True HP Aero For 2011

tb after reading that g- loves thread I need one of those atomix lol Id pay the price you get it back in 1 grow!! anyine no where to get one or the parts to replicate it?

edit: never mind the next atomix is in your signature:)
hehe they seem impossible to source or find... They were about 5k usd new anywho.... Sorry, it's not an atomix, but an aerolife, it's a similar design, but I'm testing it in hopes it might perform nearly as well with some mods and tlc.
If a used Atomix came up it`s bound to be located in the`d be looking at ridiculous shipping costs on top of the asking price :)
Well, got some good news. A year ago I spent nearly 300 bucks on some interesting strains from Holland. They didn't work out so well in my fogger setup after they got over 100 degrees lol... Anyway, I kept em safe and recently tried germing the freebies to see what gives. None sprouted and I got worried they were all dead, so I decided to pop one of each strain just to check and they all poked roots out today!. I got a pure Sativa called Legend of Jah which sounded really cool, one called Supernova, an indica which claims to be a whopping 25% thc and the last was a cross called Carmeliscious that had to be one of the most beautiful reddish colored plants I'd ever seen. Guess I'll put them in promix and make them mothers for my future "experiments". I pulled them out of the paper towels and put them in 1" rockwool cubes for now until I decide exactly what to do with them, but I imagine I'll put them in 5 gallon buckets with the sunshine #4 promix and water with a dynagro regimen.
Still have no idea about the sex of course as they're not feminised, but wish me luck! :weed:
If a used Atomix came up it`s bound to be located in the`d be looking at ridiculous shipping costs on top of the asking price :)
Well let me know if you locate one I'd pay it lol

Well, got some good news. A year ago I spent nearly 300 bucks on some interesting strains from Holland. They didn't work out so well in my fogger setup after they got over 100 degrees lol... Anyway, I kept em safe and recently tried germing the freebies to see what gives. None sprouted and I got worried they were all dead, so I decided to pop one of each strain just to check and they all poked roots out today!. I got a pure Sativa called Legend of Jah which sounded really cool, one called Supernova, an indica which claims to be a whopping 25% thc and the last was a cross called Carmeliscious that had to be one of the most beautiful reddish colored plants I'd ever seen. Guess I'll put them in promix and make them mothers for my future "experiments". I pulled them out of the paper towels and put them in 1" rockwool cubes for now until I decide exactly what to do with them, but I imagine I'll put them in 5 gallon buckets with the sunshine #4 promix and water with a dynagro regimen.
Still have no idea about the sex of course as they're not feminised, but wish me luck! :weed:
awesome good luck I'm sure there females;)
Well let me know if you locate one I'd pay it lol

awesome good luck I'm sure there females;)
Thanks DH, there's no such thing as too much luck... To be honest, sit tight and lets see of we can get this aerolife to perform, then it'll be the same thing for alot cheaper. And to be honest- I've combed the internet daily for almost a year now and not a single Atomix has been mentioned :(
Thanks DH, there's no such thing as too much luck... To be honest, sit tight and lets see of we can get this aerolife to perform, then it'll be the same thing for alot cheaper. And to be honest- I've combed the internet daily for almost a year now and not a single Atomix has been mentioned :(

Ik I'm searching everywhere lol not eem a parts list?... It's by far the best performing system I've seen somone bought the rights to it and arnt re releasing it why is that?
Ik I'm searching everywhere lol not eem a parts list?... It's by far the best performing system I've seen somone bought the rights to it and arnt re releasing it why is that?

Probably because they realize no matter how good it performs they can't make a business at selling them for 5k... Other that that I have no idea unless it was the Tree Frog guy trying to eliminate competition hohohahahah lol lol....
BTW- I finally got around to calling and asking Dyna-gro how they are able to have a one part formula without precipitation. The lady who answered told me that it is supposedly impossible to do, but it is their trade secret and all the employees have to sign a promise to never tell anyone how they do it. Pretty interesting fact if I do say so myself. Perhaps Atomizer will be up late tonight with his test-tubes... :D

If it's any clue, Dyna grow does tend to form some white crystals inside once very old or after getting very cold. I am sure that has got to tell the right person something about it. The other thing about that stuff is according to common wisdom it seems like it wouldn't be very good in hydro, but I have gotten amazing results with it and seen others who do too.
BTW- I finally got around to calling and asking Dyna-gro how they are able to have a one part formula without precipitation. The lady who answered told me that it is supposedly impossible to do, but it is their trade secret and all the employees have to sign a promise to never tell anyone how they do it. Pretty interesting fact if I do say so myself. Perhaps Atomizer will be up late tonight with his test-tubes... :D

If it's any clue, Dyna grow does tend to form some white crystals inside once very old or after getting very cold. I am sure that has got to tell the right person something about it. The other thing about that stuff is according to common wisdom it seems like it wouldn't be very good in hydro, but I have gotten amazing results with it and seen others who do too.
funny thing is I alwasy thought it was for hydro only but im loving the stuff so far cant wait to try it in aero
funny thing is I alwasy thought it was for hydro only but im loving the stuff so far cant wait to try it in aero

I think it was originally designed for commercial dirt that the soil was completely depleted in, and then they went for the hydro market as one of the first companies selling hydro nutes- and I've been told that anything that works for hydro should work in aero, so that's why I've been excited to try it here as well.
I think it was originally designed for commercial dirt that the soil was completely depleted in, and then they went for the hydro market as one of the first companies selling hydro nutes- and I've been told that anything that works for hydro should work in aero, so that's why I've been excited to try it here as well.

yes I cant wait either! the other thing is with such low ppm where do you plan on starting out? i was thinking of starting wiht KLN the first few weeks and then go with 75 ppm including pro tekt and bleach and work from there?
yes I cant wait either! the other thing is with such low ppm where do you plan on starting out? i was thinking of starting wiht KLN the first few weeks and then go with 75 ppm including pro tekt and bleach and work from there?

Well, ppm is weird to talk about because there are so many different conversion factors. If you talk in terms of ec it's universal, so I prefer it. I tend to start on Atomizer's advice of .2ec which ends up being around 140ppm in the .7 scale. or 100ppm on the .5 scale. It worked well in the past. I would probably use a little KLN for rooting (as well as clonex gel if you like) but to be honest I've never used either before but purchased both recently to try- and then try adding the .2ec grow nutes and silica (always add silica first to prevent precipitation). The silica barely moves the ec anyway because it's basically sand and not a salt that conducts electricity. Gotta be careful because the silica has some potassium in it and although I wouldn't worry much about overdoing the silica, I would worry about the potassium being grossly outta proportion to the other nutes.
Well, ppm is weird to talk about because there are so many different conversion factors. If you talk in terms of ec it's universal, so I prefer it. I tend to start on Atomizer's advice of .2ec which ends up being around 140ppm in the .7 scale. or 100ppm on the .5 scale. It worked well in the past. I would probably use a little KLN for rooting (as well as clonex gel if you like) but to be honest I've never used either before but purchased both recently to try- and then try adding the .2ec grow nutes and silica (always add silica first to prevent precipitation). The silica barely moves the ec anyway because it's basically sand and not a salt that conducts electricity. Gotta be careful because the silica has some potassium in it and although I wouldn't worry much about overdoing the silica, I would worry about the potassium being grossly outta proportion to the other nutes.

ok thanks for the heads up on that!
Ok, I have a question.

This crossed my mind when gathering some fittings to finish assembling my rig. Why does it seem like everybody is avoiding brass and copper like the plague? I understand that some people would be worried about copper toxicity, but would it really reach anywhere near the amounts that would show any signs of illness? I mean, copper is used as a common fungicide for many vegetable plants. Granted overdoing the application would do harm to the plant, but still the concentration of copper in the fungicide would be at least hundreds of times more concentrated than any sort of copper leaching out of fittings (I would imagine).

I mean, prior to coming out of your faucet, the water goes through numerous feet of solid copper pipe water line, past numerous brass valves, and finally exiting out of a normally brass crafted garden hose nozzle.

I'm just curious what the reasoning is behind buying specialty stainless pressure relief valves/gauges/check valves. I mean if you were THAT concerned about that much copper leaching out of the yellow brass, you should be concerned about the lead leaching out too... lol... I can see avoiding making huge long runs using copper pipe as a nute transport between chambers in a large grow room, but couldn't see brass or copper making any difference in a small setup like most of us have.

Like I said, I also avoided brass where I could, but in a few places I had to use a couple small brass fittings and used regular pressure gauges out of convenience. This is just out of curiosity, not trying to argue a point or change anybodys mind. I just want to know the reasonings behind your decisions :)
Also, I'm finishing up hooking up the rest of my system. Is a check valve needed after the pump? I wasn't sure if it was alright to subject the pump to the constant 125+ psi or if the pump even prevented the backflow since it states it doesn't prevent forward flow even when off. I just thought it easier to ask then hook up the setup and hav eto take some fittings back apart to put in the check valve after testing :)
Ok, I have a question.

This crossed my mind when gathering some fittings to finish assembling my rig. Why does it seem like everybody is avoiding brass and copper like the plague? I understand that some people would be worried about copper toxicity, but would it really reach anywhere near the amounts that would show any signs of illness? I mean, copper is used as a common fungicide for many vegetable plants. Granted overdoing the application would do harm to the plant, but still the concentration of copper in the fungicide would be at least hundreds of times more concentrated than any sort of copper leaching out of fittings (I would imagine).

I mean, prior to coming out of your faucet, the water goes through numerous feet of solid copper pipe water line, past numerous brass valves, and finally exiting out of a normally brass crafted garden hose nozzle.

I'm just curious what the reasoning is behind buying specialty stainless pressure relief valves/gauges/check valves. I mean if you were THAT concerned about that much copper leaching out of the yellow brass, you should be concerned about the lead leaching out too... lol... I can see avoiding making huge long runs using copper pipe as a nute transport between chambers in a large grow room, but couldn't see brass or copper making any difference in a small setup like most of us have.

Like I said, I also avoided brass where I could, but in a few places I had to useo, not trying to argue a point or change anybodys mind. I just want to know the reasonings behind your decisions :)

Some of us are just paranoid :dunce: about these metals getting into our plants and also change the ppm (slightly), I would also dare to say that it could change the pH (again, slightly).

I have a polyethelyne pressure relief valve (you dont want to know what I paid for it :?: ). In fact the only stainless steel I use is on the accumulator and the reducer used to get to the JG fittings and the solenoid. the rest is all food grade plastics.
I am getting ready to switch from Dutch Master Gold A & B (which I am very happy with) to DM ONE (one part). I want to finish my A & B first. Finally down to one mix left. Not that mixing is a big deal, but buying 5 L of ONE Grow is a whole lot cheaper than 2.5L each of A & B.

And now, I use Grow for both v & f but plan to add small amounts of DM Potash+ during flower. I have seen evidence that this will work. I had increased my grow A & B ppms from ~ 500 to ~ 700; within 10 days I began to see pistils. It took me a reread of some great info I saved from a DIY Nutes thread, whrein the author mentioned that P should be < 30ppms, and over that the increased P will cause flowering. From my observation, it does seem to be the throttle for when to flower. As I recall, Pod Racer discussed P as the throttle in the old days. So, I diluted back to ~ 400 ppms, hoping/expecting that they will revert back. However, I should probably flush to be safe.
Yes, it's frustrating dealing with someone who insults you in the midst of trying to help them... Looks to me like alot of wasted posts filling up this thread. DIYer- start your own thread on your setup and I will sub to it for entertainment value, but I actually had a purpose here and it wasn't YOU.

Yeah, a fight or flight reaction. Hmmm....don't need to flee, not in danger. Then fight, no danger. People make mistakes. They post, we help. But, then they are insulted and defensive they made the mistake.

Folks this is forum,. not cocktail party or pre-game tailgating banter. We all need to bring a different skill set. It's forum. Who cares if you are insulted one way or the other?