Well-Known Member
I have to give the judge credit for not taking the bait.
me too....and i think he already knew what kind of antics that the defense was gonna do prior....so in a way he was ready
I have to give the judge credit for not taking the bait.
His trial in DC begins on March 4th and he has to attend, he doesn't have to attend his civil trial in NY and never did for the first one over this matter. His disqualification trials in several states are or soon will be happening too and I expect we should hear something on that front soon.
When it comes to his DC trial, if this is his defense strategy, then Trump and his lawyers will end up in jail before the trial is over, appeal from your fucking cell! A lot depends on his disqualification trial IMO, if he is disqualified his treatment by judges will change, except for Canon I imagine. She is a side show now and when Donald does appear for trial over that case, he will be a federal convict in custody, perhaps disqualified and broke too.It's really not a good idea to attack the judge Kise.....sheesh
"Chris Kise accuses the judge of using "two sets of standards." Solomon counters that it's "night-and-day different" because the state used Ivanka Trump's communications with the GSA, not the agency's internal filings. "
"Engoron to Kise: "Your constant insinuations that I have different set of standards. It's just not true. [...] You can keep saying it if it makes you happy, that I'm favoring one side over the other. [...] I don't count them. I just make the rulings as I see them." "
Engoron to Trump's attorney, after hearing a read-back of what he just asked Ivanka Trump: "That's a ridiculous question."
Suarez snaps at the NYAG's lawyers, indignantly telling the judge in a speech that they're laughing at the state's table. "They're trying to destroy thousands of job in this state." The AG's counsel moves to strike the speech. Suarez: "They're striking. They're laughing."
yeah i would be laughing too.......
Seems little miss "i dunno" or "i can't recall" is slightly moving herself away from the Trumps circle, problem is imo she's was all in it...from the DC hotel to the Golf course......heck just for the sale of the DC hotel she made 4 mil......but this was the kicker....
"Financial statements provided by Mr. Trump were qualified by his accountants as not complying with GAAP."
When it comes to his DC trial, if this is his defense strategy, then Trump and his lawyers will end up in jail before the trial is over, appeal from your fucking cell! A lot depends on his disqualification trial IMO, if he is disqualified his treatment by judges will change, except for Canon I imagine. She is a side show now and when Donald does appear for trial over that case, he will be a federal convict in custody, perhaps disqualified and broke too.
Trouble for the GOP then and America too I should think, looks like it might be disqualification in the general election if the republicans nominate him. If political parties are private institutions how come the state runs their primary elections for them? A party nominee is not an office holder, as I observed before, so that is the argument as I see it. The general election is for political office however and that is where the without prejudice part comes into play. It looks like Donald might not be locked up and will continue making a mockery of equality under the law. He will also be fucking over the GOP on his way down in court and will be like a bull in the China shop during their primaries.
If Trump can appeal to the SCOTUS, so can the plaintiffs, but maybe the Colorado would be a better one to try at the SCOTUS, Trump will be on the primary ballot nationally or not at all. If he is disqualified before the general election, he will be in prison already convicted over J6 state and federally. If he is not disqualified from the primaries, he will likely win the GOP nomination and be Joe's dream come true. Disqualified before the general election by the SCOTUS with the republicans left high and dry on the eve of the election with Trump in prison and disqualified.
Donald hired her so he could repeat her name during difficult questions on the witness stand, habba, habba, habba... It won't look so bad on the court transcript when they appeal it.i only hire the best people....
Trump lawyer Alina Habba objects to her own documents in courtroom stumble
Donald Trump's lawyers spent Wednesday morning objecting to the Attorney General's Office asking to enter several documents into evidence -- but one of them was their own.As witness Ivanka Trump took the stand, prosecutors asked her several questions about conversations she had or emails she...www.rawstory.com
speaking of
Silicone sister.i only hire the best people....
Trump lawyer Alina Habba objects to her own documents in courtroom stumble
Donald Trump's lawyers spent Wednesday morning objecting to the Attorney General's Office asking to enter several documents into evidence -- but one of them was their own.As witness Ivanka Trump took the stand, prosecutors asked her several questions about conversations she had or emails she...www.rawstory.com
speaking of