We haven't had time to think this over. My first reaction is to say, fine. Biden says he prefers to beat Trump in an election. Then he can be hung, drawn, quartered and his remains are sent to the four quarters of the realm. It's been fucking obvious the whole time what Trump has done and what he's doing to avoid punishment for his many crimes. We've seen some good judges who didn't let him get away with it and some bad. Too many judges on the SCOTUS fall in the bad category. That court needs an enema.
It was IMO always up to we the people to overcome the handful of dickheads trying like hell to keep the wealthy white heterosexual male only agenda alive and kicking.

its insane how this government system allows such loopholes to cement such obvious corruption in place, no person should ever be able to have that right to know they can’t be taken out of power exp if proven using their power and will for this position wrongly. exp those judges , really making us as a nation look so weak and easily compromised. Not like this is the first time, history shows that indeed
I think it is really just a couple hundred years of white men doing shit they feel was right that has allowed Trump and his hatemongering minions to data mine the stupidity that has built up and as they break laws they are using these contradictions to paint the narrative that we are weak.

That way they can pretend that because they took over the Republican Party and have a illusion of being popular on a national scale, that them losing every non-gerrymandered election since the Russians attacked our democracy in 2016. I still have not heard of any other nation on earth that had ousted their would be dictator who went kicking and screaming in the way we did in 2020.

The magic carpet ride continues,flipped narrative in GA,SCOTUS doing thei predictable thing,FKN ridiculous,but no surprise,we better take care of business at the ballot box.It's been vividly apparent that the CKsucker will pull any and all levers for his benefit (country be damned)and that any American voter w/a shred of objectivity should be so sickened by this unprecedented FKN circus to flush this overfilled toilet once and for all come Nov.:finger:>:(:finger:>:(
I wouldn't say flipped the narrative in GA, just hijacked it for a bit. It is pretty sad that the best they have is trying to pretend like two consenting adults getting it on is a reason to let him off the hook for trying to cheat his way into winning a election he lost.
It was IMO always up to we the people to overcome the handful of dickheads trying like hell to keep the wealthy white heterosexual male only agenda alive and kicking.

I think it is really just a couple hundred years of white men doing shit they feel was right that has allowed Trump and his hatemongering minions to data mine the stupidity that has built up and as they break laws they are using these contradictions to paint the narrative that we are weak.

That way they can pretend that because they took over the Republican Party and have a illusion of being popular on a national scale, that them losing every non-gerrymandered election since the Russians attacked our democracy in 2016. I still have not heard of any other nation on earth that had ousted their would be dictator who went kicking and screaming in the way we did in 2020.

I wouldn't say flipped the narrative in GA, just hijacked it for a bit. It is pretty sad that the best they have is trying to pretend like two consenting adults getting it on is a reason to let him off the hook for trying to cheat his way into winning a election he lost.
It seems to me that if she is removed from the case that GA. does not have a deep/talented bench of DA's,and the down time to bring a replacement up to speed benefits the MFr regardless,and at that what kind of BS will the Orangator's PI's sling at the wall over their background? We all knew beforehand that smoke would be tactically deployed in epic amounts to blind the route to justice in ALL these cases on the docket.
It seems to me that if she is removed from the case that GA. does not have a deep/talented bench of DA's,and the down time to bring a replacement up to speed benefits the MFr regardless,and at that what kind of BS will the Orangator's PI's sling at the wall over their background? We all knew beforehand that smoke would be tactically deployed in epic amounts to blind the route to justice in ALL these cases on the docket.
Really seems like a big 'if' that every other bit hinges on.

I think of it as just because there are two options (if she is removed or not) doesn't make it a 50/50 situation. Trump's goons have nothing but a couple disgruntled people claiming they were hooking up earlier than they said, that is it. And both those witnesses were thoroughly discredited when they were questioned to the point that it was pretty funny to watch.

2:07:00 on is classic look on her face when they get to the 'you resigned' part.

Really seems like a big 'if' that every other bit hinges on.

I think of it as just because there are two options (if she is removed or not) doesn't make it a 50/50 situation. Trump's goons have nothing but a couple disgruntled people claiming they were hooking up earlier than they said, that is it. And both those witnesses were thoroughly discredited when they were questioned to the point that it was pretty funny to watch.

2:07:00 on is classic look on her face when they get to the 'you resigned' part.

Hope so,after having her personal life dragged through the coals she's motivated to the nth degree,a colored lady who had to fight and scratch to achieve w/a take no shit mentality,she will be relentless interrogating witnesses for the defense.
Hope so,after having her personal life dragged through the coals she's motivated to the nth degree,a colored lady who had to fight and scratch to achieve w/a take no shit mentality,she will be relentless interrogating witnesses for the defense.
I recommend watching her dads testimony, it was pretty crazy to hear how upended her life was after taking office. All the hate mongering white supremecists forcing them to have to have bomb sniffing dogs and around the clock police watching her home.
I recommend watching her dads testimony, it was pretty crazy to hear how upended her life was after taking office. All the hate mongering white supremecists forcing them to have to have bomb sniffing dogs and around the clock police watching her home.
I heard bits and pieces,he gave sound counsel in stressing her independence financially,never relying on men.
tRump is now the first president to ever get indicted. The charges are still under seal, but its assumed that the charges are going to go way beyond just the Stormy Daniels debacle. But its speculated these are Felony Charges.

And dont forget tRump pled the 5th 450 times which are all 450 are potential crimes. Hes in really deep shit. Charges wont be unsealed until Arraignment.
What a crock of propaganda!
FIRST AMENDEMENT is.....Ahhh forget it. Just click report right now for being offensive and for having your own opinion but not for misinformation and opinions of the agenda thats needs to be pushed its fine. So keep being part of the problem and feed into it. Whoever wants to push or pull in whatever direction to suit there little plans they will carry on.They are all guilty in fact you are,i am. You see we are all hypocrites because they want us to pick a side and 99.9 percent do.Unless you do something about it as in a life choice you are always going to be the problem and not the even close to bing part of the solution.We are all allowing schools to raise our children and push agendas because we have to work as slaves with two days a week going to the man(tax). Go off grid grow your own. Get in the sun. Feed your family directly from your fields.Electric is free we have solar its now advanced a long way with the lifepo4 batteries. Wells can be drilled we have water in the ground. We do not need chemicals in our grows. I personally have a worm farm and its fantastic. Boycott the system the shops. Devalue money trade with your neighbour do what you can little by little it take us closer towards utopia or at least 1 percent would be nice. Get electric vehicles charge off the sun. if you don't need them walk cycle run. You can only control you and show your loves ones! Start there before we care what others think. Sorry for the rant its just sad seeing this when I'm finally living what i speak and i know there are more people out there who want too. Let me tell you just do it go for it cut out the noise. Simplify life. Warning it will not be easy at first. In order to be rich a man you need to eliminate the need to have money. Hard work easy life no work hard life. I'm out
"I haven't been doing this for the good of my health."

Haley: Trump Cases Must Be 'Dealt With' By November
Former President Donald Trump's legal cases should be "dealt with" before the November election, because if he wins, none will be heard, said Nikki Haley, his top competitor for the Republican nomination.

"We need to know what's going to happen before the presidency happens," Haley told NBC News' "Meet the Press" in Falls Church, Virginia, before Super Tuesday elections next week.

Her comments came a day after the Supreme Court agreed to decide if Trump can claim presidential immunity while defending himself against criminal charges. As it will take months for the court to reach an agreement, the timeline for Trump's trial on election interference charges will likely be pushed back until close to the November general election.

Haley, a former South Carolina governor who served as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under Trump, said a "president has to live according to the laws" and that the nation's leader should not get "complete immunity" and be able to get "free rein to do whatever they want to do."

Haley also reacted to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's announcement that he is stepping down from his party's leadership post while swiping at the ages of Trump, 77, and President Joe Biden, 81.

"I really commend him for realizing that we need a new generational leader," Haley said of McConnell. "I wish that our presidential candidates would do the same thing."

Haley further criticized Trump and Biden for the issues at the southern border, calling their dual visits in Texas on Thursday "comical" and saying that they both are responsible for the situation.

Haley has not yet won a state primary or caucus race but said she's excited about Super Tuesday.

She did not directly answer a question about whether she believes she can win in one of the states but said she wants to remind voters that they have a choice in the primary.

"In a general election, you're given a choice, but in a primary, you make your choice," she said. "This is a chance for them to make their choice."

Haley told NBC that she is looking for a "good, competitive showing" in the Super Tuesday races.

"You keep going to make sure people have a choice," she said. "That's what this is all about."
What a crock of propaganda!
PROPAGANDA????That's what HE and the R party live/sleep/eat/shit/breath to "PROPAGATE" the whole facade that he is actually a you know a "capable" candidate w/real doable policies and a understanding of the rule of law and our you know "CONSTITUTION".WE ARE ALL STILL MORE THAN SATISFIED W/ALL THE "WINNING" HE DELIVERED 2016-2020 TO LAST A LIFETIME. Just like "Covid will just vanish one day",SO WILL HE.