Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’

Soldiers, "Suckers & Losers" and the Failed Presidency and Abject Cowardice of Donald J. Trump

We already knew Donald Trump was an abject coward, lying repeatedly about bone spurs in his heel to avoid military service. We already knew how despicable a person Trump is when he called John McCain a "loser" and said he was "only a war hero because he got captured - I like people who weren't captured."

But it's hard to fathom the depravity of a man who says our military cemeteries are full of losers, or a man who says that we should not attempt to find soldiers who are missing in action because they did their jobs poorly and deserved what they got.

Donald Trump's presidency was already a failure by any standard. But his contempt for the men and women who chose to serve the country is beyond comprehension. Of course, it does now put in context Trump's refusal to condemn Putin's conduct of putting bounties on the heads of our soldiers. Because, to Donald Trump, our soldiers are "losers and suckers."

Every Republican - elected or appointed - who does not demand Trump's immediate resignation is adopting Trump's view of our military members.
May be false too. Trump is insisting it's not being cut, probably lying. Stumbled upon the article, figured I'd share it. It's news to me.
I think it is one of those do it, he catches hell, he folds and blames someone else kind of situations.
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WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday that he won’t allow the Pentagon to cut funding for the military’s independent newspaper, Stars and Stripes, effectively halting Defense leader’s plan to shut the paper down this month.

“The United States of America will NOT be cutting funding to @starsandstripes magazine under my watch,” Trump tweeted. “It will continue to be a wonderful source of information to our Great Military!”

Trump’s tweet came as he fought off new accusations that he called service members killed in World War I “losers” and “suckers” during an event in France in 2018. The comments, first reported by The Atlantic and confirmed by The Associated Press, are shining a fresh light on Trump’s previous public disparaging of American troops and military families and they delivered a new campaign issue to his Democratic rival Joe Biden, less than two months from Election Day.

The Defense Department has ordered the paper to halt publication by Sept. 30, and dissolve the organization by the end of January. The order, in a recent memo to Stripes, follows the Pentagon’s move earlier this year to cut the $15.5 million in funding for the paper from the Defense Department budget. And it is a reflection of the Trump administration’s broader animosity for the media and members of the press.

The Trump White House hadn’t spoken out against the Pentagon plan to close the paper before Friday, even though it’s been in the works and publicly written about for months and was in the president’s budget request. Friday afternoon, however, Trump worked to shore up his reputation as a staunch supporter of the nation’s armed services.

“I’ve done more for the military than almost anyone else,” he said Friday in the Oval Office.

Trump was alleged to have made the comments about the war dead as he was set to visit the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery during a trip to France in November 2018.

The Pentagon had no immediate comment on Trump’s tweet or how it may affect Esper’s plan to ultimately shut down the paper.

Members of Congress have objected to the defunding move for months. And senators sent a letter to Defense Secretary Mark Esper this week urging him to reinstate the money. The letter, signed by 15 senators — including Republicans and Democrats — also warns Esper that the department is legally prohibited from canceling a budget program while a temporary continuing resolution to fund the federal government is in effect.

“Stars and Stripes is an essential part of our nation’s freedom of the press that serves the very population charged with defending that freedom,” the senators said in the letter.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., in a separate letter to Esper in late August, also voiced opposition to the move, calling Stripes “a valued ‘hometown newspaper’ for the members of the Armed Forces, their families, and civilian employees across the globe.” He added that “as a veteran who has served overseas, I know the value that the Stars and Stripes brings to its readers.”

In the memo, the department says Esper made the decision as a result of his department-wide budget review. Signed by Army Col. Paul Haverstick, acting director of the Pentagon’s Defense Media Activity, the memo says plans to close the paper are due on Sept. 15 and the last newspaper is to be published on Sept. 30.

The memo adds that if the paper continues to be funded by either a continuing resolution “or other unforeseen circumstances” then Stripes must submit a plan by Sept. 15 to shut down at the end of the next budget year, Sept. 30, 2021. Haverstick’s memo says that in that case, the last date for publication of the newspaper will be determined based on budget or other circumstances.

The Stripes ombudsman, Ernie Gates, told The Associated Press on Friday that shutting the paper down “would be fatal interference and permanent censorship of a unique First Amendment organization that has served U.S. troops reliably for generations.”

The first newspaper called Stars and Stripes was very briefly produced in 1861 during the Civil War, but the paper began consistent publication during World War I. When the war was over, publication ended, only to restart in 1942 during World War II, providing wartime news written by troops specifically for troops in battle.

Although the paper gets funding from the Defense Department, it is editorially independent and is delivered in print and digitally to troops all over the world.

The Pentagon proposed cutting the paper’s funding when making its budget request earlier this year, triggering angry reactions from members of Congress.

The House-passed version of the Pentagon budget contains funding for the paper’s publication, but the Senate has not yet finalized a defense funding bill.
If trump can't control the news narrative he won't play. That's how him and his kind become trend setters. Hollywood and trump are the same. Fiction loosely based on the truth. Only a fool would follow him. But look at those on the earth today and what they believe. Defective genetics.
Multiple News Outlets Mirror Report Of Trump Denigrating Veterans, Military Service | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow reports on several news outlets that followed a report in the Atlantic of Donald Trump disparaging veterans and military service with matching reporting of their own, including Fox News, rendering denials from the Trump camp hollow.
'It Fits': Reports Of Trump Disparaging Veterans Resonates With What We Know About Him | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow looks at past behavior by Donald Trump, from his remarks about John McCain to his insensitive treatment of a military widow that makes it easy to believe reports that he holds military service in low regard, and makes it harder for Trump and his defenders to dismiss.
Three news agencies have independently confirmed this story. Nobody has gone public for obvious reasons.

Trump is a coward a bully and a fraud.

Nixon must be spinning in his grave for being forced out of office for such penny ante crap.

when they take trumpy down same; they're going to have to be very tight lipped no vid.