tried to do a handstand...


Well-Known Member
right after those pics i ballooned up. seriously, i weighed like 100 pounds in the first grade. ive always been fat, and always been made fun of for it
lol wow ... did your parents hide weight gain in your food? what 6 year old weighs 100 pounds honestly? go play basketball or somethin, hopscotch, chase billie around the baseball field ... somethin!


Well-Known Member
i just ate alot, and alot of fattening stuff. and i was never really active on my own, but in school i was beating in basketball and soccer, but then the kids stopped wanting to play with me, and i got picked on alot, so i just went and hid during recess


Well-Known Member
damn being on a diet at 7 is fucked up.
Were you one of them maury kids?
no, but my dad didnt want me to be fat. put my ass on slim fast, atkins, woke me up at five in the morning to take walks... but he ate like crap, and since i lived with him i did too


Well-Known Member
dude i was a little kid. im not seeking pity but come on. how can you make fun of a little kid like that?


Well-Known Member
and whats wrong with me? hmm? yeah i may be fat, but everything else... im a pretty decent person. i dont even have problems with you


Well-Known Member
and whats wrong with me? hmm? yeah i may be fat, but everything else... im a pretty decent person. i dont even have problems with you
I'm just saying, you obviously weren't on a diet. You said yourself you ate junk food, but was on a diet. Nothin wrong with that, just pointin that out...


Well-Known Member
and whats wrong with me? hmm? yeah i may be fat, but everything else... im a pretty decent person. i dont even have problems with you
You do realize that roughly 80% of your posts are you defending yourself?


Well-Known Member
I'm just saying, you obviously weren't on a diet. You said yourself you ate junk food, but was on a diet. Nothin wrong with that, just pointin that out...
i did lots of diets as a kid. slim fast, atkins, eating mainly lettuce.... shit ive done hella