Trouble with Edibles


hey guys, im havin some trouble with my edibles...i made cannabutter with my used vape and then made cookies, fresh out of the oven they had me flyin, but then the next day and so on nothing....THEN...i made some cannabutter using actual trim from my plants and made cookies the night after(last night) same thing higher than a kite off of just one....tonight i wanted a little more umph, so i ate 2...its been 3 hours and nothing...could storing them in the fridge lower the potency? do i need to add more cannabutter than what the recipe calls for normal butter? PLEASE HELP :roll:

I made the cannabutter using this method


Well-Known Member
some folks say they have a limit or a tolerance... dont add more butter...use more weed to make it stronger... adding more butter will eff up the recipe.. I have tried it many ways and still trying to this day to get a perfect way... it's an endless journey I think


Strictly a recreational user. Edibles make my tolerance go up really fast. I try to wait at least 5 days between consumption.


yeah def. think its my tolerance cause i had a 3rd one about 2 his morning and nothin, prolly wait a week and try it out again....can tolerance go up that high within 2 days of edibles at night?


Well-Known Member
I am not sure what people mean by tolerance? I know if I stopped smoking for a few days I can get higher then.. but it's short lived 10mins tops. my medibles are taken daily and I have never really had the :euphoric high: most folks are looking for or wanting.. I use to have that as a younger kid,,25+ years ago.. the medibles have consistently had a great pain re-leaving effects without the goofy giddiness most folks want


Well-Known Member
yeah def. think its my tolerance cause i had a 3rd one about 2 his morning and nothin, prolly wait a week and try it out again....can tolerance go up that high within 2 days of edibles at night?
yes in fact i have the same issue with edibles. i can only eat two of the same edibles before i start to notice that i get less high or not high at all. by the third day they dont really effect me unless they are from the rollitup homies in my area. "tend to be kinda strong lately." lol. normally happens when i eat them with repetition every day. i try to go at least a few days between edibles for this reason. also try changing the strains u use to make the edibles or eat edibles from other strains if u have access to buy them. mix it up.


Example - I took 2oz of a very strong tincture on a camping trip.
1st night small dose - wasted.
2nd night about 3 times as much, very stoned but nothing like first night.
3rd night rest of bottle, more than an ounce, strong body high but not much for the head.

Other potential factor for lower dose edibles is to have as empty a stomach as possible. Less food to dilute goodness of edibles.

Wait a week and see what happens.


thank you guys so much for all the info, im going to try my chances with edibles again tonight, see how it goes...will re-post when medicated or not...


Staff member
i find if youeat too much less of a high. so if youre eating a bunch of cookies or eat acookie then make kd or someshit then eat more cookies less of ahigh putting it in the fridge doesnt lower potenticy.