Well-Known Member
Forgot about the last free court provided meal...or eating deep dish pizza.....after they were don't...boom boom boom......verdict in
Forgot about the last free court provided meal...or eating deep dish pizza.....after they were don't...boom boom boom......verdict in
Seven men, two women. Can't even blame it on a jury full of women.
the d-bags are the R's who bitched and moaned for border legislation,got it,and then gave up support to placate Trump,it was a good deal for them and also aided Ukraine who are getting increasingly desperate,and they are throwing it away .Unless you are a R house member participating in this hypocrisy the D-bag comment has nothing to do w/you.I don't hurl insults at fellow posters even if we're of opposite opinions,I've been here a couple yrs. and take care not to offend.So now I’m a d - bag now,, great mod
Because he hasn’t yet stood trial for the big one.Why aren't the headlines reading, "TRUMP HELD ACCOUNTABLE!"?
never happenedView attachment 5364650
Nah, drinking the Kool-aid is arguing over Trump or Biden. The neck sniffer and the pussy grabber. That’s a misogyny doomsday cult right there.
I’ll bet you all my juke box money Jill would beat Trump and become first woman President.
Elections are about choices. After his many mistakes regarding who he is running against in the primary, don't even try to say that he's some sort of mental genius. If you are willing to overlook the fact that Trump is a raping, tax cheat billionaire, financial fraudster, who plotted and attempted a coup after the majority voted him out of office and THEN stole top secret documents for maybe political favors from other countries but most certainly for yucks as well as some form of blackmail to the government. If you are willing to overlook his threats to ignore his role as President of the United States if he gets elected and focus on retribution for us voting him out of office and THEN assassinate or incarcerate his political enemies while tearing our military and government apart.Ok ok. I’m not a hard core trump guy by no means. I would have voted for Vivek. I like his ideas. But let’s get real. I’m the working class all the politicians talk bout but never do anything to help. Family’s that actually struggle. My family doesn’t get government cheese, we make just over the limit so again, no help. Then when my kids get ready for college, can’t qualify for those nice government loans because there mom and I are still married so we make too much together. ( which ain’t shit). Pay property tax, sales tax, gas tax, they tax my pay check, I win a race at the track, pay tax. So yea, I pay my tax proudly. I don’t want to see my money wasted going to the endless wars. I rather it help the mentally I’ll in this country like you stated earlier bout the crime rates. Normally people don’t want to crime.
If offering opinions that are free of facts is your bag then let me offer mine.Best case is for Jill Biden to run against Trump.
The world is already bored with the Johnny rotten vs Elton John show.
No one wants to see ‘god save the queen, man’ vs ‘Rocket man’. It’s too dumb.
Vote for Jill.
She likes a love shack baybee!
Recall that he used the courts as a weapon during his term in office? He would declare a presidential order and it would be enforced while lawyers went to court and got orders to stop it. Then he would appeal and the whole thing went to wash, rinse, repeat. He did it at the border, he did it in the airports, he did it regarding the environment, oil drilling, and with illegal use of homeland security officers in Portland Oregon.Could Biden do an Executive Order stopping the amount of migrants in? If he reinstates a stay in Mexico the Republicans have nothing to beat him over the head with.