tried to do a handstand...


Well-Known Member
handstands are easy it just takes practice.I just tried and was able to bang out 30 push ups upside down.
I cant balance for long tho


Well-Known Member
in elementary school we had to do abdandoned mine training, where they taught us to avoid them at all costs. we learned about the gases that lurk down there, the danger, etc. lol i grew up outside of las vegas where there are lots of abandoned silver mines in the mountains


Well-Known Member
in elementary school we had to do abdandoned mine training, where they taught us to avoid them at all costs. we learned about the gases that lurk down there, the danger, etc. lol i grew up outside of las vegas where there are lots of abandoned silver mines in the mountains
well well well .... looky what we got here .... back from french fry class eh?

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
i put the dot in there ... just bring me to "comcast cannot find this website" b.s.
x) You're quite foolish sig lover. The point of putting the (dot) in there is so it WONT bring you to the site. You need to take the (dot) out, and put an ACTUAL dot in.


Well-Known Member