trigger happy police

i often wonder if their trigger happiness has to to with the fact that they are for the most part very inexperienced. unless someone is a cop in a straight up battlefield of a city, i can't imagine he's been in a lot of standoff type situations or other situations where firearm restraint is called for.

around here cops avoid ghettos like the plague. just yesterday there was a very one-sided "fight" next door on the porch after a mob of people dragged some dude outside and beat the shit out of his head (while my grill was preheating. i observed from my window) with pipes and fists. screaming and ruckus galore. so about 15 minutes later while i'm outside actually grilling my chicken a cruiser comes flying up the street, sirens and tires screaming, and this was their "investigation"...

cop (to crowd of people in front of the "fight porch"): we got several calls. was there a fight here?
crowd spokesperson: naw.

and he left. the end. there was visible blood all over the porch and an angry mob still outside, the main door had clearly been kicked in, and the fucking pipe was leaning against a fence. but that cop wanted no part of it. how do you think that cop would handle himself in an actual battle situation when he's too pussy or indifferent to investigate a beating that by his own admission "several people called about"? how much practice does such a man really have? what does the police department consider "qualified"? how impressive is it to be a "veteran of the force" when you spent the last 25 years hiding from the same criminals you are supposedly "protecting society" from? the most hilarious part is i have surveillance cameras that caught the whole thing, but they never even asked. the police are not going to protect me from these people and i have no interest in volunteering to make a target of myself. the police fail to realize that THEY are the ones who are responsible for people not cooperating with them in neighborhoods that they abandoned long ago, but that's for another thread.

when shit hits the fan they shit their pants. they are scared children who often become police officers for less than noble reasons. they are useless pantywaist douchebags, and expecting them to be anything but is a fantasy.
i often wonder if their trigger happiness has to to with the fact that they are for the most part very inexperienced. unless someone is a cop in a straight up battlefield of a city, i can't imagine he's been in a lot of standoff type situations or other situations where firearm restraint is called for.

around here cops avoid ghettos like the plague. just yesterday there was a very one-sided "fight" next door on the porch after a mob of people dragged some dude outside and beat the shit out of his head (while my grill was preheating. i observed from my window) with pipes and fists. screaming and ruckus galore. so about 15 minutes later while i'm outside actually grilling my chicken a cruiser comes flying up the street, sirens and tires screaming, and this was their "investigation"...

cop (to crowd of people in front of the "fight porch"): we got several calls. was there a fight here?
crowd spokesperson: naw.

and he left. the end. there was visible blood all over the porch and an angry mob still outside, the main door had clearly been kicked in, and the fucking pipe was leaning against a fence. but that cop wanted no part of it. how do you think that cop would handle himself in an actual battle situation when he's too pussy or indifferent to investigate a beating that by his own admission "several people called about"? how much practice does such a man really have? what does the police department consider "qualified"? how impressive is it to be a "veteran of the force" when you spent the last 25 years hiding from the same criminals you are supposedly "protecting society" from? the most hilarious part is i have surveillance cameras that caught the whole thing, but they never even asked. the police are not going to protect me from these people and i have no interest in volunteering to make a target of myself. the police fail to realize that THEY are the ones who are responsible for people not cooperating with them in neighborhoods that they abandoned long ago, but that's for another thread.

when shit hits the fan they shit their pants. they are scared children who often become police officers for less than noble reasons. they are useless pantywaist douchebags, and expecting them to be anything but is a fantasy.

Dont tell them you have a security camera. They will get a warrent and take every piece of computor equipment you have to get the tape. Their pricks and did it to me.