Trichomes, THC and UVB light.....

Thats as healthy a plant as you would want to see. I get that leaf curl in the early vegging stage under normal lighting. Are you going to take it through to the end under UV? If so are you planning to add, for example other parts of the UV spectrum during flowering? (I am thinking tanning ray myself, high noon time)
Nice work.
Yes thanks psyclone, they've had their fair share of trauma along the way, all my fault and down to my inexperience with the light. They were both severely burned at one point too after I left the fan off by mistake.

I expected them to be dead by now, so I'm not sure what i'm doing with them yet.
hey Skunk....I'm interested if you might post a couple of new pics...? thanks! I am intrigued at the progress you have seen....through the challenges....good work!
What we gotta do, is we gotta get two samples of weed, one that has had uvb and one that hasn't.

Then you gotta do a massive bong or something, at like 7am, then you gotta time how long it stops for you to feel stoned.

Which ever one lasts the longest has to be the strongest.
hey NGT....I knew we were making this al too complex....simple resolution......hahahahahaha....I like it, and HNY to ya NGT! walk on man!
Whatare you talking about now? Are you still suggesting that giving your plants UV will make them hermie?

Maybe if you left it too late, and only used the light during flower, then maybe you would be adding to the plants stress slightly... but, if UVB is a precurser to THC then this is the chemical that should be produced during the stress.

I feel that a tolerance to UV must be given to the plants during vegetation. You're quite right, to dry paint. Here's what a plant looks like after 17 days UV on 24/0, this is with UV as the plant's sole light source.
8 days from seeds,packet, also grown under the same conditions.
strain. 4 ak48 and 4 d.poison. also 24/0.

View attachment 51601

hsh 005.jpg

hsh 018.jpg

hsh 019.jpg
What I did notice, right at the beginning, was that it took much longer for the tri-leaves to develop than is usual under mh. Usually the tri-leaves develop almost straight after the first set of true leaves... but with these they didn't. There was a delay of a few days.

Either this was the plants getting used to or adapting to the UV or having the light too faraway and causing the stretch did it. Another factor to consider is that this lamp takes 90 hours to calm down to a regular light source. So the plants would have had different levels of UV throughout the first 90 hours.

One plant is clearly showing female growth characteristics and the other is showing male.
hey skunk...thanks for the additional detail.

You mention some thoughts about why you have obsesrved what you did. may it also be that is the indiviudal nature of "that" seed? a slower developer (at first).....anyhow really interesting. thanks again.
What I did notice, right at the beginning, was that it took much longer for the tri-leaves to develop than is usual under mh. Usually the tri-leaves develop almost straight after the first set of true leaves... but with these they didn't. There was a delay of a few days.

Either this was the plants getting used to or adapting to the UV or having the light too faraway and causing the stretch did it. Another factor to consider is that this lamp takes 90 hours to calm down to a regular light source. So the plants would have had different levels of UV throughout the first 90 hours.

One plant is clearly showing female growth characteristics and the other is showing male.
hey skunk...thanks for the additional detail.

You mention some thoughts about why you have obsesrved what you did. may it also be that is the indiviudal nature of "that" seed? a slower developer (at first).....anyhow really interesting. thanks again.

Yes, that is another consideration. The genetics of the seed is questionable. they are White Label Afghan Kush.

Although since then growth rate has been normal... except the male. The male has chosen to grow a second set of 5-fingered leaves whereas the female has gone from 5 straight to 7.
cool....being able to watch and track so intimitaley the ever changes details.....I can't remember if I mentioned, but my BigBud (one of them) has produced 11 leaf fans.....they are so incredibly beautiful.....deep green and like velvet to touch......
Although the person who started this thread is not interested in discussing the subject. I AM. Matter a fact, anybody who offers prospective on the UVB suject gets ridiculed by tahoe. It is my suspision that tahoe is a Narc trying to misinform his subscribers on the benefits of indoor UVB by way of placebo effect.In an attempt to rekindle the suject and provoke thought I have this to say...

Please keep in mind that I'm not an expert on Reptile lighting.... As far as I know there are 3 basic types of reptile lights. floro, cfl, and MV. 2 of these are not even worth mentioning (MV & cfl) and the 3rd one (floro) is too WEAK to have an effect on a descent RADIUS crop, but instead the SMALL fraction of a canopy.If you MUST buy one, get a long bulb (36" or longer) becasue the majority of the UVB the bulb produces comes from the middle, with not much coming from the sides. Also: the UVB in those weak reptile floros will disapate quickly over short distances.UVB rays don't travel fast and bounce around like UVA rays do. The top colas COULD be getting UVB, and at the same time 1 foot below and next to it will get almost nothing. If you do decide to buy one be sure that you are clear on the ACTUAL UVB output. When these lights advertise 10% UVB they are talking about 10% of the UV output is UVB. So if a lizard light puts out 20% UV and 10% of that is UVB ,then in actuallity your not really getting 10%.At the same time if a lizard light were to give out 40% UV and 6% of that is UVB then that would be the light emitting the most UVB. The last and most LEAST important reason is because most but not all lizard lights stop letting out UVB rays after about 6 months. The light may not be burnt out but its not doing its job either. There are many ways to stimulate the production of resin withOUT UVB. If you are growing in a room with plenty of space,no heat issues and u got $$$, I would recommend looking into suntan booth lights, or psoriasis treatment bulbs.The lizzard light in my view is not the most practical idea.
tahoe is right. your disrespect is not welcome...

The marijuana man thing is old news... and we don't appreciate links to that site here. There are links within these threads.

You might also want to read 'The Evolution Of The Trichome' thread, where the marijuana man link was given a couple of times. We are well beyond anything you have brought up so far munch box, i suggest you go back and read these threads from the beginning.
tahoe is right. your disrespect is not welcome...

The marijuana man thing is old news... and we don't appreciate links to that site here. There are links within these threads.

You might also want to read 'The Evolution Of The Trichome' thread, where the marijuana man link was given a couple of times. We are well beyond anything you have brought up so far munch box, i suggest you go back and read these threads from the beginning.

Does this qualify for Garden Knowm's "You've Been Bitchslapped" tag??
Listen Butt Muncher, You are disrespectful of others in almost every thread you are in. BUT!!! I am not perfect, I also have flung a little crap also. But you seem to do it with joy, and most of the time what you have to say is so stupid.
Lets recapp a few things you have said. UVB light will hermie a plant. Un even light will hermie a plant. As I said before,, you seem to be a Hermiephobic.... I DID NOT SAY HOMOPHOBIC!!!!!!!! If UVB light made plants turn hermie, then a lot of plants in nature would be Hermies. Also even more plants in nature would be hermies, because almost none of them get even light.
Maybe this UVB light will hurt the plant in some way. Heck no one has really done a study on it. I have bought a simple 8% UVB light to give it a try, and you bashed me for it. (I do think I shouldn't have bought such a strong UVB light)

You try high-jacking other peoples threads with your repeated stupid questions about your messed up cabinet grow, and when politely asked not to, you bash them.

This statement alone I feel should get you banded, plus it shows you know nothing about UVB lights. Mine puts out 8% UVB of the total light out put.

Although the person who started this thread is not interested in discussing the subject. I AM. Matter a fact, anybody who offers prospective on the UVB suject gets ridiculed by tahoe. It is my suspision that tahoe is a Narc trying to misinform his subscribers on the benefits of indoor UVB by way of placebo effect.In an attempt to rekindle the suject and provoke thought I have this to say...

Please keep in mind that I'm not an expert on Reptile lighting.... the UVB in those weak reptile floros will disapate quickly over short distances.UVB rays don't travel fast and bounce around like UVA rays do. The top colas COULD be getting UVB, and at the same time 1 foot below and next to it will get almost nothing. If you do decide to buy one be sure that you are clear on the ACTUAL UVB output. When these lights advertise 10% UVB they are talking about 10% of the UV output is UVB. So if a lizard light puts out 20% UV and 10% of that is UVB ,then in actuallity your not really getting 10%.At the same time if a lizard light were to give out 40% UV and 6% of that is UVB then that would be the light emitting the most UVB. The last and most LEAST important reason is because most but not all lizard lights stop letting out UVB rays after about 6 months. The light may not be burnt out but its not doing its job either. There are many ways to stimulate the production of resin withOUT UVB. If you are growing in a room with plenty of space,no heat issues and u got $$$, I would recommend looking into suntan booth lights, or psoriasis treatment bulbs.The lizzard light in my view is not the most practical idea.
I NEVER said that UVB lights would turn a plant hermie. you're lieing, you misquote me. And trying to win an arguement with you is like winning the special olympics, even if you win your still a retard. Your always talking about banning people. If you spent half the time talking about growing as you do talking shit maybe you would learn something. Go ahead tell RollitUp. I'm sure it won't be the first time you beg him to ban somebody.snitch