His lawyers are going to claim:
Didn't get a fair trial and ask for the suit to be dismissed
Appeal on the grounds that he is still president and cannot be sued.
Jurors were unfairly influenced by evidence that shouldn't have been allowed
Women were ugly and no way he'd touch them.
etc., etc., etc.
Also shop for a judge that is likely to rule in Trump's favor.
Winning it is one thing, collecting it is another and Trump will be dead or broke before she sees a dime, but this suit wasn't about money.Trump and Tacopenis have already made sure he is going to pay bigly. Empty chair defense with a bulldog picking on an almost 80 year old woman.
Yeah, jurors are going to be po'd that Trump wasted time they will never get back. He's gonna pay.
A savvy judge might issue a short deadline for full payment, with the threat of jail for criminal contempt should he not comply.Winning it is one thing, collecting it is another and Trump will be dead or broke before she sees a dime, but this suit wasn't about money.
Let's hope, but she was not in it for the money anyway.A savvy judge might issue a short deadline for full payment, with the threat of jail for criminal contempt should he not comply.
Perhaps, but as Murdoch demonstrated, money is accountability. To a materialist like that man, it’s a negative trophy, tangible loserness.Let's hope, but she was not in it for the money anyway.
We should be so lucky if he really ran away. Not gonna happen.If Donald wanted to go east, instead of west when he left Scotland, who would stop him? The SS are LEOs, but they are not authorized to act as such outside of America. Donald could tell the pilot to head for Moscow and take his SS detail with him, they would have no legal authority over him or ability to arrest him outside America. So, what is this clown doing out of the country with 34 criminal indictments? If jack announced indictments for the documents and obstruction right now, would Donald come back? It is taking years to get Julian Assange back to the states from the UK and Donald could be on his way to Dubai or Moscow by then. Maybe when Jack busts him he will simply plan another trip to his new golf course in the middle east, being criminally indicted is apparently not an issue at all.
extremely hostile means incorruptClips from Trump’s deposition shown at E. Jean Carroll trial
Jurors at the trial hearing E. Jean Carroll’s case against former President Trump were shown footage from the former president’s deposition last year, where he defended comments he made in a 2005 “Access Hollywood” tape.
During the deposition, Trump was showed the 2005 “Access Hollywood” tape that included comments he made about grabbing women sexually without asking for their permission, NBC News reported.
The tape previously served as the catalyst for controversy over the former president’s comments in October 2016, when the footage was originally unveiled to the American public a month before the presidential election.
“I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything,” he said in the “Access Hollywood” tape, later adding, “Grab ’em by the p—-“
When asked about the remarks, he replied, “Well, historically, that’s true with stars.”
NBC reported that when he was pressed further on whether it was true that stars could grab women sexually, he said, “Well, that’s what — if you look over the last million years, I guess that’s been largely true. Not always, but largely true. Unfortunately or fortunately.”
When Carroll’s lawyer asked if Trump considered himself a “star,” he said, “I think you can say that, yeah.”
Trump, who has said that he could not have raped Carroll because she is “not his type,” also mistook a photo of Carroll for his second-wife, Marla Maples, during the deposition. Reuters reported that Trump was shown a black-and-white photo of the former president talking to people at an event, to which he said, “It’s Marla.”
He was then corrected by his lawyer when he was asked if he was saying that photo showed Maples. Alina Habba, Trump’s lawyer said, “No, that’s Carroll,” according to Reuters.
In 2019, Carroll came forward to accuse Trump of raping her in a department store dressing room in the 1990s. She is now suing the former president for sexual battery over the alleged assault and for defamation over a 2022 post on Truth Social where he denied the allegations and criticized Carroll’s appearance.
The trial in Carroll’s case started last week, when she opened her testimony with, “I’m here because Donald Trump raped me, and when I wrote about it, he said it didn’t happen.” In the video deposition showed to the jury this week, Trump also called the allegations “the most ridiculous, disgusting story” and “made up.”
Trump said on Thursday that he will “probably attend” the trial to “confront this,” even though lawyers said on Tuesday he will not testify at trial. His legal team also announced Wednesday that they are not planning to call any witnesses.
“I have to go back for a woman that made a false accusation about me, and I have a judge who is extremely hostile,” Trump said Thursday. “And I’m going to go back, and I’m going to confront this. This woman is a disgrace, and it shouldn’t be allowed to happen in our country.”
Clips from Trump’s deposition shown at E. Jean Carroll trial
Jurors at the trial hearing E. Jean Carroll’s case against former President Trump were shown footage from the former president’s 2022 deposition, where he defended infamous comments he …thehill.com
"You are to bow in front of your king."extremely hostile means incorrupt
"You are to bow in front of your king."
Jury in rape trial hears from Trump — but not in person
In a videotaped deposition played in court, the former president grew belligerent under questioning from E. Jean Carroll’s lawyer.
Donald Trump has not attended the civil trial in which E. Jean Carroll is accusing him of rape, but jurors watched the former president defend himself Thursday.
In a videotaped deposition played in Manhattan federal court, he justified statements he made in the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape, lobbed personal attacks at a lawyer questioning him and described rape as “the worst thing you can do, the worst charge.”
The video showed the former president growing agitated, at times crossing his arms over his chest, under questioning by Roberta Kaplan, a lawyer for Carroll, who says Trump raped her in a dressing room at the luxury department store Bergdorf Goodman in the mid-1990s. Carroll is suing Trump for battery and defamation. He has denied the alleged attack, saying it “never happened.”
Carroll’s lawyers played excerpts from the deposition on what was likely the final day of testimony in the trial. Both sides rested their cases on Thursday afternoon, though the judge kept open the potential for Trump to seek last-minute permission to re-open his case and testify in person in his own defense.
In the deposition, conducted at Mar-a-Lago in October, Kaplan asked Trump about the “Access Hollywood” tape, a recording from 2005 in which Trump can be heard saying, “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything,” adding: “Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”
“Well, historically that’s true with stars,” Trump replied after watching a clip of his comments.
When Kaplan pressed him on whether he stood by the statement that a star could “grab them by the pussy,” the former president said: “Well, I guess if you look over the last million years, that’s been largely true — not always true, but largely true, unfortunately or fortunately.”
“And you consider yourself to be a star?” she asked.
“I think so, yeah,” Trump said.
During the deposition, Kaplan questioned him about several other women who have accused him of sexual assault, women Trump has characterized as not being his “type.
Growing belligerent, Trump told Kaplan herself that “you wouldn’t be a choice of mine, either, to be honest.” He added: “I wouldn’t in any circumstances have any interest in you.”
Trump has defended himself by saying Carroll, too, isn’t his “type,” but earlier in the deposition, after he was shown a photograph of himself engaging with Carroll at a party, he confused the image of her with that of one of his ex-wives, Marla Maples.
“It’s Marla,” he said, looking at the photo. “That’s Marla, yeah. That’s my wife.”
“I take it the three women you’ve married are all your type?” Kaplan asked him later. “Yeah,” he replied.
Calling Carroll “mentally sick” and a “nut job,” Trump suggested, as he had previously, that he didn’t know her.
“She’s accusing me of rape, a woman who I have no idea who she is,” he said. “She’s accusing me of rape — the worst thing you can do, the worst charge.”
Starting on Wednesday afternoon and continuing Thursday, the jury watched about 45 minutes of excerpts of the deposition. On Thursday, jurors also heard from witnesses including Carol Martin, a longtime friend of Carroll’s. Martin testified that Carroll told her about the alleged rape at Bergdorf’s a day or two after it happened.
“I’m here … to reiterate and remember what my friend E. Jean Carroll told me … about 27 years ago,” Martin said on the witness stand.
She added: “I believed it then and I believe it today.” After an objection from Trump’s lawyer, the judge — without elaboration — instructed the jury to disregard her last comment.
Jury in rape trial hears from Trump — but not in person
In a videotaped deposition played in court, the former president grew belligerent under questioning from E. Jean Carroll’s lawyer.www.politico.com
Unfortunately or fortunatelythe full text of what Trump said was even more damning:
From an article on the same subject from Huffpo:
Former President Donald Trump defended his “grab ’em by the pussy” comments in a recorded deposition shown to jurors during a rape trial on Thursday.
Though Trump hasn’t appeared in person in the civil case filed by writer E. Jean Carroll, lawyers played a video from a deposition last October in which the former president derided the lawyer asking him questions and stood by the infamous comments he made in a 2005 “Access Hollywood” tape, in which he can be heard saying: “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything... Grab ’em by the pussy.”
“Historically, that’s true with stars,” Trump said in the deposition about the taped remarks, adding, “If you look over the last million years, I guess that’s been largely true. Not always, but largely true. Unfortunately or fortunately.”
“And you consider yourself to be a star,” Carroll’s attorney, Roberta Kaplan, asked.
“I think so, yeah,” Trump replied.
This CURRENT election season will be the longest one ever. Don't know about the rest of you, but I'm already exhausted by it.It's amazing to see how happy people are about trying to incriminate a former and current presidential candidate. It's all open season now man this is going to be a entertaining election season.
it’s a civil trial; no conviction per se.So tRump has been given until Sunday midnight to change his mind about not testifying. A favour never given before by any judge to anyone CNN says tonight. Wants to be sure his orangeness can't cry that he wasn't given a chance to tell his story.
So when the conviction comes down does that mean the giant Cheetos puff is a convicted rapist or is this just defamation?
Surely a lot of Republicans that aren't die-hard MAGArats will not vote for the orange speed bump in the primaries at least. A lot of female repubs at least will turn away and maybe they'll force their husbands to do the same.
I wonder who Biden will face in '24 'cause I'd bet money it won't be that lying sack of shit.