Trichomes, THC and UVB light.....

Should be, have been. The growth rate is fairly even and heights match up well - this next stage will tell all. I got my signal today to boost into flowering, which is a significant use of water/nutrient and 3"+ of new growth over 24hrs -The roots have hit the bottom (more Cannazym). I am just going in to fit up the tanning lamps, will 18/6 til Friday then 12/12 and the long, dragging wait..
hey Psyclone....thanks for updating us and providin those photos....and the commentary.....looks good. I am excited about your progress.
I just hung the tanning array, it's a tight fit, and focuses mainly on one pot (4plants, SOG style) so if there is a difference, it should be easy enough to spot. I start tomorrow AM with one hour a day 10-11 and will post. Any sign of damage and out it comes.
thanks man. the one hour per day? if you have little or no observeable result, may you alter that?
in the pits at F1 race....a girl I think...hehehehehehe I like taking pics...of anything....I like girls.....I take pics of girls whereever I am....generally they like the attention...
yup....thats the foot in front of the other, walk on faith, trust in love.....walk on mna!
What wattage is the tanning lamp psyclone?

Also what will you consider as damage? My experiment has shown lots of damage, but then I did expect them to be dead by now. I have some NL now vegging not too far away from the UV lamp under a 400w MH. The MH is not close enough to affect the UV plants too much, but the UV lamp is close enough to affect the plants under the MH... if you get my meaning. I've already selected what i hope will be mom and dad from the NL and shifted them so they are vegging closer to the UV.

What I have noticed from one of the plants under the UV is a very shiney epidermis to the leaves. I'm not sure if this can be called damage. But it is certainly more significant on one plant than it is the other. The one with the less shiney epidermis is the healthiest plant of the two.
There are 4x15watt tubes and damage is like a dirty girl-you know it when you see it! Anything out of the experience to date I guess.
Ok it's around 4 weeks veg' now, and there are clear pre-flowers forming. Immature at present, but obvious enough.

True to form Fatboy is a female, and Skinny is a Male. Surprisingly Fatboy is now taller than Skinny, although still far wider.
Are they comparable in height and vigour to plants grown under conventional light?

yes. maybe a week behind in growth... but certainly not in maturity. Straight from the seed fatboy grew like a female and skinny like a male. Although in the past week Fatboy shot past Skinny in height which had me wavering a little.

I'm going to top Fatboy and keep her as a mom for a sog grow while I breed the original plants. I'm thinking of doing the mom in a bubbler (lol, what a sentence! ha ha ha) to get me a faster rate of clone production. Particularly as indicas are hard work in the clone department.

I'm hoping that i can both breed and run through sog grows in my flowering area at the same time. It'll give me a good idea on the difference in quality of smoke then too, and lots of seed.
after reading all this info about uvb and increased resin production ive started an experiment of my own i usualy veg under MV lamps and flower under HPS lamps this time ive got 3 under HPS and 2 UNder MV completely seperated from each other will see how it goes both plants are purple kush
Nice one, thats four different grows at least. If we all keep posting, results should start to flow in over the next few months.
Doing a Mum in a bubbler.....That I have got to try, sounds so....frothy
Have you had a look at Billybob88's SGROG? real quality work, He is also playing with UV.
On the side, my suntan plant and it's neighbour are head and shoulders above the others and very healthy (so far).
hey everyone.....good to run through the discussion that is continuing.Skunk - good to see the progrsss, and interesting plans forward as well. pknl, glad you came by to visit, and thanks as well of picking up the torch and taking your own initiative. this is the way we will better learn so realities and nuances of uvlight use. hey psyclone, yea Skunk's statement...and your interpretation...hahahaha....also go to hear your news and progress.

as psyclone says, there are a number of initiatives underway right now. it will be really exciting to see the results....whatever they are. I had a good laugh though...when I was looking at fdd's raft/hijack pics, and saying my create any more trichs on that leaf and you won't even see the leaf anymore! it'll be liker a sponge and you can just fresh-squeeze the resin onto your bowl! hahahahahaha....not really of course but.....all this work is certainly going to help me understand what innovative modifications I will do to my BloomBox after the warranty is up!
An abundance of resin glands is not always a sign of potency. I'm sure this is different in fdd's case as they are his genetics, and he has bred the plant with the right mix of genes.

Certain strains however can look very frosty but contain little in the way of cannabinoids. i suppose I'm saying to just be careful when making comparisons between your own plants and somebody elses, particularly when there is different genetics involved.