Trimming Sucks!!!


Well-Known Member
Look up ISO hash if you want a really quick and cheap way to make hash. But honestly if I had enough trim I'd just do butter or get those eBay bubble bags.


Well-Known Member
tim to smoke some scissor hash... hells yeah.. do i have to let it dry? i can just smoke it right?


Well-Known Member
You can smoke it straight up. If you wore latex gloves, toss them in a plastic bag and then the freezer so you can peel the hash off of the fingers when it hardens.

The trick with speed on trimming is this for me, I first pull all the fan leaves by hand. If you hold the cola, pointing up, grasp a fan leaf stem and gently pull downwards, you'll feel it give, then snap it up to seperate it from the stem skin. It takes a little practice, but when you get good at it, it dramaticaly speeds up trimming time. Also keep your scissors clean. I spin my cola in my hand and cut off anything sticking out, about a 1/4" from the bud. Sugar leaves make great smoke, so I like to leave a bit on, maybe 1/4". I don't try to remove all of it. Some people will just pull the fan leaves as far as they can and just hang the cola with sugar leaves still attached. If your humidity is way low, this is actually a good idea, to slow down drying.


Well-Known Member
Yea I smoke mine wet LOL
We did a out door and got 16 Lbs. 2 weeks to trim and lots of trim for budder.


Well-Known Member
16 packs.. damn... thanks for the info .. you got a butter making thread or something? Whats some with your avi?

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
trimming sucks at the time.. but it's sooooo worth it :)

Do a GOOD job because hopefully youll be staring at those nugs in marvel for some time..


Well-Known Member
If your doing indoor I would stick with hand trimming
I got 12 zips off 8 plants from my last indoor of Heindo Skunk and hand trimmed them, it just makes you closer to the crop and the end results.
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tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I remove all fan leaves by hand, larger ones first, then the medium ones by funning a finger along the stem into the bud and pressing down, just snaps off. then i flip it upside down and remove all the small fan leaves from the undersides of each bud site and then after that just take off the sugar leaves starting at the top, scissors pointed towards the bottom of the bud. If it's fluffy though then it's just a pain and you end up lopping big bits of bud off or just leaving lots of leaf :D


Well-Known Member
thanks yeah bubble bags are kind of pricey atm
I used these payloadbagswith great results so far. I agree trimming is time consumming but you do get quicker with each plant as your experience level increases. I feel like it's is the last time I am going to be with my plant as a whole before I smoke her.