Yesterday, Jack Smith was seen leaving a Subway restaurant, carrying a "foot-long" bag (he didn't respond to questions).

I think I have this right - Two days after the last time Jack Smith was seen leaving a Subway restaurant, carrying a "foot-long" bag (he didn't respond then either), Trump was indicted.

Think Smith is sending a message? I do.
looks like someone knows about the 12/18/20 meeting in the oval office.......oh this just gets better and better.....wasn't MTG at that meeting....
There were more meetings than we know about, and Mark Meadows knows all about them as do other rats looking for a deal. These people won't do well in prison and know it, unlike Trump they will go to a regular federal prison so they will want any deal they can get. If they can rat out a republican senator, congress person or government official, it would be worth a walk for them to Jack and there will be plenty of rats! Donald will be long gone over the documents and obstruction he will be gone first and fast leaving the rest of them holding the bag of shit. The only ones worth a deal are republican congress people and Trump government appointees, nobody will be giving them out for Trump's ass, that will already be gone. However, nailing Trump and others really good will be better, leave no room for doubt about his guilt over the insurrection but Jack will get that anyway as dozens or hundreds scramble to stay out of jail.

Accused document leaker Jack Teixeira wonders why Trump gets to roam free—but he doesn't
It's a fair question.
That brings up a good question. Where will they prison Trump??
I'm sure the department of prisons has people working on it, they know the hot potato will be dropped in their lap, so they need to get a cell ready with gold painted bars! Once he accumulates enough time the supermax in CO comes to mind, he has a large domestic terrorist following so it will need to be a maximum-security facility for the protection of the staff. It will be prison, even if they have to use a separate building or part of a wing and the SS will have to make the best of it. He will be easier to protect in a cage and it should reduce their costs, the less freedom he has the cheaper and easier it is for the SS to protect him.
There were more meetings than we know about, and Mark Meadows knows all about them as do other rats looking for a deal. These people won't do well in prison and know it, unlike Trump they will go to a regular federal prison so they will want any deal they can get. If they can rat out a republican senator, congress person or government official, it would be worth a walk for them to Jack and there will be plenty of rats! Donald will be long gone over the documents and obstruction he will be gone first and fast leaving the rest of them holding the bag of shit. The only ones worth a deal are republican congress people and Trump government appointees, nobody will be giving them out for Trump's ass, that will already be gone. However, nailing Trump and others really good will be better, leave no room for doubt about his guilt over the insurrection but Jack will get that anyway as dozens or hundreds scramble to stay out of jail.

personally i think Mark flipped, that's just me though....keep in mind right about that meeting this tweet followed the next day..:
and also at that meeting this picture that was taken from a vid that was posted, wonder who that is....marge.....remember her being there that night saying "we just finished up a meeting" or something to that effect.....
personally i think Mark flipped, that's just me though....keep in mind right about that meeting this tweet followed the next day..:
View attachment 5309906
and also at that meeting this picture that was taken from a vid that was posted, wonder who that is....marge.....remember her being there that night saying "we just finished up a meeting" or something to that effect.....
I do think that Jack will follow the evidence and it will lead him to congress, besides there will be a record number of rats running for cover among this bunch, none are prepared for prison. J6 or other efforts to overturn the election could not have happened without the participation of republicans in the house and senate. They even voted to delay the certification after the invasion and sacking of the capitol FFS and that makes them guilty as sin. Sure, some of them were in meetings about how to pull off the coup and were part of a large conspiracy against the US government and constitution. They also committed acts in furtherance of the conspiracy with their votes on J6 after the insurrection failed and still tried to employ the fake electors and false accusations of election fraud.

Jack has got Donald or will have him soon his cronies and minions will be next along with fake electors on both state and federal charges, everybody will be looking for a deal with this bunch, so the road to congress could be wide open when he's done with plea deals for the many rats. Keep them out of power in 24 and it will be even worse for them with a second J6 committee and panel after the legal dust settles a bit in court. They will replay J6 again before 26, if the democrats win in 24, it will be necessary for a final report with recommendations to make new law and to put a complete picture of the events into the congressional record.