True HP Aero For 2011

Where will the compressor be located in relation to the chamber, a good distance away or just a few feet?
The compressor will prob be 50-65ft away, unless u reccomend putting it closer?
Mine's inside the chamber to save room, plus I figure the roots will eventually help deaden the sound...

:D ok not really, but here's the end of day 7 on the fog clone:

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They were really fuzzy and happy until I let them dry out a tad while doing some maintenance... Now they look a bit freakish
Nice looks like your just about ready!:)
Its looks alright to me, chuck it in a netpot with some rockwool chunks ;)

DH, thats a fair old distance. If its sitting outside in the sun, heating may be an issue. Generally the cooler the air the better as it forces water to condense out. Other than that, all you really need is a wall mounted pressure regulator/filter combo mounted near the chamber, ebay is a good bet. You might need to add a drop leg (or two) if the airline runs uphill at any point. A drop leg is just a vertical pipe with a manual valve at the bottom so you can drain water out.
The compressor will prob be 50-65ft away, unless u reccomend putting it closer?

Nice looks like your just about ready!:)
Yes, the unfortunate aspect is this is the only surviving clone and I only took 5 off that tiny tomato plant from the hardware store. It was the last sorriest looking plant they had and to be honest I was surprised they wanted full price for it. I wish I hadn't let my vegetable garden die out a few months back... I think I will pot this clone in rockwool chunks and handwater until the roots get through the rockwool, then drop it in the chamber and pull some frankensteins on it...
Yes, the unfortunate aspect is this is the only surviving clone and I only took 5 off that tiny tomato plant from the hardware store. It was the last sorriest looking plant they had and to be honest I was surprised they wanted full price for it. I wish I hadn't let my vegetable garden die out a few months back... I think I will pot this clone in rockwool chunks and handwater until the roots get through the rockwool, then drop it in the chamber and pull some frankensteins on it...

Hardware stores can be a rip off "screw value" but I'm glad u got one to take!
The compressor will usually have one fitted as standard, you just need another one at the end of the airline. The regulator will save you having to walk 50-65ft to check or adjust the outlet air pressure ;)
Search ebay for "compressor filter regulator", ideally wall mountable with a 150ml capacity.
What type of filter do you reccomend for my shop compressor? and do I plumb it directly into the air line before my solenoids or right at the compressor before the air hose? How many do you reccomend?

i used one of these type of filters. you can get them at northern tool if you have one of those around your area. any air compressor outlet store sells the filters also

i used only one filter and in about 6 weeks of running my shop compressor there was just a tiny drop of oily water in the filter. it would probably be good for a years use or more(alot cheaper than an expensive compressor till you can get the AA figured out). i put mine right before the AA pod and ran a 1/4 inch JG tubing from the outlet side of the filter to the pressure regulator on the AA rig.
i used one of these type of filters. you can get them at northern tool if you have one of those around your area. any air compressor outlet store sells the filters also

i used only one filter and in about 6 weeks of running my shop compressor there was just a tiny drop of oily water in the filter. it would probably be good for a years use or more(alot cheaper than an expensive compressor till you can get the AA figured out). i put mine right before the AA pod and ran a 1/4 inch JG tubing from the outlet side of the filter to the pressure regulator on the AA rig.

Ok great thanks for the link I do have northern around me. How did you manage to keep your pod temp down? Did you put a chiller in your nute res?
Ok great thanks for the link I do have northern around me. How did you manage to keep your pod temp down? Did you put a chiller in your nute res?

i just cooler the air and solution lines running to the AA pod by using A's idea of a cooling bath with a peltier cooler to chill the 2 gallon bath water. worked fine in awell insulated chamber in a room between 75-80. kept the chamber temp below 68. had 60ft of copper for the air line and 30ft of JG for the solution line. the cooler could bring the bath temps down to 50 degrees if i ran the peltier all the time but i just cycled the peltier so that the chamber temps stayed around 65-68.

i just cooler the air and solution lines running to the AA pod by using A's idea of a cooling bath with a peltier cooler to chill the 2 gallon bath water. worked fine in awell insulated chamber in a room between 75-80. kept the chamber temp below 68. had 60ft of copper for the air line and 30ft of JG for the solution line. the cooler could bring the bath temps down to 50 degrees if i ran the peltier all the time but i just cycled the peltier so that the chamber temps stayed around 65-68.

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great Idea
did you use copper just for the coil to chill it and then run a reg compressor hose from the compreesor or did you use all copper if so just wondering why?
The compressor will usually have one fitted as standard, you just need another one at the end of the airline. The regulator will save you having to walk 50-65ft to check or adjust the outlet air pressure ;)
Search ebay for "compressor filter regulator", ideally wall mountable with a 150ml capacity.

good call I ordered the one tf posted a link to
thanks gents!
Having this 10" pvc just laying around collecting dust was just killing me, so I decided my greenhouse was due for an upgrade from filthy dirt, lol. So, I cut some holes in an 8' section. Thinkin simpleponics, soaker ring in a cup of hydroton. The barrels are going to catch rain water from 2 gutters on my green house, and will be completely buried in the ground, as they will also serve as a res for the re-circ drip system. Already got one hole dug. Very forgiving soil, took 20 mins. :) I was a little disappointed to learn my 3" netcups weren't made for 3" holes. You'd think the lip would come past 3" maybe it's just me. So, I have that to deal with. Tried a bit of weather stripping around the lip. I might do that. Gonna paint the tube white and insulate the black tubing. Temps get hot as hell in my greenhouse in the summer. I'm thinkin that 100 gallons of water in the ground dripping from the soak hoses at the top of the pipe would run down the inside of the pipe cooling it. This is my hope, at least. Suggestions welcome. I'm not sure about alot of things. If I am going to constantly run water through the drip lines, would it be a bad idea to have some sort of vent in the tube, to allow a very small amount of air exchange, maybe even controlled? Not sure, again. I know it won't be very long before I'm wanting to throw some mist into the damn thing, as it seems I have a bit of an obsession with growing things unconventionally. :)

Hi Mike
The soaker hose cooling will create a hot wet environment in the tube, the white paint will keep most of the heat off. Air exchange through the tube isn`t a bad idea, i`d use a thermal chimney mounted externally to draw cooler/drier outside air into the tubes via a filter box. Ideally the filter box wants to be fed from a length of buried tube (3-4" diameter pipe), that`ll cool the air to ground temps. The flowrate will be governed by the amount of sun and it wont need any power.
Having this 10" pvc just laying around collecting dust was just killing me, so I decided my greenhouse was due for an upgrade from filthy dirt, lol. So, I cut some holes in an 8' section. Thinkin simpleponics, soaker ring in a cup of hydroton. The barrels are going to catch rain water from 2 gutters on my green house, and will be completely buried in the ground, as they will also serve as a res for the re-circ drip system. Already got one hole dug. Very forgiving soil, took 20 mins. :) I was a little disappointed to learn my 3" netcups weren't made for 3" holes. You'd think the lip would come past 3" maybe it's just me. So, I have that to deal with. Tried a bit of weather stripping around the lip. I might do that. Gonna paint the tube white and insulate the black tubing. Temps get hot as hell in my greenhouse in the summer. I'm thinkin that 100 gallons of water in the ground dripping from the soak hoses at the top of the pipe would run down the inside of the pipe cooling it. This is my hope, at least. Suggestions welcome. I'm not sure about alot of things. If I am going to constantly run water through the drip lines, would it be a bad idea to have some sort of vent in the tube, to allow a very small amount of air exchange, maybe even controlled? Not sure, again. I know it won't be very long before I'm wanting to throw some mist into the damn thing, as it seems I have a bit of an obsession with growing things unconventionally. :)

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Looks fun Mike, let us know how it works out. Something like a waterfarm I suppose... Those seem to grow nice plants with extreme simplicity. As for the netpots, I've noticed the beefier ones tend to have a smaller lip, seems stupid, but I guess the regular ones are less likely to fall through believe it or not. Maybe it's just certain brands I am hoping...
leave it sitting slightly proud and put 3 stainless steel screws in the edge 120 degrees apart wont fall through :)

Good fix... :) is "sitting proud" some sort of slang term for not all the way down in the hole? If that's the case sounds like a couple dates I'd rather not remember... :P