Troutie's Green O'matic Stealth grow


Well-Known Member
yeah all three are Green o'matic ..... and i'll deff be waiting for the full amber take over now ... i'm quite excited :-)


Well-Known Member
plants looking great mate , wish i had some bud ready lol , if my slh doesnt feck up it should be ready just after end of jan :)


Well-Known Member
i'd be in there standing gaurd with a lighter and a pin ..... oh and a shotgun (better make sure i hate spiders)


Well-Known Member
i'd be in there standing gaurd with a lighter and a pin ..... oh and a shotgun (better make sure i hate spiders)
i hate spiders also ... these mofo's are going to get blasted with scotch bonnett homemade pepper spray and then if that dont work ill smoke bomb the hell out of them and introduce ladybirds !!

there messing with the wrong mans grow lol


Well-Known Member
Vivarium heater arrived this morning :-)

will get that stuck in there and see what temp i can keep during dark tonight


Well-Known Member
Vivarium heater dont work.. at all ... suspect its buggered!

so to be fair kinda massively pissed off right now.. just got a secondhand car this week with a F**ked trans (gearbox in english) and a viv heater that dont heat!

sold the car for a whopping loss today and finding the heater don't work has just about crisped my chips


Well-Known Member
right hopng for a better day... 1 & 2 are fine... but don't seem any closer to amber... just a matter of time is my guess

4 & 5 look great ... and the critical jack although slower growing than the GOM's, and a few days behind, but looks happy and healthy


Well-Known Member
LOL... well its all hassle i could do without to be honest .... i hate time wasters and rip off merchants... (been offered a refund on the heater)

so i will buy a new one today .... :-)


the bag of weed for my troubles is still hanging inside a cardboard box in my slightly crowded growbox .... i have made holes in the box top and bottom so air can pass through but not much light, i opened it yesterday and its sticky and wet still. which came as no suprise as its quite dense

i am having to dry them in my grow box because of the smell while drying would be far too much indoors for the week before christmas... we have a lot of visitors that wouldn't approve LOL


Active Member
bit of a bummer about the heater bro. But good that the guy has given you a refund :)
I got one too yesterday (refund not heater), I ordered a thermometer just before setting up my flower cab, 15th Nov (Seems like longer than that don't it). For that amount of time and the sake of 2 quid I may as well have gone to homebase and got one :-S

I gotta sort summin out for my drying too. Got a while to go before I start considering this but still have to. I did ponder similar to yours, a card box at the roof of my flower cab, connected to my exhaust fan so it acts as a kind of duct. I rather think that the humidity in there may be slightly too high for it though, which will make it take too long to dry. I guess it's one thing we'll have to see eh...
Similarly, I shouldn't be bringing that shit into my house... Although, I do have a few sneaky and rarely used cupboards ;)


Well-Known Member
the dank hum that filled my house from my last grow is a deffo no no here ... the yeild was tiny yet the drying smell was intense (and is bad in the shed this time too)

its recomended that you don't pass a breeze over them... i have no idea why (assumed mould, but i have a habbit of being wrong), so all i did was poked holes all round the box with a BIC so it could breath and hung it up ..... i'll post a picture in a couple of minutes :-)


Well-Known Member
all five ....
from left to right.... far left two GOM seedlings just shown sex (#4 & #5) .. Center is plant #2 the original bad girl ... Far right #1 now looking better then her previously larger sister :-) ... and last but not least the critical jack screwed to the wall still (might repot today if her soil is dry enough)

the hanging box ..... might check progress in a while, would like it to spend a couple of days curing if it drys enough.... once in the jar i'll do 8hr closed then 4 open for a couple of days ... then just open them for an hour each day to let them breath

IMG_9624 (1024x680).jpgIMG_9626 (681x1024).jpg


Well-Known Member
yeah sorry light is a little intense for clear picture of a silver hanger LOL ... but you get the idea (knew them lamp boxes would come in handy :-) )

Grow box is well busy .... the Basil looked great until i forgot it was in the back ... oh and i'm not sure it likes Bio-Bizz Bloom LOL, but i'll tidy it up when i repot the CJ and check the drying plant shortly