True HP Aero For 2011

Interesting man,..
Awhile back i made a quad cycle timer (0-30sec ON, and 30sec-30min OFF capability), but i wired two of them to one pump, one runs for 12hrs a day, then the other kicks in for the lights out 12hours, so i can spray a bit more when lights are on and ladies are drinking more. I made them out of some infitec cycle timers ( i got off eBay, the whole thing cost me like $30. Recently been looking at some of there BKR SERIES timers infitec has, they resemble the diversified electronics ones you speak of, with the flip switches not dials,.. think i would prefer them, but there meant for 110v.

If you don't mind me asking, got a link to the one you bought?..and how did you hook it up? lol
Id like to go 12v with the timers, and switches not dials, and eventually run everything off a marine battery and solar panel i have. Well, everything but the lights :roll:

Sorry for the delayed response (pun intended), I got the timer from these guys:

I got the TBG series, particularly the 12v in. I have yet to hook it up, but the plan is using the batter tender plus (water proof edition) and a marine battery, I would love to do a solar panel but that aint happening right now. Oh and if you get this one, you need an eight pin block.

They have a distributor link and the guy In my area was very helpful in finding me a dealer.
yeah I still have a bunch of pex and related stuff from a remodel so maybe i'll dig that out and try to incorporate it into system...Might not be HPA yet but I'll get there...

I saw some guy was using a hand pump to pressurize a huge acc on another site...anyone tried gaining the pressure through water columns and weighted pistons? I got a 100 ft tree which means ~40 psi in an open system

Ahh yes, that was a fellow by the name of JohnGuest- was a pretty ingenuitive setup. Could you explain a little more about "gaining the pressure". Or are you just talking about storing the energy by using gravity sort of like a windmill and water tower?
lol...In the land of the great redwoods live many skilled and fearless tree climbers...yeah just climbing near the top of a tree installing a tank to the side 55 gallon drum from instance (used by guerrilla grows mostly for watering crops on uneven/uphill terrain) and then run a line down 100 feet to the ground and you have 40 psi.

I had the idea of adding weight to the top of the water like maybe a 45 lb bench press weight (seems close to the diameter of a drum, and easily accessible) which would be increasing the pressure at the bottom. I haven't calc'd it out yet, but it would be cool to reach the pressure the green way.

To refill the tanks you just have another tank the same size on a pulley that you pull up just above the installed tank...and thats where the work comes in 55 gal of water is 500 lb * 100'...not complex but not free energy either. Or if you have a pump that can handle 100+ vertical feet then scrap the work part of it, besides the weekly lifting of the weights (1 pulley - 100' of rope - human counterbalance a few feet off the ground should do)

I'm sure it would get more complex and maybe expensive, but now that I say that the only complex part is getting a tight fitting piston assembly...I'll call it Roman Aeroponics

P.S. quote from pump shop shurflo, 1.5 gpm, 150 psi, 115VAC $135 flexcon pressure tank, 4.8 gallons, PJR15 $131.10
lol...In the land of the great redwoods live many skilled and fearless tree climbers...yeah just climbing near the top of a tree installing a tank to the side 55 gallon drum from instance (used by guerrilla grows mostly for watering crops on uneven/uphill terrain) and then run a line down 100 feet to the ground and you have 40 psi.

I had the idea of adding weight to the top of the water like maybe a 45 lb bench press weight (seems close to the diameter of a drum, and easily accessible) which would be increasing the pressure at the bottom. I haven't calc'd it out yet, but it would be cool to reach the pressure the green way.

To refill the tanks you just have another tank the same size on a pulley that you pull up just above the installed tank...and thats where the work comes in 55 gal of water is 500 lb * 100'...not complex but not free energy either. Or if you have a pump that can handle 100+ vertical feet then scrap the work part of it, besides the weekly lifting of the weights (1 pulley - 100' of rope - human counterbalance a few feet off the ground should do)

I'm sure it would get more complex and maybe expensive, but now that I say that the only complex part is getting a tight fitting piston assembly...I'll call it Roman Aeroponics

P.S. quote from pump shop shurflo, 1.5 gpm, 150 psi, 115VAC $135 flexcon pressure tank, 4.8 gallons, PJR15 $131.10

Bob smith used that same pump in his setup, and if I remember right, it was loud as hell. Even my 60 psi sureflo is pretty noisy. The aquatec is pretty much silent. I'll never buy another sureflo.
The 45lb will add all of 0.1psi to whatever the height of the water provides, which may be 1.5psi when the drum is full to the brim ;) Buying a pump is a lot easier, aquatec gets my vote for silent running and reliablilty.
Yeah, I don't have any issues with my flo-jet, but I think my next pump will be an Aquatec 8800 because I have a feeling it's quieter. I also vote for just getting a decent pump and spending your time thinking on other parts of the build- trust me, there is alot to think about to get it right, and you might as well not get so hung up on just the pump. It will only run a few minutes per day or even less, using barely any electricity- you could connect a 20 watt solar panel and be completely green if you want someday. We all come to this style of growing as thinkers and tinkerers, but I realized the people before me already did alot of that, and came up with the most efficeint way to do things already. No doubt there will be new innovations to come, but I finally decuded to just go with what works, and only then try to improve on things afterwards, only after I see what works first.
its just kinda hard when you know you can't go out and buy what you need, but I have found other outlets for my hairbrain ideas so hopefully I can stay on topic here to what is tried and true...
my ladies are in flower and are looking beuatiful! there starting to fill out nicely!!:)
man,.. you are a dick head. What kind of post is that? No pictures?!? That is like screaming 'LOOK TITTIES!!'.. then there not being titties :confused:....

I would never disappoint like that :mrgreen:

Hey TB, i just bought an acc!! At Lowes! It's part of my new RO system, hehe. But let the playing with an acc like thing, its really just a storage tank i guess, but it looks like one, finally begin! baby steps.. :mrgreen:
man,.. you are a dick head. What kind of post is that? No pictures?!? That is like screaming 'LOOK TITTIES!!'.. then there not being titties :confused:....

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I would never disappoint like that :mrgreen:

Hey TB, i just bought an acc!! At Lowes! It's part of my new RO system, hehe. But let the playing with an acc like thing, its really just a storage tank i guess, but it looks like one, finally begin! baby steps.. :mrgreen:

not comfy posting pics on here!! sorry lil man that chick looks like madison ivy?
not comfy posting pics on here!! sorry lil man that chick looks like madison ivy?
Why you sorry?... :confused: she not hot? lol...
I don't know who she is ya pornaholic, but she, and those jars, are sure as shit more "beautiful" then the pic your "lil" balls are scared to post. :bigjoint:
Fuck showing only roots! To put that in terms you'll understand,.. that's like paying for internet porn, and only getting half your download, lol

If anyone gave a shit to bust you, you'd be busted. No pig is trolling this thread 200 pages in, and crying 'foiled again! Those darn kids and there posting only root pics, we know just where they live, but can't bust down the door till we see mj leaves!!' Quit smoking that shit that makes you not smart and paranoid, lol
Why you sorry?... :confused: she not hot? lol...
I don't know who she is ya pornaholic, but she, and those jars, are sure as shit more "beautiful" then the pic your "lil" balls are scared to post. :bigjoint:
Fuck showing only roots! To put that in terms you'll understand,.. that's like paying for internet porn, and only getting half your download, lol

If anyone gave a shit to bust you, you'd be busted. No pig is trolling this thread 200 pages in, and crying 'foiled again! Those darn kids and there posting only root pics, we know just where they live, but can't bust down the door till we see mj leaves!!' Quit smoking that shit that makes you not smart and paranoid, lol

lmao sexaholic more like it! just ask my girl o wait youd prob scare her and she blows the doors off that chic fyi. Im sure your some young looser who has never even seen a vagina or maybe youve paid but your dick is prob to small to entertain getting laid lil man lol. keep posting pics when you disappear Ill/we'll be happy!!:) TROLL on TROLL
oh relax ya dickhead, you're the one comes in here blabbering 'i got beautiful plants bla bla blah', and well, what the fuck good is that? lol.. oh im sorry, no one can give you shit for that? i didnt get the memo. then you gotta thump your chest like a caveman, lol.. you're a funny lil neanderthal... sorry, i must've made too much sense for posting pics,.. oh well, you know how the quote goes smart one,.. "The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off” good luck getting there
I'd PM you TB, but it says your inbox is filled up, :-o so i'll just ask everyone then,.. so i think I'm ready to get acc-limated,.. the below is what i think i'll need.. working with my existing 6800, and all the info I've read from the beginning of this thread.
What am i forgetting, or what would you NOT buy on the below list? Pretty much just went with a combo of what r0m30 and TB liked at the time they plunked down the cash, but perhaps we know better now?...

Tire Pressure Gauge
John Guest Tubing
Pressure Regulator
Pressure relief valve
Water pump pressure switch
Watering Solenoid

EDIT: Got my new RO system installed and its working great, gonna run some JG line from it to a humidifier i made, using some swamp cooler pads and a 2'x4'x3" shallow res with a fan blowing across it. Cheaper, quieter, and more effective then any I've ever bought. I installed 2 misters in my home too (mounted to high ceilings), above a few house plants in front of a warm south facing window, going to run RO water to them as well so no water spots get left,.. their on 30min off/6sec on burst right now, planning to mist more as temps rise. Gonna place a few more in no-traffic areas around the house, should help with cooling in the hot dry SW this summer.