Hey dickhead (it's funny to call someone that when i'm not pissed at them)... I think you are leaping before you look bro. Stop buying stuff, start reading. While we're here for a support system, we can't answer each question you have right now because you don't even have a clue what you are doing or talking about (yet)... You have to understand the concepts, and what you want your build to be like-then you will know why you might want a PRV and how many solenoids you want. You cannot simply retrofit the "impulse buy" of a system you just got to be a HP-aero and expect to get the same results. All of the components must be thought out to work with each other. eg: So you have a certain chamber size/design? It dictates how you will best tackle the other variables. I'm sorry if you bought that rig based on seeing someone wrote about it here in my thread- had you read more before you bought, you would have learned that advice was from someone still trying to grasp the concepts. The machine will likely grow decent plants, so it's not a total loss, but don't expect it do or be what we're writing about in this thread, nor can you easily add a couple parts and make it work the same. If you want to get that thing up and running- I recommend checking out some traditional aero threads and asking some questions there- then read all the HP-aero threads (lots of work/knowledge) and then you can start designing a hp-aero system from scratch and put it together once you've gotten your money's worth and experience out of the system you already have. Don't worry- the system you have will likely grow nice plants-but it's different than what's in this thread...![]()
I put the name dickkhead as a joke lol but according to my girl sometimes Ian a dickhead HA! Thanks for your input he sold me a lp aero.sytem and advertised as a HP so I was panicking trying to fig out what else I needed cause he dissapeared. But all this info on hear makes me wanto to go in that direction. Your right Ian going to use what I have and get my money back then reinvest into HP aero.