True HP Aero For 2011

Wow how did you calculate that???? I'm using sub second timing (probably 0.5 seconds). I got the diversified electronics (same manufacturer as the flip flop one everyone uses) 12volt TBG series which doesnt have a dial but little switches that are in increments of 0.1 seconds and a max range of 142 seconds. I thought i messed up being the popular target time is 2 secs on five minutes off, but as ive been reading sub 1 second on and 1 minute off is even better (once again correct me if I am wrong). I had to special order it and its pretty much the same price as the flip flop everyone uses. I wanted everything to use 12v. For the power supply I'm going to granger to get a really nice 12v deep cycle marine battery and using the battery tender plus water proof edition. Ive been so excited and fixating on these mundane (but important) details that my sleep cycles are messed up!
Thanks for the help Atomizer! So from my limited description how do you think my planning sounds, am I on the right path? I've seen other people's post's with what they are using and have seen brass parts. I have gone to great lengths to make everything food grade, not even a single PVC piece.
sounds fine to me, you`ll only know for sure after you`ve got it put together. I use 5 chrome plated brass tee`s and an elbow in the outdoor and they dont affect anything in a negative way. If i had 20ft of copper tube in there i`d be a bit concerned :)
I guess I'm just paraniod :roll: about small amounts of metals, Im an environmental scientist by trade if that sheds a little light on the situation (pun intended).
:clap:hahaha... funny shit... dude you're like the most conflicted poster of photos ive met, lol,.. so also real funny how they deleted them for you like that :lol: calling in favors? You got pull man... bongsmilie

I guess I am pretty conflicted. My setup is so small, that I think it would be a waste of resources to waste time on me, but I don't wanna get to careless either. I actually deleted my photos day before yesterday. :)

Bflex: Sorry if it sounded like I was taking a shot at you earlier. Sounds like you've got a pretty good grasp of this whole thing. Getting it dialed in is the real fun part. Rememer to take pics!
I'm using sub second timing (probably 0.5 seconds). I got the diversified electronics (same manufacturer as the flip flop one everyone uses) 12volt TBG series which doesnt have a dial but little switches that are in increments of 0.1 seconds and a max range of 142 seconds. I thought i messed up being the popular target time is 2 secs on five minutes off, but as ive been reading sub 1 second on and 1 minute off is even better (once again correct me if I am wrong). I had to special order it and its pretty much the same price as the flip flop everyone uses. I wanted everything to use 12v. For the power supply I'm going to granger to get a really nice 12v deep cycle marine battery and using the battery tender plus water proof edition. Ive been so excited and fixating on these mundane (but important) details that my sleep cycles are messed up!

Interesting man,..
Awhile back i made a quad cycle timer (0-30sec ON, and 30sec-30min OFF capability), but i wired two of them to one pump, one runs for 12hrs a day, then the other kicks in for the lights out 12hours, so i can spray a bit more when lights are on and ladies are drinking more. I made them out of some infitec cycle timers ( i got off eBay, the whole thing cost me like $30. Recently been looking at some of there BKR SERIES timers infitec has, they resemble the diversified electronics ones you speak of, with the flip switches not dials,.. think i would prefer them, but there meant for 110v.

If you don't mind me asking, got a link to the one you bought?..and how did you hook it up? lol
Id like to go 12v with the timers, and switches not dials, and eventually run everything off a marine battery and solar panel i have. Well, everything but the lights :roll:
Argh, yes- RIU sufferred a v-bulliten attack along with some other sites running the same platform. They had to pull the most recent backup which was only Feb. 20th. Welcome to the new guys, and only best advice I can give is to read the older threads that are a foundation for this one. They are mentioned in the first few pages here, and I would have never gotten anywhere without them. Even after I thoroughly read them, I bugged Atomizer quite a bit :). There is just alot to know and alot to retrain your thinking on from what most of the world believes on the subject. While I am the type who usually only reads the instructions after I try putting a product together, I can definitely say you cannot do this right without reading the "instructions" first, if that makes sense.
Argh, yes- RIU sufferred a v-bulliten attack along with some other sites running the same platform. They had to pull the most recent backup which was only Feb. 20th. Welcome to the new guys, and only best advice I can give is to read the older threads that are a foundation for this one. They are mentioned in the first few pages here, and I would have never gotten anywhere without them. Even after I thoroughly read them, I bugged Atomizer quite a bit :). There is just alot to know and alot to retrain your thinking on from what most of the world believes on the subject. While I am the type who usually only reads the instructions after I try putting a product together, I can definitely say you cannot do this right without reading the "instructions" first, if that makes sense.

Im the exact same way!! It took alot of time and patience to get my system set up properly!
the dialing it in is the fun part as mike said. I have found 2 seconds on and then backing the off time off has been key to my succes! im currently in flower and go 2 sec/ 30 min and there loving it! just my .02
i use 12-way rotary switches on my homebrew timers for pulse and pause selection, 12 settings for each is plenty.
I knew i had a pic somewhere on the drive, this one is a 12v twin cycle timer i made for a vertical aero project, cost about £12 altogether ($19)
twin cycle timer.jpg
You will pop that bladder the first time you try to fill it if you don't put a higher air charge on it. You'll want to set you're air pressure to 2 psi below your pressure switches cut in pressure. You may consider doing a little more reading up on the subject, as not only are you risking trashing your tank, the thing could very well turn into a bomb in the wrong hands. And, don't make the same mistake I did, relying on my compressors air gauge to accurately display the air charge. I was 10psi under when I finally decided to get the digi. Doh!

Damn, that's alot of lost info. Those DEA database purges are a killer, lol.

I never charged mine nor checked it doh!! does that mean my shit is fucked? ive been charging it to 100 psi and cut in is at 70 psi.... do you think they take info off of here?
You'd know if your bladder popped. I guess in a smaller tank, it's not as big a deal. I know that in my 19 gallon tank, being 10 lbs under on the air side, meant that I was pumping almost a gallon more than I thought into the bladder. I would Think that if I only had 40 lbs of air pressing on my bladder, it would expand quite a bit. I can't say if that would be harder on it than less expansion, more total pressure, but I would think atomizer would have a pretty good answer for that... I can tell you that I got better mist from having a properly tuned tank. In fact, the results were pretty immediate.

Some pics. I think next time around I'm gonna have to add a second set of nozzles at the bottom to activate when roots take control of the top.

Something you might appreciate... I cut my tap roots off the plant on the right a month ago, and left the other alone. No difference that I can see, and the root floor on the left is from a single tap root. You can see it in the 4th pic.
Now those are Pom-POMS!

Bet the tops are filling in to. Side photos always look thinned out compared to top photos
Ok I got over my paranoia about all my posts being deleted. So I got 100 of the purple tipped DIGs on their way along with 100' of 100 PSI 3/8" poly line and the main valve & solenoid. I'll see how that goes and add more solenoids on each line if needed. I'm trying to calculate the size of my rez now.

The expanded rootchamber comes out to about 525 Gallons or 70 cubic feet. And with 77 nozzles at 0.8 GPH the system should be using about 1 GPM. Assuming that I were to use the standard ratio of X seconds on and X minutes off, (which I doubt I will since 77 nozzles in 35 square feet is overkill), then my system would use 1 GPH x 24 hours in a day x 7 days between refills it would be about 168 Gallons! Thats about three 55 Gallon Drums, or I could fill one 55g drum every couple of days.

Now IMHO thats wayyyyyy over what I would realistically need, but I'm gonna toss this one to the experienced aerogrowers out there...What do you think is the actual ratio for amount of nute solution used in a given period of time per plant?

NICE JOB MIKE!! I love the setup too! what are you using for that rootchamber shell?
Nice roots Mike,
A diaphragm accumulator would probably fail sooner from fatique than one that has a (replaceable) bladder but as long as the pressure is within the rating both types should cope.
You shouldnt need 77 nozzles or 168 gal of nutes. i have 24 nozzles covering 56 cubic feet and they use less than 40gal of nutes a week.
You shouldnt need 77 nozzles or 168 gal of nutes. i have 24 nozzles covering 56 cubic feet and they use less than 40gal of nutes a week.

For sure...and duely noted. Not to confuse anyone I don't really plan on using 168 gallons/wk. That's just what the calculations came out to if I were to use a standard misting schedule (e.g. 3 seconds on 3 minutes off). What I'm trying to arrive at is how much nutes I need for the #of plants/size of my chamber regardless of how many nodes are spraying.

I fully understand that 77 nozzles is more than anyone uses or's more of an experiment in coverage and distribution rather than a quest for optimal efficiency. If the experiment fails I'll be out about $10 in high pressure line that I'd have to cut up to get my nozzles back w/o damaging them.

OK so 24 nozzles/56 cu ft/~40 gal per wk/# of plants? 56 cu ft * ~7.5 gal/cu ft = 420 gallons...good job atomizer! maybe I'll cut my chamber back a few inches.

so if I use that as a baseline I come out at spraying for 1 sec for every 4 mins....

How many gallons does everyone else use in a week?
Everyone`s nozzles, chamber shape/size and plumbing will be different to yours, the amount of light will be a big factor too.
Yes, and best results are generally with as few nozzles as possible, without compromising coverage to all the roots. There is no "standard" timing, but in most situations, 3 seconds of misting will be too much, especially if you have more than adequate number of nozzles. You do not want to soak the roots, otherwise you might as well go hydro or low pressure aero.
sorry for all the noob posts. I'll keep them to a minimum. Just trying to get more info out there....

p.s. i know 3 is too much it was just an example for the calcs. i'm workin on programming my arduino to run sub 1 sec...