

Ive read a lot about triming and how its good to do it early in flower or right before (lollipoping). It's day 31 in flower and there looking great, Just recooped from a small cold spell, but in all lookin nice. Question is if it will help to trim for better light penetration or is it too late to do any trimming? There growing fast especially the Mowie wowie in front right i would hate to stunt there growth too much. Thanx.



Well-Known Member
I would even out the canopy & let em grow now. What's up with the back left girl? She's a lil droopy. Just nit pickin! You may start thinking about holding up those branches - hopefully! Good job!


Thanx everyone for your input. I think i might just leave em and read up on scrog and try it on my next run. Got some nice clones going. As far as the back left (girl scout cookies) there was a few nights where it got down to 40 degrees (Fahrenheit) a 40 degree difference night/day. Started showing phosphorus deficiency, redish purple droopy leaves. But i got a heater put it in front of my intake fan and they been perkin right up.