Trump blames America for the looming Recession


Well-Known Member
Well, not exactly the entire US, but he seems to have found a new culprit, America's businesses and the Fed.

These are nitwits latest posts

“Badly run and weak companies are smartly blaming these small Tariffs instead of themselves for bad management...and who can really blame them for doing that?”


“We don’t have a Tariff problem (we are reigning in bad and/or unfair players), we have a Fed problem,”

“They don’t have a clue!”

He repeated his point later with reporters. “A lot of badly run companies are trying to blame tariffs,” he said. “In other words, if they’re running badly and they’re having a bad quarter or if they’re just unlucky in some way, they’re trying to blame the tariffs. It’s not the tariffs. It’s called bad management.”

The president’s outburst at businesses came a day after Americans for Free Trade, a coalition of industry groups, released a letter signed by more than 160 business associations asking him to postpone further tariff increases.

“Tariffs are taxes that cost American jobs and hurt consumers, creating a problem for the entire U.S. economy,” the group said Friday in response to the president. “The fact that companies find extra taxes as high as 30 percent challenging is not an excuse, it’s an economic reality.”

A number of large American companies have struggled with life under Mr. Trump’s trade war, and in recent days, several have reported or projected slowing sales and profits that they attributed to the tariffs.

Deere & Co., which manufactures agricultural equipment, said last week that it was cutting its profit forecast for the second time this year, attributing it to farmers delaying purchases for fear that they will not have as much access to foreign markets.

Best Buy lowered its revenue forecast for the year on Thursday, with its chief executive noting that major products like televisions and smartwatches will be subject to new 15 percent tariffs ordered by Mr. Trump.

“He’s got a substantive problem,” Mr. Holtz-Eakin the CEO of Best Buy said of Mr. Trump. “He’s proud of his fulfilling campaign promises — that is a centerpiece of his re-elect — and what he’s got with China is higher tariff walls on both sides, damage to both economies and the global economy and nothing to show for it.”

“The economy is doing great,” the president said on Friday. “The economy is amazing actually.”

We shall see how long that lasts, which it is beginning too look like not much longer, and all I know is that the timing is perfect for a major downturn which would finish Trump once and for all in the upcoming election.

Lol. Tariffs gutted us for a year and continues to gut our customers. Accounting for them was a nightmare and took a lot of time. Finding alternate suppliers cost us a fortune in defective work and forced several of our biggest customers to use South Korean suppliers. The company spent a small fortune hiring lobbyists to fight the tariffs.

But who really got screwed? The people on the production line who lost their jobs and, even if they didn't, now regularly get sent home due to lack of work and have no opportunity for overtime. They'll vote for Trump again.
Lol. Tariffs gutted us for a year and continues to gut our customers. Accounting for them was a nightmare and took a lot of time. Finding alternate suppliers cost us a fortune in defective work and forced several of our biggest customers to use South Korean suppliers. The company spent a small fortune hiring lobbyists to fight the tariffs.

But who really got screwed? The people on the production line who lost their jobs and, even if they didn't, now regularly get sent home due to lack of work and have no opportunity for overtime. They'll vote for Trump again.

but hey..the farmers are STILL WAITING while their crops have died and they're on welfare..:lol:
but hey..the farmers are STILL WAITING while their crops have died and they're on welfare..:lol:
Nah. They harvested them at a loss (something is better than nothing) and sold them to shrewd operators with deep pockets. Economic chaos for some is opportunity for others. They'll still vote for them - most of them will - almost all of them will.

Check this shit out... a policy sold to Americans as helping the poor is ending up greatly benefiting the wealthy and bypassed the poor. Who would have guessed?

How a Trump Tax Break to Help Poor Communities Became a Bonanza for the Rich Stories&pgtype=Homepage
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Well, not exactly the entire US, but he seems to have found a new culprit, America's businesses and the Fed.

These are nitwits latest posts

“Badly run and weak companies are smartly blaming these small Tariffs instead of themselves for bad management...and who can really blame them for doing that?”


“We don’t have a Tariff problem (we are reigning in bad and/or unfair players), we have a Fed problem,”

“They don’t have a clue!”

He repeated his point later with reporters. “A lot of badly run companies are trying to blame tariffs,” he said. “In other words, if they’re running badly and they’re having a bad quarter or if they’re just unlucky in some way, they’re trying to blame the tariffs. It’s not the tariffs. It’s called bad management.”

The president’s outburst at businesses came a day after Americans for Free Trade, a coalition of industry groups, released a letter signed by more than 160 business associations asking him to postpone further tariff increases.

“Tariffs are taxes that cost American jobs and hurt consumers, creating a problem for the entire U.S. economy,” the group said Friday in response to the president. “The fact that companies find extra taxes as high as 30 percent challenging is not an excuse, it’s an economic reality.”

A number of large American companies have struggled with life under Mr. Trump’s trade war, and in recent days, several have reported or projected slowing sales and profits that they attributed to the tariffs.

Deere & Co., which manufactures agricultural equipment, said last week that it was cutting its profit forecast for the second time this year, attributing it to farmers delaying purchases for fear that they will not have as much access to foreign markets.

Best Buy lowered its revenue forecast for the year on Thursday, with its chief executive noting that major products like televisions and smartwatches will be subject to new 15 percent tariffs ordered by Mr. Trump.

“He’s got a substantive problem,” Mr. Holtz-Eakin the CEO of Best Buy said of Mr. Trump. “He’s proud of his fulfilling campaign promises — that is a centerpiece of his re-elect — and what he’s got with China is higher tariff walls on both sides, damage to both economies and the global economy and nothing to show for it.”

“The economy is doing great,” the president said on Friday. “The economy is amazing actually.”

We shall see how long that lasts, which it is beginning too look like not much longer, and all I know is that the timing is perfect for a major downturn which would finish Trump once and for all in the upcoming election.

Hooverville. Herbert Hoover said you have to pull yourself out of this situation. He's just like that turd.
It is easy to forget but there was his little temper tantrum shutting down the government to get his wall, 800,000 people working not paid for three weeks (not including the private contracts). That was no good for the economy and shaved a few basis points off GDP growth.
It is easy to forget but there was his little temper tantrum shutting down the government to get his wall, 800,000 people working not paid for three weeks (not including the private contracts). That was no good for the economy and shaved a few basis points off GDP growth.'s how you bring them to their knees.

i've been in two walmarts so far to let management know that i'll be buying from target and dicks until the walton family stops selling guns..the responses have been as follows:

1. we don't sells guns only bebe and buck shot.
2. the shooters get them from the black market not walmart.

i reminded them they make $4M/hour and the waltons don't need it..i'm not buying my grandkids bulletproof backpacks.
I have a feeling that even Kuntlow has to sense that China is not going to back up or back down. So someone in the administration or at Fox News is trying to figure out how to make this all a win for Trump. Arranged so it appears he got wins and gave nothing in return. This is going to be a hard sell to “Zero Sum” Trump.

Yes, sir. You’re either a winner 100% or you’re a 100% loser in his book. He’s not going to get any kind of win that he had pictured. Not at all. So now how to stop the damage and get something to show his Slow 35.

I know! The Wall! Swipe money from DHS, FEMA and the Defense department and build a bunch of wall. Gotta have some tangible evidence he’s “winning”.
lose weight Tiffany,
That's pretty hardcore, especially from a woman saying that.
If you were a man saying that, you'd probably lose your job today, you do know that right?
I like Tiffany, she has at least the brains to stay away from her supposed father and siblings.
Smart woman.
“JPMorgan Chase has predicted that the US tariffs imposed on China have already cost the average American household $600 per year. That will rise to $1,000 after the September and December tariffs take effect, according to the bank.”

A new tax, imposed by imperial decree, that will only get larger. Because nobody can stop him. You see if the House impeaches him then he’ll suddenly become popular. Right? That’s the biggest shovelful of sheep shit that I’ve ever heard. Why vote for a fucking Democrat then? Why? Just “because”?
cost the average American household $600 per year. That will rise to $1,000 after the September and December tariffs take effect, according to the bank.”
And that will never change, because once the prices increase, they will NEVER go back to what they were before the economic war that Trump started
So, one more notch on Trumps belt as too how he fucked every American alive today and for generations to come.
I have a feeling that even Kuntlow has to sense that China is not going to back up or back down. So someone in the administration or at Fox News is trying to figure out how to make this all a win for Trump. Arranged so it appears he got wins and gave nothing in return. This is going to be a hard sell to “Zero Sum” Trump.

Yes, sir. You’re either a winner 100% or you’re a 100% loser in his book. He’s not going to get any kind of win that he had pictured. Not at all. So now how to stop the damage and get something to show his Slow 35.

I know! The Wall! Swipe money from DHS, FEMA and the Defense department and build a bunch of wall. Gotta have some tangible evidence he’s “winning”.
The dumb fuck already had one heart attack for Trump, looks like he might have the big one next time. Someone else making a fool of themselves for Trump, though Kudlow was a fool before working for the chosen one. He should enjoy his money and retire before the stink gets too much or he croaks in service of the Devil.
That's pretty hardcore, especially from a woman saying that.
If you were a man saying that, you'd probably lose your job today, you do know that right?
I like Tiffany, she has at least the brains to stay away from her supposed father and siblings.
Smart woman.
The sins of the father are not the sins of the son, Don jr and Eric excepted. Though Eric looks pretty dumb and Don jr. was thought too stupid to charge with conspiring with the Russians (wait on that one until dad is gone).