This is the Orangeman's doctrine,a hybrid of his mentor Roy Cohn and his reality show in your [fascism], attack the attacker/admit to nothing/maintain lies w/a stamina that tires opponents,it's sickeningly obvious tactically but effective in exploiting a judicial system built on fairness w/a presumption of innocence.
That's well put,and I'm WAAAAY offended watching this MF'ers tactics,The balls of this prick to subject this country, that has provided his richly undeserved charmed life,to a mind bending assault on it's integrity, morally/judicially/civility/and internationally cannot be defined in Websters.If only this MF would have been satiated being the pompous jerk off NY real estate beat artist as his claim to fame and stayed in his FKN lane what a wonderful world it could have been.This. It is offensive to watch it work time and again. However I’m with Fogdog that his game is being overstressed (not unlike Ukraine’s defense, but with reverse moral polarity). He’s close (how close, ~shrug~) to reaching Critical Ass, at which point we should witness a satisfyingly energetic collapse — like a day’s worth of setting up dominoes, then watching them all fall in a brief ecstatic clatter.
It is an unfortunate feature of a republic that such a malefactor, with enough money (real or virtual) and just the right connections to the cryptofascist machine that he inherited from Cohn — gets to abuse the justice system the way he has been doing for over four decades.
The way he has suborned (or inherited and ran with the subornation of) an entire political party poses a threat to our republic unprecedented in our history — but not that of Europe. The danger is clear in the shadow of their examples, and in the revelation of how much Russian influence has corrupted our media — and not only Murdoch outlets.
The next few months are imo the time of crisis, with appellate courts at its hinge. This could break in several directions. It will be fascinating/nerve-wracking to watch. The possibility for disaster is not to be ignored, but I’m still confident that the rule of law will prevail. The GOP, if it survives, is in for a colossal enema. In my current opinion.
Read where? If you say stuff like that you might as leave a link.I read that there are no rules prohibiting the Saudi's or Putin or Musk from paying trumps fines....![]()
"He could borrow this money from just about anybody. Or not even borrow it. Someone might just give it to him. Incredibly, as Neal Katyal said on MSNBC Wednesday night, there is apparently no law that prohibits someone in Trump’s position from securing the collateral from anyone. It’s another one of those laws that I suppose no one ever even thought to write because the system has never encountered a Donald Trump before. But now it has.Read where? If you say stuff like that you might as leave a link.
Which is no problem. Because Trump gets bailed out and he does not lean his lesson. Carrol will sue him again but the jury knows that to change Trump's methods they would have to multiply the verdict by ten times to make it hurt. So rather than the half billion the new award would be five billion."He could borrow this money from just about anybody. Or not even borrow it. Someone might just give it to him. Incredibly, as Neal Katyal said on MSNBC Wednesday night, there is apparently no law that prohibits someone in Trump’s position from securing the collateral from anyone. It’s another one of those laws that I suppose no one ever even thought to write because the system has never encountered a Donald Trump before. But now it has.
“There are potential sanctions prohibitions and campaign finance prohibitions. And of course potential tax issues,” MSNBC analyst Andrew Weissmann told me via email Thursday. “But apart from those, a third party can give a gift or loan to post the federal or state bonds.”
Ponder with me the possible dangers here. Let’s imagine a roster of actors who might have the resources and motive to stake Trump to half a billion dollars, either as a loan or a gift.
Imagine a President Trump Who Owes Saudi Arabia $540 Million
Who’s going to pay Trump’s legal penalty?
I read that there are no rules prohibiting the Saudi's or Putin or Musk from paying trumps fines....![]()
what’s with the catfish headline?
Any of the Trump family going to give their money away? Not bloody likely.Or Jared, he got a big pay day from the Saudis
I saw the headline disappear and his program popped up that was 40 minutes long. No mention in other news about Trump confessing his guilt on this. I didn't listen to his show.what’s with the catfish headline?
You don't see how people could build up to a relationship?That's not how I see it. Trump's defense has always been a combination of tactics to delay proceedings, filing to throw out his cases by citing unimportant legal minutia and kicking dirt on those working diligently to enforce the rule of law in this country.
I didn't read the article. So, tell me, if you can, what does this have to do with Trump interfering in Georgia's election?
I would point to say a DA being anti-Capone prior to trying him might not have been looked at as being somehow biased would be similar. Trump is a crook, saying you were going to bring it against him and let 12 Americans decide his fate against the evidence in a court of law should not be somehow 'biased' and unworthy of trying his case, therefore it should be thrown out.yes to this ^
it just gives the defense enough to challenge the character of Ms. Willis.
the data indicates they were together late at night.
I don’t have a dog in the fight it’s just not a good look. My using the work “may have” is being very gentle considering the cell data.
ideally you’d want the prosecutors in this case, who both are pretty clearly on a personal level not fans of Trump, to not have been hooking up at any point in time.
You are the only honest reporter I've read on this.Looks like the orange numb nut has filed a notice of appeal
He can no doubt make up the difference from his Taboola royalties on that asocial media site of his. People are saying that they’re yuuge.You are the only honest reporter I've read on this.Everyone else says he has appealed, like it's a done deal.
His '"notice of appeal" means nothing unless he can provide the required security, and right now there is no reason to believe he has it. Even if he does, this will just make it easier to collect once he loses on appeal, since the legal consensus seems to be that the best he can hope for is a minor reduction in the total owed.
If he still has any big money backers hiding in the shadows, they may be forced to reveal themselves. I doubt there are enough shoe buying morons to cover 1/2 a billion dollars.