True HP Aero For 2011

Ok, so my solenoids are connected to 3 & 6 and are the black & yellow wires. The power comes in at 2 & 7 (white wires) and gets a jumper to 1 & 8 (green & red) Hope this helps. I do advise you get a stronger power supply. It might work now, but the potential for fail is not worth it.

View attachment 1953420 Ok thanks for that mike I have the powe at 2&7 and Tom was saying to use the separate wall transformer to wire the solenoid heads. But if I wire it this way it seems as though your powering your solenoids by jumping the power off 2&7 to 1&3 which provides power to 3&6 for your solenoids correct? Thanks man

Oh, and I think you're ok using aluminum. I think most will tell you that even a little bit of brass isn't going to hurt you. Just my .02
ok great!!

Merry Christmas
thx bro, i am here to learn and didn't really feel the need to re-invent the wheel when it comes to chambers and finding something with the right volume, isn't easy. my grow room is only 4 1/2' wide x 12' long x 6 1/2' high so i don't have a lot of options. maybe one day, when things are legal, i will turn my whole damn basement into a grow room. the conditions are so good in the basement it's like it was made for a grow room. i have drainage into the ground under my slab, it stays 58-72 degrees year around (no heat signature), no noise in the living area, wood stove to burn whats left off, and i vent the grow room air (through mountain fresh carbon filter) into my heating and cooling duct so it draws Co2 rich air from the living area and gives us o2 rich air. i get the extra heat in the winter and should get free cold air for air conditioning (from basement) in the summer.:D

just some info in case anyone's thinking of putting a grow room in the basement. ^^ it makes good sense when you want to grow stealth. i figure even if it's legal in your state/country, someones always going to wanna steal your shit, know what i mean.

yes i am getting some condensation on the lid so i might just lower them, thx for the tip. it wont take much just drilling 4 new holes and plugging the old ones. i silicone'd the bottom seam on this box so i could use a drain hose since, i'm indoors and all. i used 4x4 plastic conduit boxes to support my solenoids, i really didn't know what else to do since they are such an odd shape.

as far as the pics online my son tells me most of the issue is people using cell phone pictures with gps data stored on the pic? anyway i think we're ok for this and if they want to arrest me for growing tomatoes and lemons, i would relish the chance to embarrass them in the community. lulz

sorry i'll quit rambling.

hows your grow going?

Hey, btw- I found after my conduit boxes never arrived that I didn't even need them in terms of support. I was able to rotate the wire coverings on the solenoids in a way that held them out perfectly level from the chamber, and the JG line is plenty rigid enough especially at nearly flush distances to hold them up ;)... Well, my grow is something that needs to be addressed. I have been super busy with other things in life. I have not lost interest however, to the contrary I am chomping at the bit- especially now that the winter temps are such that my root chamber won't be overheating. The unfurtunate hindsight is these deck boxes even with the double walls get very hot inside under the real sun. I will have to make a mod to keep it cool before May or so. But I tried germinating some seeds that were about 10 years old and none worked (not surprised lol) so I am going to have to germ a new batch of seeds and see if I can commandeer this thing :).

From Wikipedia

"Exchangeable image file format (Exif) is a standard that specifies the formats for images, sound, and ancillary tags used by digital cameras (including smartphones), scanners and other systems handling image and sound files recorded by digital cameras. The specification uses the following existing file formats with the addition of specific metadata tags: JPEG DCT for compressed image files, TIFF Rev. 6.0 (RGB or YCbCr) for uncompressed image files, and RIFF WAV for audio files (Linear PCM or ITU-T G.711 μ-Law PCM for uncompressed audio data, and IMA-ADPCM for compressed audio data).[1] It is not supported in JPEG 2000, PNG, or GIF."

So according to this, to lose GPS EXIF metadata, one just has to avoid using JPG until the final step, therefore, if this is valid you can take shots as TIFF or PNG then if you want them smaller then you could go to any format including JPG

I would however caution that there are other technologies like the atom threads that Apple uses in MP4 and M4A files, not that atom metadata is an Apple feature, it's really an MPEG4 standard, which Apple choses to actively use for digital security, as an example every purchase off iTunes has visible atoms w/ your e-mail address at purchase, as well as other hidden encrypted atoms with unknown values contained within.

Therefore it seems the best way to mitigate this risk is to simply avoid all formats involving any metadata support, even though this will never be a gaurantee because they can simply attach via software another format of metadata that could be simply detached from the actual rendered file and hidden successfully somewhere within the machine invisible to the user. Though this is a fact for a lot of things ultimately.

Good luck be safe.

Funny- I was once invited to work for a contracted secret company that worked hand in hand with the government. My job would have been to sneak into columbian druglords houses and install tracking software/hardware into their machines. This was about 15 years ago before internet and stuff is what it is today- but it would have been interesting to know how they worked. I did not want such a high risk job anyway lol... I googled the name of the company as I still remember it, and not a single trace of it...
That's close to the size of my cabinet and I'm using a two gallon accumulator.

Only one of the solenoid wires should be wired to terminals 1 & 3, the other should go straight to the power supply.
r0m- you even lost me on this one? What do you mean by only one of the wires on both terminals? I'm tired so forgive me if I'm being dumb ;)

More importantly- was the issue resolved and now it's working?
Hey TB long time but yea that water vapour lung desaese thingy you can get if you dont use car windscreen wash and just use water cause the baccterya builds up in old water and you breath it in when you wash your windscreen it was on the news over here shocking init.. but yea man hope ya grow goin well brv mines comin on and im defo not stickin pics up lol im not even buying scales anymore scumbag cops tryin to do evryt grower over here in uk as dealers an sayin we sell it in 1gram £10 bags are they thick!!! i fukin think soo lol got it sorted thou no scales cant do me for dealin if they come threw door again lol but yea Happy Christmas and new year mate
They might be talking about Legionairre's disease- the spore/bacteria can also proliferate in the evaporator pans of air conditioner units and it's a very nasty thing to get from what I read back in the day.
Go TB hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!! ;)

Thanks Kona- I hope you did/do too- as well as everyone else. When I read through some of the other threads around here that I am also subbed to, I am always so much happier to return to the HPA threads because the caliber of people seems much better as a general observation. Thanks for all of your contributions and thought provoking posts. You guys are the cream of the crop in pot forums for what that's worth- lol :D ... hehe
HP aero has not been very lively lately. Just thought I'd give an update as to where I'm at... I build new lids, taking AJ's advice I went with 3/4" foam, and glued some formica to the top. I chose formica because it came in smaller sheets than 4 x 8... I'm hoping the thinner profile will give me better results. Gonna try some different nozzle placement as well. Here are a few pics. I got the girls in a tote for now, getting some roots established.

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Nice Mike- I like the side firing misters, what do you think about that so far, as well as the other changes? It looks pretty- :) Dude, I was watching a vid on a chameleon site, and swear it was your voice- do you also have chameleons?
They might be talking about Legionairre's disease- the spore/bacteria can also proliferate in the evaporator pans of air conditioner units and it's a very nasty thing to get from what I read back in the day.

H202 will kill just about any virus or bacteria. I keep a pan under my air handler during months when I use ac. It evaporates and is sucked into the air vents
Extra holes along the sides do not need to be sealed up. Think of them as heat vents. In fact you might consider strategically placing some for venting. I tried that, but the biggest bang came when I put a 2" pvc elbow in the lid then blew a small fan from behind it to suck hot air out. That worked!
Anybody using the red mist heads? I seem to be having lots of trouble getting the right misting, and there is ever more dribble. Makes me think the orifice has expanded over time. I do not expect them to last for ever. Probably need to replace a bunch now. I contacted RB, he said yeah they will break down. Had these ~ 4 grows, probably need to be changed every 3rd grow. They're cheap, so no biggie

TB, I use small net pots and have moved away from RW and even S2G cubes. I now use Sunleaves Super Starter Cubes (cut in half for seeds). Shove the clone stem past the cube so it hangs in the air. Roots will form in the cube then travel out of the net pot.

After several days of seeing 2 plants with dry roots, I took the plants out and ran the misters. 1/2 was barely misting. I replaced it with another. Same problem. I decided to check all my mist heads and found 5 with this problem. I took them apart. All 5 are missing the pressure valve (a press piece so it never was there). Without it, I get a mix of spray and mist, and it stream/dribbles several seconds after it should. So this seems to have been a prime culprit holding me back for 4 grows.
Hello PetFlora this is what i use to keep junk out of my nozzles. use 6 gallon buckets to grow in with 1/2" bulk head fitting in the bottom then i cut the lip of the screen and place in the bottom of the bucket this prevents roots getting in the drain and keeps junk from getting in sump (yes i reuse nutes) water change every week also place another one in the 6 gallon bucket i use for a sump also use a mag 5 pump to put nutes back in the sump bucket. I use 3 Misting nozzles 0.15 per bucket spraying down @ 100-105 PSI using a fatboy pump with a solenoid per bucket with very good results. You would not believe how much junk these screens catch. spray times 7 seconds every 6 min Also i use a float switch to turn on the mag 5 pump everything is plumbed with 1/2" pvc for the drains with 1 1/4" fitting with float switch in it prevents water build up in the buckets.
Hello PetFlora this is what i use to keep junk out of my nozzles. use 6 gallon buckets to grow in with 1/2" bulk head fitting in the bottom then i cut the lip of the screen and place in the bottom of the bucket this prevents roots getting in the drain and keeps junk from getting in sump (yes i reuse nutes) water change every week also place another one in the 6 gallon bucket i use for a sump also use a mag 5 pump to put nutes back in the sump bucket. I use 3 Misting nozzles 0.15 per bucket spraying down @ 100-105 PSI using a fatboy pump with a solenoid per bucket with very good results. You would not believe how much junk these screens catch. spray times 7 seconds every 30 min Also i use a float switch to turn on the mag 5 pump everything is plumbed with 1/2" pvc for the drains with 1 1/4" fitting with float switch in it prevents water build up in the buckets.

Thanks for that info! I could use those. Do u also have an inline filter?
Mind posting a pic of your setup? Curios why your doing 7sec/30min off WD cycle? In my veg chamber my pump only does 60 psi and noticed it produces large droplets so I'm doing 2sec/5 min off WD cycle. Trying to get fuzzies it seems to be working
Hello DH no i don`t use a inline filter the screens really do the job. For my mist times this is what i was using at the end of last grow using a pro gro timer. My 6 gallon buckets are sealed buckets have o-ring lids there is about 1/4" of water standing below the screen at the bottom of the buckets(bulkhead sits this high) i use 3" net pots with foam tops doing this keeps everything moist inside. I have 8 buckets i use under a 1000 watt light got the system down right now going to try a Quantum badboy t5 16 bulb very soon (thanks santa). I grow the plants about 30"to 34" tall and they are shrubs not really sure about pics yet. Also thinking of trying a plastic fence or something on the inside of the buckets half way down to give the roots something to hold on to.
Hello DH no i don`t use a inline filter the screens really do the job. For my mist times this is what i was using at the end of last grow using a pro gro timer. My 6 gallon buckets are sealed buckets have o-ring lids there is about 1/4" of water standing below the screen at the bottom of the buckets(bulkhead sits this high) i use 3" net pots with foam tops doing this keeps everything moist inside. I have 8 buckets i use under a 1000 watt light got the system down right now going to try a Quantum badboy t5 16 bulb very soon (thanks santa). I grow the plants about 30"to 34" tall and they are shrubs not really sure about pics yet. Also thinking of trying a plastic fence or something on the inside of the buckets half way down to give the roots something to hold on to.

hey there hammer. my setup is very similar to yours, Im using 5 gallon buckets though with the screen, and yea the bulkhead fittings do hold water in the bottom. a scrog for the roots is a good idea, how do our roots look? are they fuzzie with those times? is the fatboy loud?