Trump Admin Secretly Plotting New War Of Words On Marijuana Policy

Not ONE has done a damned thing positive towards marijuana. Some just resist less. Trump is only sitting on his thumbs presently because of Cory Gardner threatening , or promising , to block all judicial nomination considerations if Trump doesn't keep hands off legal. Our Senators from Alaska both conveyed that same message. The pressure to keep it illegal involves a lot of money.
It fundamentally just comes down to the damn money. There's a TON of money against legalizing and it's not even just big pharma. LE agencies love it being illegal for the forfeiture and ez PC by claiming they 'smelled something funny'. Drug testing companies love it being illegal. The rehab industry loves it being illegal. The alcohol industry REALLY fears legalization for obvious reasons. The war to relegalize this plant has always been up against a mountain of prohibitionist money.
It fundamentally just comes down to the damn money. There's a TON of money against legalizing and it's not even just big pharma. LE agencies love it being illegal for the forfeiture and ez PC by claiming they 'smelled something funny'. Drug testing companies love it being illegal. The rehab industry loves it being illegal. The alcohol industry REALLY fears legalization for obvious reasons. The war to relegalize this plant has always been up against a mountain of prohibitionist money.

Prohibition is a tool to disenfranchise and criminalize minorities
I'm not a minority and been busted before. I'm with that dude. There's more money in it being illegal than legal. But originally yeah.. it went illegal because they wanted to go after minorities

Nixon reinforced this truth with his words and actions

The money is just a cherry on top
It fundamentally just comes down to the damn money. There's a TON of money against legalizing and it's not even just big pharma. LE agencies love it being illegal for the forfeiture and ez PC by claiming they 'smelled something funny'. Drug testing companies love it being illegal. The rehab industry loves it being illegal. The alcohol industry REALLY fears legalization for obvious reasons. The war to relegalize this plant has always been up against a mountain of prohibitionist money.
Cannabis has always been a money maker for law enforcement and the judicial system. Always.
His communism?

You’re too retarded to talk to

I notice you didn't deny his drone attacks.
