Having this 10" pvc just laying around collecting dust was just killing me, so I decided my greenhouse was due for an upgrade from filthy dirt, lol. So, I cut some holes in an 8' section. Thinkin simpleponics, soaker ring in a cup of hydroton. The barrels are going to catch rain water from 2 gutters on my green house, and will be completely buried in the ground, as they will also serve as a res for the re-circ drip system. Already got one hole dug. Very forgiving soil, took 20 mins.

I was a little disappointed to learn my 3" netcups weren't made for 3" holes. You'd think the lip would come past 3" maybe it's just me. So, I have that to deal with. Tried a bit of weather stripping around the lip. I might do that. Gonna paint the tube white and insulate the black tubing. Temps get hot as hell in my greenhouse in the summer. I'm thinkin that 100 gallons of water in the ground dripping from the soak hoses at the top of the pipe would run down the inside of the pipe cooling it. This is my hope, at least. Suggestions welcome. I'm not sure about alot of things. If I am going to constantly run water through the drip lines, would it be a bad idea to have some sort of vent in the tube, to allow a very small amount of air exchange, maybe even controlled? Not sure, again. I know it won't be very long before I'm wanting to throw some mist into the damn thing, as it seems I have a bit of an obsession with growing things unconventionally.
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