in cell walls and on surfaces. In higher plants, anthocyanins and flavones increase in response to high visible light levels, and UV irradiation induces flavonoids, sinapate esters, isoflavonoids and psoralens, and in evergreens, diacylated flavonol monoglycoside induction, for example, has been detected and p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid and astragalins have been identified as UV-B-absorbing substances
Thanks for the link, and 'm so impressed with what i read I felt compelled to steal it:

After germination, seedlings follow one of two developmental patterns. Skotomorphogenesis (or etiolation) in the dark is characterized by long hypocotyls, closed cotyledons protected by apical hooks in A. thaliana, and the development of proplastids into etioplasts. By contrast, growth in the light results in photomorphogenesis (or de-etiolation) characterized by short hypocotyls, expanded open cotyledons and the development of mature green chloroplasts that can photosynthesize. A wide spectrum of light, in particular far-red, red, blue and ultraviolet (UV) light conditions, induces photomorphogenesis. PHYA is the primary photoreceptor under far-red light in A. thaliana, whereas PHYB has a major role under white or red light with the aid of PHYA, PHYC and PHYD. Rice PHYA and PHYB equally contribute to seedling photomorphogenesis under red light and both rice PHYA and PHYC are involved in far-red light responses148. Both CRY1 and CRY2 cryptochromes are responsible for photomorphogenesis under blue and UVA light.
When plants grow in close proximity there is competition for light. Higher plants have evolved an impressive capacity to avoid shade. A plant canopy is associated with a reduction in the ratio of red:far-red light. Changes in the red:far-red ratio are detected as a change in the relative proportions of Pr and Pfr forms of phytochromes and PHYB has the most significant role5.
The perception of photoperiod (or day length) is crucial for plants to adjust their development to fit into annual seasonal changes. The interaction of light signals with intrinsic circadian rhythms measures changes in day length. In A. thaliana, both phytochromes and cryptochromes contribute to synchronizing the circadian clock. The perception of day length is an important signal in the control of flowering.
Several other transient developmental processes, including phototropism, chloroplast movement and stomatal opening, are under light control mainly through phototropins146. These rapid light-responsive processes are not under extensive transcriptional regulation, and are therefore beyond the scope of this Review
um, er, dunno zacly my wife says yes, and she knows a thing or two...

Yes it is, or yes it isn't?

If infra red reflects off plants... ah fook, this just gets more complicated. Too many contradicting notions from very respected sources.

I'm sure though, that the answer is there.
All i can get out of it really is that doses of cool uv can be beneficial - how much and when to apply, sounds like a lifetimes work luckily.