Trichomes, THC and UVB light.....

natmoon- i think how ever you want to envision something like that is cool... i mean, as long as one has a visualization at all, and keeps focused on that, it's really powerful. it makes things less complicated, and just gives the body cues as to what it's aiming for, so you don't have to think too hard about it... that's why things just seem to happen, because you are more focused on your goal than what is right in front of you.

your grandfather- so are you thinking we need to condition plants from seedlings, all the way through veg with uv light in order to make sure they are conditioned to produce the most thc during flower? if we don't expose them to uv as babies, then flood them with it as adults, they are just gonna get sun burnt, and skin cancer...
your grandfather- so are you thinking we need to condition plants from seedlings, all the way through veg with uv light in order to make sure they are conditioned to produce the most thc during flower? if we don't expose them to uv as babies, then flood them with it as adults, they are just gonna get sun burnt, and skin cancer...

I'm exposing _ did I just use that word _ that we need to inject uv into the grow, and at such levels which cause a Darwinian response. Meaning, the plant will genetically produce more THC _ sunscreen or turn it's skin dark, for the people analogy _ in subsequent generations. If I expose a mother to uvB, she adjusts and imparts that adjusted 'know how' into the seeds, if nothing else she tells the seeds "Get read for more UV than past generations so be prepared to produce more THC"
there are a couple....the one that Skunk is using is that range....thought I believe also UVA....and the MegaRay bulbs 100W and 160W are also very suitable. I believe I am going to get that is I can find it....:hump:
did anyone ever find a bulb out there that has the range we need? what is it, 280-320nm?
I'm exposing _ did I just use that word _ that we need to inject uv into the grow, and at such levels which cause a Darwinian response. Meaning, the plant will genetically produce more THC _ sunscreen or turn it's skin dark, for the people analogy _ in subsequent generations. If I expose a mother to uvB, she adjusts and imparts that adjusted 'know how' into the seeds, if nothing else she tells the seeds "Get read for more UV than past generations so be prepared to produce more THC"

Does thc have a colour?

I'm thinking I need a powerful microscope.

I don't believe thc is a protectant from UV...

If it were the case that UV somehow works to protect the plant from UV then exposing a young seedling to high levels would force the seedling to produce early trichomes... else suffer irrepairable damage.

The plants 'skin' may well change colour, or even form some sort of protective sheen to repel the harmful light.

In the evolution of the trichome thread it was reasoned that trichomes draw in light... and cannabis loves light. It'll even grow under an incandescent if that's all you've got. Halogen if you can find a way to get rid of the excess heat...

We also need to remember that the places with the most UV are also the places that are hotter, with more intense light from across the spectrum.

I feel that while there is still another side to the coin then it must be said. UV may change cannabis on a molecular level but we have no way of knowing if this will change for the better.
I feel that while there is still another side to the coin then it must be said. UV may change cannabis on a molecular level but we have no way of knowing if this will change for the better.


There is only one way to find out if the world is truly flat.

Sure wish I had access to a greenhouse. I'd grow two plants side by side. Same, same everything except one would be shielded from the uv.
I just can't see potency being developed as a way of protecting the plant from UV. Yes the UV may encourage a higher potency in the plant... but in what way would the potency protect the plant from future UV radiation?
If we have a strain _ Super Silver Haze (I'm jut picking a name). And the genetic makeup of SSH is such, that it has always been grown indoors.

We know that indoor growing does not have the amount of uv which outdoors does.

So, here is my argument (and this is based on the premise that more UV=more THC) - if we take that SSH seed, and expose it and it's offspring to more UV, than historically the plant has received. I believe then if we plant 10 seeds from the harvest and then 10 seeds from each subsequent harvest. At some point in the lineage the seeds will have genetic encoding that says "These seeds are expectant of more uv" than seeds which were not exposed to the uv over the generations.
wow this shits deep for my newbie ass. But I can see the logic, it's simply evolution. It takes place in all of nature. Everything adapts or subsides. If UV does indeed equal THC production obviously it would only stand to reason that the plant's adaptation would pass this on in it's genetic code, especially if controlled and done correctly generation after generation.

man you guys got TOO MUCH time on your hands.

Take care

Farm Hard
Yeah... microscopes, test-tubes, slides... thc test kits. I've got to get a lot of things in.

My NL germination isn't going too well, only 6/10 have germinated. they're expensive seeds too, the Sensi Seeds original. I usually have very close to 100% germ rate. These seeds are off... going stale. Out of the 10 seeds I had 5 fat ones and 5 skinny ones. So far, after 4 days, 4 of the fat ones have germ'ed and 2 of the skinny ones. Let's hope the genetics outweigh the early losses.
Yeah... microscopes, test-tubes, slides... thc test kits. I've got to get a lot of things in.

My NL germination isn't going too well, only 6/10 have germinated. they're expensive seeds too, the Sensi Seeds original. I usually have very close to 100% germ rate. These seeds are off... going stale. Out of the 10 seeds I had 5 fat ones and 5 skinny ones. So far, after 4 days, 4 of the fat ones have germ'ed and 2 of the skinny ones. Let's hope the genetics outweigh the early losses.
I dunno if you have a lidl where you live skunky but these scopes are the dogs bollocks for the price anyway.
They are 130 quid each even on ebay and only 89.99 at lidl with a 5 year warranty included.:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
If i hadn't just bought a camera this is the scope that i would have bought:blsmoke:

For all those that have no lidl to shop at you can get these scopes on ebay but they are 130 quid each plus 15.99 postage so your talking almost 146 quid instead of 89.99,anyway here is the ebay link as apparently even 146 quid is cheap for these kind of scopes.
Professional Digital Bresser Biolux LCD Microscope on eBay, also Microscopes, Lab Equipment, Medical Lab Equipment, Business, Office Industrial (end time 25-Dec-07 14:03:30 GMT)

whoa...Nat...that is SO cool....gotta find me one of them!:hump:

Hey...btw Nat....just bought myself a pair of o have NEVER heard anything like have...hhehehehehehe:roll:
whoa...Nat...that is SO cool....gotta find me one of them!:hump:

Hey...btw Nat....just bought myself a pair of o have NEVER heard anything like have...hhehehehehehe:roll:
Bought yourself a pair of what?????:confused:
yea they ain't cheap....but I went with the simp-lest one an I am not really an audiophie so to speak....but for 80$ they are more than worth it!
yea they ain't cheap....but I went with the simp-lest one an I am not really an audiophie so to speak....but for 80$ they are more than worth it!
I just choose the ones that were rated for me i.e. electronica,turns out they were 199 dollars:evil:
Let me know what my new track sounds like through your new earphones please:mrgreen:

hi-fi URL: Start Player
If we have a strain _ Super Silver Haze (I'm jut picking a name). And the genetic makeup of SSH is such, that it has always been grown indoors.

We know that indoor growing does not have the amount of uv which outdoors does.

So, here is my argument (and this is based on the premise that more UV=more THC) - if we take that SSH seed, and expose it and it's offspring to more UV, than historically the plant has received. I believe then if we plant 10 seeds from the harvest and then 10 seeds from each subsequent harvest. At some point in the lineage the seeds will have genetic encoding that says "These seeds are expectant of more uv" than seeds which were not exposed to the uv over the generations.

I think this may have been true in reverse. As in when people started growing indoors and not supplying their plants with UV, thus each seed generation produced less THC. (I am also using the premise more UV=THC)

Question: Now do you think using UV from germination would stress a plant out, or do you think they would be able to adapt since that is all they know.....survival of the fittest I would imagine at that point. Which would only help speed up the evolution process at that point. I guess I am just answering my own questions really, and the only way to know for sure is to just try it........DAMN!!!!! I need to get settled in somewhere.

Well......Wakey Bakey:joint:
I dunno if you have a lidl where you live skunky but these scopes are the dogs bollocks for the price anyway.
They are 130 quid each even on ebay and only 89.99 at lidl with a 5 year warranty included.:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
If i hadn't just bought a camera this is the scope that i would have bought:blsmoke:

For all those that have no lidl to shop at you can get these scopes on ebay but they are 130 quid each plus 15.99 postage so your talking almost 146 quid instead of 89.99,anyway here is the ebay link as apparently even 146 quid is cheap for these kind of scopes.
Professional Digital Bresser Biolux LCD Microscope on eBay, also Microscopes, Lab Equipment, Medical Lab Equipment, Business, Office Industrial (end time 25-Dec-07 14:03:30 GMT)


That looks a decent piece of kit... but i'm thinking second-hand would get me a better machine for half the money. Thanks for the link though it's given me the inspiration to shop around.

There is a lidl a couple of areas away, but I thought they sold cheap food.