True HP Aero For 2011

Hey so i bought THIS TIMER, and just got it hooked up. I know there has been talk of others, but i don't know man, i think it's a pretty good deal for only $55 shipped if all you need is sub 1 sec capability, not sure what more expensive ones do for you, i'm too cheap to even look at a $100 timer, lol. To all those gonna DIY there sub 1 sec timer, you go girl, but for those looking to buy, and keep it cheap, maybe the 102 from timerco is an option?

I've got the timer set to pop my solenoid as low as it'll go, .1sec bursts right now, and the little SOB is doing it. I think i remember r0m saying when he went below .3 with his homemade timer, that his solenoid (which is the same as mine) would stick open, or maybe it was not fire at all? I remember him saying something like that,.. but with this timer i can say mine is doing it. I measure the amount of mist coming out my red cloudtops (18 total hooked to one noid BTW), with a tiny 2oz bottle and syringe. Not as accurate as some would have it, but if repeated a few times and you get the same totals, good the fuck enough IMO. Real world measurements (@ 140PSI) show that at a full 1 second on time i mist 1.5ml per nozzle, and at .1 sec on time i only mist .5ml per noz.

I run 3 noz's per 20 gallon (75L) trash can, so .75ml total.
Son-of-a-bitch if i ain't hitting that <1ml per 100L formula pretty much nuts on now :hump:
Running .1sec on, and 60sec off atm... guess ill see how that goes.

PS: I left the new acc i setup last week alone and went on vaca for 4 days, came home to nothing but bigger plants
:bigjoint: i setup a surveillance cam in front of the pressure gauge, and logged in with my iPhone to make sure everything was AOK while i was away though, hehe

Real world measurements (@ 140PSI) show that at a full 1 second on time i mist 1.5ml per nozzle, and at .1 sec on time i only mist .5ml per noz.
With the 1 second timing, your nozzle has a effective flowrate of 5.5LPH, and at 0.1 second its 18LPH.
I run 3 noz's per 20 gallon (75L) trash can, so .75ml total.

Your math is a tad adrift, where do you get the .75ml from? If you`re using 3 nozzles on a 0.1sec pulse you`ll be delivering 1.5ml into a 75L chamber...well over 1ml/100L
oh ya, 200%, duh. Still well within reason, i think 300% was ok i read, and with 3 heads i'm getting real good coverage. If i or someone went to bigger cans though, be even closer to that supposed magic formula

Why's it seem like you wrote that backwards to me? Shouldn't it have a lower flow rate per hour at .1, not 1.0sec?

I used the figures from your realworld testing
Real world measurements (@ 140PSI) show that at a full 1 second on time i mist 1.5ml per nozzle, and at .1 sec on time i only mist .5ml per noz.

If your 0.1 second pulse delivered 0.15ml it would be inline with your 1 second test. (1.5ml/sec or 5.5LPH). The limitations of the timer relay, solenoid and hydraulic loses are playing their part and its delivering more than 3x the theoretical amount..(0.5ml/ 0.1sec or 18LPH) ;)
hmm,.. and here i thought the 200+ pages of info before now, not to mention me saying i'm getting 1.5ml @ 1sec, and .5ml at .1 sec, made it kind of obvious time, and amount, weren't congruent with one another. hope you remembered to put your cape on captain obvious, or is it debbie downer?..ah who cares.

If sub 1 sec on times is what you need, save you $50 and get one of these! Same limitations, half the price 8)
You asked for the reason why the shorter pulse had the higher hourly flowrate.
Here`s the simple math; for your 0.1second pulse: 1 hour = 3600 seconds / 0.1sec pulse *0.5ml = 18000ml or 18LPH, and for your 1second pulse: 3600 seconds / 1sec pulse *1.5ml = 5400ml or 5.4LPH
Anywho, i for one am done trying to help you out.. best of luck with your grow.
You asked for the reason why the shorter pulse had the higher hourly flowrate.
Here`s the simple math; for your 0.1second pulse: 1 hour = 3600 seconds / 0.1sec pulse *0.5ml = 18000ml or 18LPH, and for your 1second pulse: 3600 seconds / 1sec pulse *1.5ml = 5400ml or 5.4LPH
Anywho, i for one am done trying to help you out.. best of luck with your grow.
Yes, it's frustrating dealing with someone who insults you in the midst of trying to help them... Looks to me like alot of wasted posts filling up this thread. DIYer- start your own thread on your setup and I will sub to it for entertainment value, but I actually had a purpose here and it wasn't YOU.
@tb: Oh tb,.. just for once dude, try to get the sand out of your vagina, that Atomizer, and others who reply to me, obviously aren't so prone to. You've sang this same, don't want this or that here, tune, a lot more then once in this thread, and i realized that only reading the first 100 pages, well before i got here. Ever stop to think these Fml trolls like you think i am, that keep popping up throughout this whole thread, might be exactly what your song attracts? Ever stop to think maybe i'm not here for you?... If anyone feels like replying thats there biz. You stopped being of help long ago IMO, you got money to waste, go start another tribute band. Oh wait, that's right, you did over pay for another one, lol. No one person ever killed a thread. This thread was dead new info wise a long time of go, at least i'm bringing cheaper options for parts to the table to get in the game, that actually might make someones so inclined.
All you do anymore here is stand by the door, greeting who comes with a overly suck up like welcome
kiss-ass, and singing the same old tune your hero's wrote, not you. You said 20 gal can's weren't going to be good enough, and my real world amounts prove they are at 200%, sorry, but time to suck a tailpipe loser, and realize all the parts you wasted money on, are not the fastest. Don't like it? I'm sure your ignore button works too you big baby.

@ Atomizer: Obviously any nozzle would have higher hourly flow rate,.. for the duration the timer and solenoid are ACTUALLY working them, vs what's on the dial. That's been pointed out long ago, and precisely why i said, 'kind of obvious time (on the timer), and amount, weren't congruent with one another'. But they are not putting out more any hour of the day at .1sec vs 1.0sec, and if you brought the topic up of their "hourly rate", well id sure think the reality of the two is what you'd be talking about. If <1ml per 100L is the supposed holy grail to hit and not over saturate, and 300% of that is doable with longer misting times and will still produce the fuzzies, then my real world measurements of what's actually coming out of some red CL's, at what PSI, at what timer set time, make a hell of a lot more sense to someone who's considering this, not to mention considering a doable root zone size this could work with, then you snidely chiming in how much more my .1 sec noz mist in an hour of timer said it ran time, how is that helpful to calc the <1ml per 100L formula at all?

You can both hide your hate all you want, doesn't make your posts, in this thread, anymore info filled now that your done with the first 30 pages or so. Except for correcting my math to 200%, that was actually helpful, thank you so very much for all your help. RAH RAH Sis boom,....... nope, can't do it. One cheerleader with blinders on is all you get per thread.

Yes, it's frustrating dealing with someone who insults you in the midst of trying to help them... Looks to me like alot of wasted posts filling up this thread. DIYer- start your own thread on your setup and I will sub to it for entertainment value, but I actually had a purpose here and it wasn't YOU.
I`ve come to the conclusion its pointless, no doubts in a months time when his roots turn a sickly brown colour or his setup fails to deliver any root hairs he`ll be looking for someone to blame...a mirror would be a good choice.
Here`s some roots for him to aim at, the flawless ones on the left are g-loves and the ones on the right are my poor attempt at duplicating them. I`m looking forward to comparing them to DIYer`s in a few weeks time.
target root structure.JPG

I'm going to drill holes in my chamber to accommodate my nozzles. I originally stated I was going to position them 6" below the lip of the 32 gallon can, but on second thought I don't want to have the nozzles too close to the lid so that droplets don't form on it.

How important do you think water collection on the top of the lid would be? I can always plug the holes back up if need be, but I'd rather start out with as little future problems as possible.
Gee up. My comment was valid.
The pause duration sets the overall throughput, ie; the quantity of water it delivers over a set period of time. It has no effect on the hourly flowrate of a nozzle.
I cant put it in simpler terms..a 1gph nozzle has a flowrate of 1gph whether you turn it on for 1 second or leave it running all day.
The reason your seeing different flowrates at different pulse settings is not due to the nozzle, its due to the inherent losses and delays in the system.

I'm going to drill holes in my chamber to accommodate my nozzles. I originally stated I was going to position them 6" below the lip of the 32 gallon can, but on second thought I don't want to have the nozzles too close to the lid so that droplets don't form on it.

How important do you think water collection on the top of the lid would be? I can always plug the holes back up if need be, but I'd rather start out with as little future problems as possible.

Sorry bout that dok ;) Well, the best thing imo is to hold them inside the chamber with your hand and let em spray till you find out the highest point they can sit at without hitting the lid much. I'd assume a little dripping is okay but the least amount possible is probably the best case scenario. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so perhaps I tend to go above and beyond what will work- then again looking at how many people fail at this I'd rather err on the perfect side of things. This sport doesn't seem to pay off much for sloppyness and shortsightedness.
you`ll get a certain amount of moisture forming on all the surfaces. The roots will travel on the underside of the lid and up the walls so they`ll make use of it.
As long as your nozzles arent aimed directly at the lid you should be fine.
Gee up. My comment was valid.
The pause duration sets the overall throughput, ie; the quantity of water it delivers over a set period of time. It has no effect on the hourly flowrate of a nozzle.
I cant put it in simpler terms..a 1gph nozzle has a flowrate of 1gph whether you turn it on for 1 second or leave it running all day.
The reason your seeing different flowrates at different pulse settings is not due to the nozzle, its due to the inherent losses and delays in the system.

When did i say that .5ml now at .1sec, was less then 1.5ml at 1.0sec, because of the nozzle???... Who the hell would think the flow rate of the same nozzle would change, if they just turned down the on time? The hourly on time flow rate, has nothing to do with the <1ml per 100L so as to not over saturate formula. I don't need to gee up kid, you need to realize you chime in way too often just trying to point in a meaningless different direction that helps no one learn a single real world nugget of knowledge to implement into building a grow, like moat the folks i've read come here to do.

Sorry bout that dok ;) Well, the best thing imo is to hold them inside the chamber with your hand and let em spray till you find out the highest point they can sit at without hitting the lid much. I'd assume a little dripping is okay but the least amount possible is probably the best case scenario.

So exactly what i said,... hmm, a lot more cover bands over in HI then i though

you`ll get a certain amount of moisture forming on all the surfaces.

Not true, like i've already said, i get 0 drops on my can lids because i mounted from the top pointing like i mentioned, and played with there depth before i drilled holes.
If you have the right type of mist there`s no way to prevent moisture forming on the chamber surfaces and the netpots. If your not seeing any then your mist is not filling the chamber completely and/or your droplet size is too big to make it back up to the top. When that happens the lower roots get soaked and the ones near the pot dry out, anyone that runs HP or AA aero will tell you the same thing.
If you have the right type of mist there`s no way to prevent moisture forming on the chamber surfaces and the netpots. If your not seeing any then your mist is not filling the chamber completely and/or your droplet size is too big to make it back up to the top. When that happens the lower roots get soaked and the ones near the pot dry out, anyone that runs HP or AA aero will tell you the same thing.
I'll concur... My whole chamber always has a bit of dew coating all the surfaces, even the lid...
If you have the right type of mist there`s no way to prevent moisture forming on the chamber surface

i agree, but moisture and "drops", which is what i said, are two entirely different things. anyone that runs HP or AA aero will tell you the same thing ;)
I wish you`d make up your mind, post # 2156, is it moisture or drops or both?

Originally Posted by Atomizer
you`ll get a certain amount of moisture forming on all the surfaces.

Not true, like i've already said, i get 0 drops on my can lids because i mounted from the top pointing like i mentioned, and played with there depth before i drilled holes.