not the same thing unless it can be proven that he showed the classified stuff off.

Even so, I’m surprised that he was cleared to leave the country. Maybe because SS leashmen we’re always at hand.
Nothing has been proven with the kid either, he is yet to go to trial or plead and he is not looking at 2 counts of obstruction of justice either. If the SS are his jail guards, then put the fucker in a cage.
Grabbing someone's phones and hurling it aside is assault for mere mortals, but since it's Donald, he's special, I guess. People have been discussing revenge and retribution, because there has been no justice, so far. This is an example of Trump being above the, law he should have been arrested for criminal assault.

In Ukraine there will be no justice for the war criminals either, so it is perfectly acceptable to hunt them down and inflict retribution upon them. In war retribution is the only justice and deterrent. It's why Hitler didn't use chemical weapons in WW2, the brits made it very clear what would be falling on German cities if they did. Likewise, Vlad is reluctant to use nukes or chemicals because of retribution, not because he has a conscience.

""Don't ask me any more questions!" Trump lashed out. "I don't want to talk to you," Trump said when questioned again.

“Do you hear me? You’re not a nice guy." The journalist refused to abandon the line of questioning and Trump finally lost it, grabbed the man's two phones, and hurled them aside.

“Alright, let’s go, get him out of here. Outta here. Outta here,” Trump said to his aides, at which point they told the reporter that he was "done." "
looks like someone is gonna be pulling out the ck book out........

"I was too busy to trap a woman in a corner."

2nd woman testifies Trump sexually assaulted her
“All of a sudden, Trump decided to kiss me and grope me,” Jessica Leeds testified, adding, “It was out of the blue.”
Leeds, 81, told the jury in the civil trial, being held at the Daniel Patrick Moynihan U.S. Courthouse in lower Manhattan, that she was 37 years old when Trump assaulted her. She recounted boarding the plane and taking her seat at the back of the coach when a flight attendant approached her and asked if she wanted to move up to first class.

“Yes, of course,” she recalled saying, eliciting some laughter from the courtroom.

In response to questions from plaintiff's attorney Michael Ferrara, Leeds described the layout of the first-class cabin, where she said there were two rows of seats, with two seats each on either side of the aisle. She said she was brought to an aisle seat in the first row. When she sat down, the man seated in the window seat introduced himself as Donald Trump.

“We shook hands,” she told the jury, noting that she didn’t see any other women sitting in first class.

Asked whether she knew who Trump was at the time, Leeds said she was living and working in Connecticut and was not aware of the social or real estate scene in New York.

She said she and Trump made light conversation, and that after a meal had been served and cleared away, their encounter took an unwelcome turn.

“All of a sudden, Trump decided to kiss me and grope me,” Leeds testified, adding, “It was out of the blue.”

She described Trump kissing her and grabbing her breasts, “like he had 40 zillion hands,” during what she described as “a tussle between the two of us.”

Leeds said she remembered thinking, “Where is the stewardess?” before realizing, “No one is going to help me.”

Trump continued his assault, Leeds testified, putting his hand up her skirt before she managed to wrestle free and walk back to her original seat in coach.

Asked whether she screamed or called to a flight attendant or anyone else during the encounter, Leeds said, “It never occurred to me to yell out.”

While the encounter “felt like forever,” all told it probably lasted “just a few seconds,” she told the jury.

Leeds testified that she didn’t report the incident to anyone on the plane, nor did she tell anyone about it when she went to work the following day.

“I didn’t tell anybody at work because I didn’t think they’d be interested in my experience,” she said, explaining that during that time, in the workplace “men could get away with a lot.”

t was only when it became clear that Trump was planning to run for president in 2016 that, Leeds said, she decided to share her story.

“I thought he was not the kind of person we’d want as president,” she said.

Watching a 2016 debate moderated by Anderson Cooper during which Trump denied groping women incensed her, she testified. (Trump had previously, as on the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape, boasted about groping women.)

“I was furious,” she said, “because I knew he was lying.” Trump has denied her allegations.

After moving to New York City in 1981, Leeds said she had another encounter with Trump at a gala for the Humane Society held at Saks Fifth Avenue department store. Tasked with giving out tickets to patrons, Leeds approached a table occupied by Trump and his then-wife Ivana.

“I remember you,” Leeds testified Trump told her, “You’re that c*nt from the airplane.”

Trump has denied the allegations made by Leeds, who was the second witness called to testify by Carroll’s attorneys on Tuesday. The first was Lisa Birnbach, a writer and friend of Carroll’s who was the first person Carroll says she called following the alleged attack at Bergdorf Goodman department store....
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They have pretty compelling online evidence. No comparison.
Yer right, there is no comparison, one was a kid in the national guard and the other was the president at the apex of the government who was given multiple opportunities to comply with the law he intentionally broke. There might be evidence that Trump spread classified information around too, but he has not been in court over it yet, but word among the legal pundits is he will be indicted for the docs within 2 weeks.

Donald could be facing the most time for mail and wire fraud involving 250 million dollars, which if convicted means a very long stretch in prison. Right now, he is looking at classified documents, obstruction of justice, J6 conspiracy, plus mail and wire fraud, just for federal indictments.

Then there are the current 34 NY criminal indictments, plus other pending NY criminal indictments for tax fraud. Then there is the Georgia election conspiracy case pending and that carries serious time too.

Should such a person be globetrotting?
Yer right, there is no comparison, one was a kid in the national guard and the other was the president at the apex of the government who was given multiple opportunities to comply with the law he intentionally broke. There might be evidence that Trump spread classified information around too, but he has not been in court over it yet, but word among the legal pundits is he will be indicted for the docs within 2 weeks.

Donald could be facing the most time for mail and wire fraud involving 250 million dollars, which if convicted means a very long stretch in prison. Right now, he is looking at classified documents, obstruction of justice, J6 conspiracy, plus mail and wire fraud, just for federal indictments.

Then there are the current 34 NY criminal indictments, plus other pending NY criminal indictments for tax fraud. Then there is the Georgia election conspiracy case pending and that carries serious time too.

Should such a person be globetrotting?
See, i think the thing is, that we're kind of hoping he'll flee to russia or china or north korea...We'd be rid of him, it would be as good as a written admission of guilt, and would make the republican party look like the fucking fools that they are, as they are gathered up for trial.
Not to mention what it would do to his scotus pricks....
Entertaining the idea that upon being indicted, he jumps in his plane and tries to flee, can we scramble some F-22s to convince him to turn around under threat of rapid unscheduled disassembly?

Defendant Trump: DOJ vet likens Trump criminal case to ‘mob trial’

5,203 views May 2, 2023 #msnbc #trump #doj
Donald Trump faces a new criminal hearing over evidence in the NY case. District Attorney Alvin Bragg requesting to restrict Trump’s access to some case material. Former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, David Kelley, joins MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber on “The Beat” saying “when we used to do a lot of mob trials we’d get protective orders to preclude them from using evidence or publicizing certain evidence so that again witnesses and jurors are not intimidated so there can be a fair trial.”

NEW REPORT: Trump ATTACKED Reporter on Plane before Rally

384,437 views May 2, 2023
A new report from Vanity Fair discusses how Donald Trump verbally assaulted a reporter and physically grabbed the phone from a reporter and threw it before a rally in Texas. MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports.
awwww what happen, that motion to dismissed get denied and you have nothing left.......

His lawyers are going to claim:

Didn't get a fair trial and ask for the suit to be dismissed
Appeal on the grounds that he is still president and cannot be sued.
Jurors were unfairly influenced by evidence that shouldn't have been allowed
Women were ugly and no way he'd touch them.
etc., etc., etc.

Also shop for a judge that is likely to rule in Trump's favor.

The Grifter order to pay the NYT's Lawyers fees for his crimes!
Link not working.

Judge Tosses Trump’s Lawsuit Against NY Times, Orders Him to Pay All Legal Fees
A New York judge has tossed out Donald Trump’s lawsuit against The New York Times, and ordered the former president to pay all attorneys fees, legal expenses, and associated costs.

Trump filed the lawsuit in 2021, alleging that the newspaper, three of its reporters and his niece Mary Trump engaged in an “insidious plot” to obtain his private records for a Pulitzer-winning story about his tax issues.

While the court tossed out Trump’s claims against the newspaper and its reporters, the claims against the ex-president’s niece have yet to be ruled upon.

The New York Times is pleased with the judge’s decision today,” a paper spokesperson wrote in a statement to The Daily Beast. “It is an important precedent reaffirming that the press is protected when it engages in routine newsgathering to obtain information of vital importance to the public.”

The twice-impeached former president’s claims against the defendants “fail as a matter of constitutional law,” New York Supreme Court Justice Robert R. Reed wrote in his ruling filed on Wednesday afternoon, deeming the paper’s newsgathering as being at “the very core of protected First Amendment activity.”

Reed further ruled that Trump failed to demonstrate any tortious interference when Times journalist Susanne Craig provided his niece with a burner phone to communicate about the records. Furthermore, the judge said the ex-president failed to prove unjust enrichment or negligent supervision on the parts of the Times or reporters Craig, David Barstow, and Russell Buettner

In the original lawsuit Trump alleged that the Times colluded with his niece to “smuggle records out of her attorney’s office and turn them over ” to the paper despite a confidentiality agreement she signed in 2001 during a family dispute. He further claimed that Craig, Barstow, and Buettner were “motivated, at least in part, by their actual malice” in reporting on the details within tax returns he’d refused to disclose.

After her uncle initially filed his lawsuit in September 2021, Mary Trump told The Daily Beast: “I think he is a fucking loser, and he is going to throw anything against the wall he can. It’s desperation. The walls are closing in and he is throwing anything against the wall that will stick. As is always the case with Donald, he’ll try and change the subject.”
Link not working.

Judge Tosses Trump’s Lawsuit Against NY Times, Orders Him to Pay All Legal Fees
A New York judge has tossed out Donald Trump’s lawsuit against The New York Times, and ordered the former president to pay all attorneys fees, legal expenses, and associated costs.

Trump filed the lawsuit in 2021, alleging that the newspaper, three of its reporters and his niece Mary Trump engaged in an “insidious plot” to obtain his private records for a Pulitzer-winning story about his tax issues.

While the court tossed out Trump’s claims against the newspaper and its reporters, the claims against the ex-president’s niece have yet to be ruled upon.

The New York Times is pleased with the judge’s decision today,” a paper spokesperson wrote in a statement to The Daily Beast. “It is an important precedent reaffirming that the press is protected when it engages in routine newsgathering to obtain information of vital importance to the public.”

The twice-impeached former president’s claims against the defendants “fail as a matter of constitutional law,” New York Supreme Court Justice Robert R. Reed wrote in his ruling filed on Wednesday afternoon, deeming the paper’s newsgathering as being at “the very core of protected First Amendment activity.”

Reed further ruled that Trump failed to demonstrate any tortious interference when Times journalist Susanne Craig provided his niece with a burner phone to communicate about the records. Furthermore, the judge said the ex-president failed to prove unjust enrichment or negligent supervision on the parts of the Times or reporters Craig, David Barstow, and Russell Buettner

In the original lawsuit Trump alleged that the Times colluded with his niece to “smuggle records out of her attorney’s office and turn them over ” to the paper despite a confidentiality agreement she signed in 2001 during a family dispute. He further claimed that Craig, Barstow, and Buettner were “motivated, at least in part, by their actual malice” in reporting on the details within tax returns he’d refused to disclose.

After her uncle initially filed his lawsuit in September 2021, Mary Trump told The Daily Beast: “I think he is a fucking loser, and he is going to throw anything against the wall he can. It’s desperation. The walls are closing in and he is throwing anything against the wall that will stick. As is always the case with Donald, he’ll try and change the subject.”
Will he be prevented from filing another lawsuit until he pays this order? If not, it is meaningless, just another unpaid debt for dead beat Donald, he has thousands of those.
The American People have been conditioned to assume that someone who is wealthy has immunity from common social niceties.
They're too important, and too busy, to have time to play by the rules, or even show other human beings common courtesy.
They're the source of all wealth, apparently, and if we annoy them, they'll cut off the few little spatters they allow to trickle down upon the unwashed masses.
I think it's about time to redistribute some of that wealth, and we should start with republican super donors...wonder how many social assistance programs crow's money could fund for a year?
But now you be messing with Clarence's money. What's wit ju? Don't touch da bruddah.