Trump admits Russia was behind election hacking


Well-Known Member
Hes a freekin douche, makes me feel bad toards real douche for saying that. Drunk on victory the gop, save few, fell for him. For temporary political advantage they signed thier names up in the book of being on the wrong side of history.


Well-Known Member
You describing anything to do w/ that "ding-dong" as a win explains so much.

You have any asian ancestry?


Well-Known Member
The entire continent?
You're pretty broad minded then and I'm sure Kim Jong Un and the Chinese building even more asia in the South China Sea love you too.


Well-Known Member
Much like India owns the Indian Ocean then, eh?
Mexico has the Gulf of Mexico all sewn up too. ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey now! Quote where I ever said I would be against any examination. We both know what's up. It's like he's dying to tell everyone that's exactly how he won, but knows he'd be fucked if he did. What do you think an examination of the servers would find?
That's the thing about Trump..he loves knowing secrets and telling them..he can't help ALL must be about him.

Must've gotten zero attention growing up.


Well-Known Member
Yeah...a private business wouldn't lie.
They're like the mass media and beyond reproach. ;)

If there was this evidence to be found, why couldn't they let the FBI verify it?

EDIT: With the level of security they seem to employ it's probably because the servers are still in production.
if you cant see why having a third party expert between you and the FBI could be beneficial, you are fairly stupid. Try to think outside of partisan lines for a second, do you think DJT and RNC would just hand over all their private computers to FBI if they had a breach? cmon, he wont even release his taxes. why? because it will make him look bad. Same with hiring a third party expert, you can control the information that gets released so you dont look bad. This is really a very simple concept.