

Well-Known Member
Aight i got an ole lady, and we both got a "record". What is... or is there a good way to tell her i wand to start a indoor grow, without her getting angry at me. I have already some what told her, but she is not liking the idea. If anyone has a good idea, or any good advice let me know thanks!


Active Member
Start small? Tell her that you want to pop one seed and see what happens. If you get a lady, its happy times. If it's a male, kill it and pop another seed. You could hide a lollipopped plant very easy in a computer case or something.
Hi,I'am fairly new to growing an I have this h39kb175 r 175w Bulb Not sure thinking its either A HID or MH light,I'm just wondering if I only had like just 1-3 plants would it work for flowering them?PLZ Any feedback would be GREATLY appreciated.I found this lamp from a streetlight,It's Identical size to the HPS/MH lights just lower Wattage
Think its a HiD mercury h39 175W e39 bt28 257 AN Has 7800 lumens,So unless I'am really luck I doubt it'd be good for flowering,But possible for probably Veg,But need it more for flower but doesnt look like its gonna work that way,Even if It'd only do just 1 plant for now I'd be happy,I've just about got all my stuff rdy to order untill then was wanting to mess around an get some previous pointers. Any replys is greatly appreciated.
Oh btw,The bulb was found an free so I just figured I'd ask the more prof's about it hehe,But As far as I can already tell it seems that its not good for anything,But It should have some form of use,Even though its not what I'am wanting,Even for Veg would make me happy but I'm sure if I get any replys,I'll prolly be let down,Guess I'll have to wait till I get my ordered stuff,Hate to throw da bulb away,Looks like it has potential an if you can raise Mothers/Clones on Flures,Surely this should be able to as well,I'v almost convinced myself that it will be crap for blooming though now :(
So in otherwords your saying it wont be good for flowering?I'm just wondering if there is even a chance just to mess around with like I was saying,I still may try it till I get my goodies,An I dont wanna burn such a big light just for veg unless absolutly needed.B/c atm I have many veg ights an not my originall budding ones yet,So may be a good project,Just kinda didnt catch the meaning of ur last sentence ...... Welp hope to get one last reply,I'll chek it tommorow,Laterz :D


Hide it in trash can that she dosent know about and put it in your closet or something if you can get a black trash can for the heat :D enjoy growing im at this step to :( add me if you want.