tried to do a handstand...


Well-Known Member
losing weights all about cardio.I promise you if you eat just 3 meals a day,only drink water and run or even walk lmao a couple miles a day you'll be good in a couple months.


Well-Known Member
Bullll shiiiit ... if people don't lose weight as fast as others, they just need to try harder.
Naw some people genetically can lose weight/gain muscle quicker than others. But that doesnt mean someone can't lose weight if they're fat, that's just an excuse because they don't want to try.. I personally lost 20-30 pounds in a month n a half or less, that's while toking :) It's mainly about the diet and doing cardio for atleast 15+ minutes because that's when it starts to burn fat off your body instead of burning the energy you put into your body that day.


Well-Known Member
really uncalled for. You asked me my reasons, there you go. Btw i cant help the depression, runs in the family, so the whole pity thing is bunk
well if you want to blame it on a "sickness" or "disease" there are medications and supplements out there to help ya out, it can be done is all i'm saying. People are just lazy and realize that working for it is too hard. That's when they go emo on us

ahem!! 8)8)


Well-Known Member
Naw some people genetically can lose weight/gain muscle quicker than others. But that doesnt mean someone can't lose weight if they're fat, that's just an excuse because they don't want to try.. I personally lost 20-30 pounds in a month n a half or less, that's while toking :) It's mainly about the diet and doing cardio for atleast 15+ minutes because that's when it starts to burn fat off your body instead of burning the energy you put into your body that day.

Umm dude ... you just repeated my shit ... right after quoting me ... I dont get it


Well-Known Member
Urca, you don't HAVE to say everything that you do. You're blatantly honest, and obviously feed into the comments you're given. That's seeking pity in a sense.


Well-Known Member
im always very blatantly honest unless i lie to not get into troube, lol. my honesty makes me enemies and well, im just a blunt person. i try not to seek pity, but i will say how i feel or what i know, and ive been like that since i was like 3, at least in my mom's reckening.


Well-Known Member
really uncalled for. you asked me my reasons, there you go. btw i cant help the depression, runs in the family, so the whole pity thing is bunk
Get off the computer get the fuck off the couch and outa the house and walk your fat ass down to the gym.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
im always very blatantly honest unless i lie to not get into troube, lol. my honesty makes me enemies and well, im just a blunt person. i try not to seek pity, but i will say how i feel or what i know, and ive been like that since i was like 3, at least in my mom's reckening.
Reckoning. -.-


Well-Known Member
im always very blatantly honest unless i lie to not get into troube, lol. my honesty makes me enemies and well, im just a blunt person. i try not to seek pity, but i will say how i feel or what i know, and ive been like that since i was like 3, at least in my mom's reckening.
I bet if you're depressed when you're standing up, doing a handstand would make you happy...

Turn that frown upside down!


Well-Known Member
This forum is fucked up sometimes.

Even someone who had no affection towards Urca whatsoever would skim over some of these posts and think 'this is fucked up'

Picking on a kid- you'd better appreciate the calm way she's responding to this load of fucking bollocks rather than textually ripping you a proverbial new one like she bloody well should.

And all you fucks who see someone being bullied and think it's safe to just 'jump on the bandwagon' (especially you johnny-five-posts), riding on the popularity of older members because you see it is 'ok' to bash someone else like that. Banter is or thing but this is different. It's gone from a little joke (which Urca, bless her, took well and tried to laugh at herself a little as we all should at times) but it's just sad now.

She does not post even half the amount of 'pointless' (I'd say 'innocently whimsical') threads lately. She's taken alot of shit, handled it without losing her temper and none of you are taking a blind bit of notice.

Can some of you not use every post to analyze what it says for whatever exploitable basis upon which to rip the shit out of eachother?

I wonder sometimes if I'm back in the elementary school playground. And you tell me to act my age- I think the lot of you need to fucking grow up.

I do not like losing my temper, but I think something calm and articulate would be wasted on some of you.

*growls* It's too early for this.

Edit: And Cryptkeeper, you're only correcting her here because everyone is having a dig at her right now. It's bothered me that you cannot spell 'entrepreneur' (and it was not a typing error) for a while now, but I didn't want to point it out at the time because I thought you were cool. Maybe I care a little less now, even after you offended me I defended you.

April, I notice you pulled out of this thread before it got really nasty. If you had any kind of heart at all you'd draw a line under this crap, I've had just about enough of it, and it's not even directed at me.