True HP Aero For 2011

Hello DH yes my roots have the fuzzies and fish bones where the misters hit. The fatboy is loud but only runs a few seconds at a time. I also use a stainless check valve ball type with a precision stainless prssure switch only running a 1 liter accumulator also using a pressure reducing valve for safety.
Extra holes along the sides do not need to be sealed up. Think of them as heat vents. In fact you might consider strategically placing some for venting. I tried that, but the biggest bang came when I put a 2" pvc elbow in the lid then blew a small fan from behind it to suck hot air out. That worked!
After some experimenting, I might disagree. Originally I thought the same thing, however, it would seem the extra airflow causes the roots to dry out, remember the plant you had who's roots would not grow out the puck? I think they may have been getting air-pruned as I had the same issue after ventilating my chamber for heat reasons. Made me realize I need to keep it sealed, but better insulated instead.
Thanks thread has been lil crazy but it is about to clear up hahahah
Well, I was not really talking about your thread at all, just some of the others where people are always fighting, or repeating misinfo n stuff... Your thread is in cruise mode for now- to be expected with your move and stuff, but it's still got good people chilling over there ;)...
TB Strategic holes (small and up high) are not a problem, unless your pod is in a 24/7 wind tunnel. The real reason for my dry roots was only discovered yesterday. 5 of my mist heads were missing a pressure valve . Without them, the mist was erratic, mostly a small piss stream, never hitting those roots.
Need help guys. I started my project today. My pod is 18" tall 40 x 40 inches w & l all inside dim. I have 10 bio nozzles .016 orface. I am using Atomizers formula for GH. I placed my clones in the pod, they have the long stringy roots from spraying in my cloner, so no pom poms yet. I started out at 1 second on 3 min off. I left them a bit probally an hour and they are starting to wilt. I changed my time just now to 2 sec on and 2 min off. I sprayed some water on the leaves to hopefully keep them from drying out till I get my settings dialed in.

Any ideas from you guys? Am I missing something?
Need help guys. I started my project today. My pod is 18" tall 40 x 40 inches w & l all inside dim. I have 10 bio nozzles .016 orface. I am using Atomizers formula for GH. I placed my clones in the pod, they have the long stringy roots from spraying in my cloner, so no pom poms yet. I started out at 1 second on 3 min off. I left them a bit probally an hour and they are starting to wilt. I changed my time just now to 2 sec on and 2 min off. I sprayed some water on the leaves to hopefully keep them from drying out till I get my settings dialed in.

Any ideas from you guys? Am I missing something?

From what I have learned (very recently) it's a good idea to get a healthy root structure/healthy clone, before using traditional HPA mist times. I found that trying HP in the early stages was not very cost effective when running DTW. I'd recommend getting your cuttings established by other means, then when you got some healthy ass clones, then venture into HP. At least that's what I found to work the best for me. Many failures along the way, :)
The clones are established. I let them veg for two weeks, and are about 6 to 9 inches tall. Dialling the times to 2sec/2min seems to be helping. They look to be straigtening back up. my night cycle is set to 2sec/4min when it starts at 5am. I will look in on them when I get up in the morning.

I probally need to build some sort of hpa cloaner to get the white hair roots quicker.
hahahaha this one is like a spider mite pet flora heheheehe!!!!!!!!!!!!! not good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and yeah all the boys flirt with me but its just cause I am a girl that grows =) there are tons of other girls out there, I am not looking to settle down or even interested in a relationship so whatever they say doesn't matter to me I just wanna grow my weed ;)
hahahaha this one is like a spider mite pet flora heheheehe!!!!!!!!!!!!! not good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and yeah all the boys flirt with me but its just cause I am a girl that grows =) there are tons of other girls out there, I am not looking to settle down or even interested in a relationship so whatever they say doesn't matter to me I just wanna grow my weed ;)

Not so sure. I think it has more to do with you saying you looked a lot like your last Avatar. Boiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnggggggg.
Has anybody followed up on Aerojunkie's idea of adding compressed air while misting? (the thread seems dead) I saw a Utoob video of a AA device that is patent pending. The gun had two inputs, which would allow both nute and air to mix through the same orifice. They were demoing with 40 seconds to completely fill a ~ 2 x 2 x 4 ft chamber. One mist head was sufficient in their set up.

I am wondering whether running separate nozzles would still work. Thinking to buy a pancake compressor from Harbor Freight ($60), but would need some type of air head to affix to the pod . They also have a pen like device as an accessory, but not sure whether I would need a nozzle similar to the mist heads to disperse air throughout the chamber, or whether the force alone would stir the mist.

And how to time release? I suppose I can piggyback my iGS-011 timer into the same socket on my Sentinel timer that operates the ON cycle. The iGS has a minimum of 22 seconds on time. What do you guys think?

BTW: Since figuring out that the mist heads were my long-standing problem, I have had no further issue in the pod. I don't know what to do with myself, now! lol

I do have 4-5 new seedlings from my cross, that I began soaking on 12/21/2011 (Winter Solstice). One already has a second leaf set. 2 are much bigger than the others. Plan to germ some more on 1/1/2012

Happy New Year everyone. Be safe out there.
Yea I started mine out in Rockwool and 4 sec on 2min off to establish roots then I dialed it to 2sec on 2 min off and now I'm currently at 2on 6 off. in veg I reccomend recycle mutes or you'll fly through them just watch your ph my .02
Yea I started mine out in Rockwool and 4 sec on 2min off to establish roots then I dialed it to 2sec on 2 min off and now I'm currently at 2on 6 off. in veg I reccomend recycle mutes or you'll fly through them just watch your ph my .02

Yea that makes sense. I will continue to work with the cycle times. I am recycling nukes, and like you said I am looking at the ppm and ph before poring them back in my res.
What do I look for before backing off?

I didn't start backing off till my roots were pretty well established some plants more then others. Prob around the 4th or 5th node of growth. When your running shorter WD cycles your roots tend to grow straight down with fish bones. Mine actually hit the bottom of my container so I trimmed them and backed the time off and now there growing fuzzies. So stick with your set time and keep checking them daily and also keep an eye on your nozzles from clogging as well!